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Earth Hands Astrology

Earth hands have a square palm and short fingers. The hand is firm, solid, heavy and normally has fewer lines. Earth people are the most enduring types with strong instincts and physical drives. They care about the practical, the material and the physical. They're down to earth and typically very stable, secure and like routine. They love anything that brings them stability, and working, as a hobbie or job, in a down to earth way is always advised. They are in they're element when they are being strong and providing. They are like the mountain, the rock, the mother hen and they feel good when they are in this supporting role.

Earth types have good physical strength and are rugged and tough; manual skills must be developed for there own fulfilment. People with earth hands are natural craftsmen and women. Reliable, grounded and honest people, they hate to be rushed and dislike a hectic lifestyle. They must have a sense of rhythm and structure to their life. The short fingers means quick thought processes, they don't like wasting time and they are very blunt and black and white in there responses. The broad palm adds dominates to the person, and they like to be a presents in an environment, and will not be as effected by their surroundings as a water or fire type.

They always like to work where things are real and physical. Money making and practicality is the priority and they are very results based. Earth types like to do a good, solid job. They can take a lot on and be pushed without giving way. They always enjoy doing a lot of physical work of some sort. They are stubborn, loyal, private, productive and conservative people who hate wasting time, money or energy (and seldom come for a hand reading as this falls into that category!).

They are motivated by anything that brings security and stability - often this is money. They are not always the most academic types, as they would rather be doing something practical and useful - not 'wasting time' talking about more intangible matters. They would rather build a fence than talk about feelings! They have a healthy and robust constitution; they store things and have a slow but strong digestion, they do not need to eat as often as an air type. Earth is about endurance and bulk, and the person will likely have a strong physical and bulky build.

Anyone who needs support will always fall back on an earth type as they are the most reliable, solid, grounded people. It is important to make sure the earth type person feels grounded and has a strong sense of routine in their lives. They must be connecting with the earth in some way, by either: building something, working outdoors, being sporty etc. They love to feel strong and solid, but must be made aware of there tendency to get stuck, or be rather slow to change.

Astrologically, the Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

People with an earth hand have square palms with short fingers. There are usually few lines and often arches on the fingertips. People with this hand dont like change. They tend to be slow in nature and have a strong affinity to nature and the bush. They are emotionally stable and make the best workers. Interesting is the fact that you often find successful artists and photographers with earth hands.

Most people with trade jobs such as a carpenter have earth hands. The Earth hand is square and solid. The fingers are short and the palm exhibits few lines. Those that do appear are strong and well defined. Subjects with Earth hands tend to be level-headed, no-nonsense people. Physical experience may be more important than intellectual pursuits. Practical in nature, the Earth type may be conservative and probably prefers spending time outdoors. It has been my experience that the Earth type is the least likely to seek out a palmist for a reading.

Earth Hands Astrology

Earth Hand Shape in Palmistry

This earth hand shape is a term used in palmistry to describe certain characteristics of the hand. Another term meaning a similar thing is the practical hand or the square hand.

If this earth hand shape is of average weight (not too plump), it is the most balanced shape of all the types in palmistry. If you aren't sure about your hand shape, have a look at it from the back, because then the mounts are not interfering with what you see.

Why does the hand shape matter in palmistry?

The shape of the hand mainly tells us how much balance there is, according to introversion/extroversion and general physical shape. Whilst many palm readers consider the handshape; it's not a complete picture of the personality.

What does the earth hand shape look like?

Earth hand shape: In astrology, the element of earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The Earth hand has a square palm and short fingers. The fingers are usually stiff and thick with rounded tips. There is typically only a few thick lines, and rarely any minor lines. The earth shaped hand can be plump, or it can be slim. The plump hand shows less patience than a slim one, but it depicts pride. These types are nature-loving, hands-on plodders. The slim, earth type is more energetic, patient, active and practical.

Typical Characteristics of Earth Hand

  • An earth hand depicts common-sense; they are very level-headed individuals. If you need a good organiser, who will get things done, look no further than someone with the earth shaped hand.
  • They are capable, reliable, helpful, honest and not afraid of hard work.
  • Mostly realistic and practical, yet they can be very creative; often good with their hands.
  • Emotionally they are relatively straightforward but not habitually revealing their feelings.
  • On a mental level, someone with this square palm is stable and sensible, so usually what you see is what you get.
  • They have a love of tradition and being outdoors.
  • They also have an affinity for nature and concern for animals.

More about Earth Hands

The earth hand will tend to have a square palm and fingers will be short. Fingers three quarters of the length of that palm or shorter would be considered short. Some slight variation could be allowed (like from three quarters to seven eights on the palm length) if there are very few lines on the palm and it tends to be hard and meaty. It is common, though not necessary, for earth hands to be large.

The best traits found in the earth person are reliability, orderliness, tolerance and a constructive attitude. But on a bad day they can be insensitive, materialistic, domineering and over cautious. We look up to them for sober judgment and experience, but they may dislike change, have problems with adapting and can be loaners. With all their good qualities they are challenged by the needs for care in planning and to avoid tendencies towards wastefulness and abuse. They aspire for justice, supported by tradition and continuity and seek success in their chosen careers.

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