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Yellow Sapphire Astrology

Most people don't know that yellow sapphire has great significance in our life. This is a precious gemstone that not only attracts gem lovers for its robust and elegant look but also offers many lucrative astrological benefits. We know that, for many centuries, gemstones have captured the attention and admiration of humans. If you wear the right gemstone, you can witness an uncountable happiness and luxury that you want to gain for your lifetime. Like yellow sapphire, every gemstone called exquisite stone that is found in the earth's crust carry celestial powers and strong healing abilities. That;s what makes them desirable and immensely valuable.

The trio of sapphire, ruby and emerald holds a higher value than the timeless diamonds in some respects.

Yellow sapphire or pukhraj stone has been considered one of the most precious gems on the planet. It carries an abundance of metaphysical properties to fill your life with wealth, happiness, and well being. The stone represents Jupiter that holds a commanding position in the planetary sphere.

Yellow Sapphire be responsible for changing your life

Gemstones have inherent capabilities to change your life utmost also by influencing human existence. When you face a challenging or struggling phase, it may be due to malefic influence positions in your birth charts. Jupiter is one of the most important and influential planets that cause many afflictions if it is placed in the wrong position. It has the capability to damage your social standing and financial status. But wearing pukhraj or yellow sapphire can change your entire life and offer you the opportunity to witness luxury and good fortune. The stone has strong and positive energies that eliminate negatively from your aura. Both western and vedic astrology place a lot of significance in its metaphysical powers.

Advantages of Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphire is a four leaf clover gemstone for some people.

  • If Pukhraj kept in home or in a cash box, it brings more wealth. It also plays a vital role in the attainment of a peaceful mind, which further leads to better decision making prowess and resolute behavior at work.
  • Yellow Sapphire reduces mental stress. It has a positive impact on human mind. The chances of recovery from any emotional outbreak are more significant.
  • It has a great impact on the development of mind, body and health. It electrifies people, to make them worthy of achieving their goals. The dedication of an individual increases.
  • Custody of Yellow Sapphire brings prosperity in a relationship. It makes sure that there is no communication gap between the partners. The focus lies in the growth of a couple/group.
  • Those who own Yellow Sapphire enjoy more wealth because it is an ally of legendary Hindu God, Ganesh, who is the harbinger of good fortune.

The Pukhraj or Yellow sapphire gemstone protects its owner from sudden dangers and accidental death during traveling. It also spread love and warmth around and enhances friendship and harmony.

Yellow Sapphire Astrology

Disadvantages of Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphire, although is very auspicious, but for some it can have negative implications as well.

  • For those who don't have a strong Jupiter, Yellow Sapphire can bring deprivation in your life . You will encounter differences with your partner. Also, your social life will get affected.
  • In case of a broken Yellow Sapphire there are chances of theft. A milky stone is injurious to health. If a Yellow Sapphire gets faded, it causes health problems.
  • If white spots are found in the Yellow Sapphire, it may reduce the time span of the wearer's life.
  • Possession of a feeble Yellow Sapphire may cause injury.
  • A Yellow Sapphire shouldn't change its colour. If in case it does, it will cause hardships to the wearer.

What ratti/carat Yellow Sapphire is suitable for you?

Pukhraj inherits the various benefits being provided by the planet, Jupiter. It is the largest planet in the solar system. It is a propitious planet and yields health benefits, brings more wealth in the family and plays a vital role in the destiny of its wearer.

The weight of the Yellow Sapphire should not be less than 3.25 carats. Its effect grows with weight. We recommend to have a consultation with a professional astrologer before purchasing a Yellow Sapphire. If you wish to buy lab certified Yellow Sapphire, you can place your order here:

Astrological Analysis: Significance of the Gemstone

Yellow Sapphire is one of the most demanded stone in the market because of its benefits. Available in shades ranging from light yellow to a deep orangey-yellow, it is worn to get benefic results from planet Jupiter. The hindi name for Yellow Sapphire is Pukhraj. According to Vedic Astrology it means "important".

Jupiter plays a crucial role in a person's life. If Jupiter is well-placed in your horoscope, it will provide you great benefits. However, if it is present in a malefic situation, it will be unfortunate. To receive the maximum benefits for the people with weak Jupiter, it is recommended to wear Yellow Sapphire.

Yellow Sapphire has different impact on various zodiac signs which you can check here

  • ARIES: The ruler of Aries is Mars, which is an ally of Jupiter. Yellow Sapphire therefore provides a lot of benefits to Aries. It increases the goodwill of a person.
  • TAURUS: Venus; the lord of Taurus and Jupiter shares moderate relationship. Its impact may differ.
  • GEMINI: In the major and sub major period of Jupiter, it is recommended to wear Yellow Sapphire. It will yield benefits.
  • CANCER: Jupiter shares a pleasant bond with Moon, who is the lord of Cancer. The inhabitants of this sign must wear Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral or Pearl. It will yield them positive results.
  • LEO: Sun being the lord of Leo, shares a good relationship with Jupiter. That being said, Yellow Sapphire provides great welfare to Leo.
  • VIRGO: Lord of Virgo is Mercury and it shares a delightful bond with Jupiter. Those who face issues in academics and those who are disturbed because of property loss, should wear Yellow Sapphire.
  • LIBRA: Those who fall under this zodiac sign are advised not to wear Yellow Sapphire, as in the Libra ascendant, Jupiter is lord of 3rd and 6th house.
  • SCORPIO: Possession of Yellow Sapphire is extremely good for the scorpions because Jupiter is the lord of 2nd and 5th house of Scorpio ascendant. It will be even better if you wear it with Red Coral.
  • SAGITTARIUS: Possession of Yellow Sapphire is extremely good for the scorpions because Jupiter is the lord of 2nd and 5th house of Scorpio ascendant. It will be even better if you wear it with Red Coral.
  • CAPRICORN: The people of this ascendant should not wear Yellow Sapphire because the lord of Capricorn is Saturn and it shares a bitter relationship with Jupiter.
  • AQUARIUS: Just like Capricorn, Saturn is the lord of Aquarius too. So it is recommended to avoid wearing Yellow Sapphire.
  • PISCES: It will be a pleasing experience for those who are falling under this sign, if they will wear Yellow Sapphire. As Jupiter rules over 10th house as well, which makes it an amazing combination altogether.

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