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Reason of Husband Wife Problems

Marital problems are common and can happen for a variety of reasons. In some cases, the issue might end up as the reason for a divorce. In other cases, the problems are resolved if both spouses are willing to make an effort to address them. Here are some of the most common marital problems between spouses.

  • Money Problems
  • Lack of Intimacy
  • Splitting Up Chores
  • Change in Appearance
  • Fertility Struggles
  • Poor Communication
  • Infidelity
  • Inconsistent Religious Beliefs
  • Experiencing Trauma
  • Trust
  • Ignoring Boundaries
  • Fighting About Money
  • Jealousy
  • Irritating habits of a spouse

Money Problems

Money problems are a common cause of marital problems. A difference in opinion about saving and spending habits can create tension. Problems can also arise due to a drastic difference in income between spouses. When one person makes more money than the other, they may start to feel resentful about the hours they put in at work. They may also start to think they have more "right" to the money and can spend it however they want.

If you're experiencing money problems, it may be a good idea to consult with a financial advisor to help you agree on how to spend and save.

Lack of Intimacy

Intimacy in marriage is important and also one of the most common causes of marital problems. A lack of intimacy isn't a reason to cheat. However, lack of sex can result in a loss of connection. It can also make the other person feel unwanted or unloved. If you are no longer interested in being intimate, consider talking to your doctor or seeking out a therapist who specializes in these issues.

Splitting Up Chores

The distribution of household chores requires careful consideration. If either spouse feels that the work load is unbalanced, it can lead to marital problems. Sometimes, one spouse doesn't think they need to help at home since they feel they work long hours at their job. Some spouses believe a stay-at-home parent should be responsible for everything at home, around the clock. It is unlikely that the person at home is "lounging around" all day. As long as everyone is working hard all day, a shared distribution of work during your time together is reasonable.

Whether you work outside the home, at a home office, or take care of the kids, these are all considered jobs. It takes a true partnership to stay on top of everything, plus care for your home and each other.

Change in Appearance

As we grow older, we change. Things like gaining (or losing) weight, age, stress, and genetics all affect how we age. While you might want your spouse to look and act the same forever, this isn't going to happen. Holding someone to this unrealistic expectation sets up the marriage for arguments and disappointment.

Reason of Husband Wife Problems

Fertility Struggles

Many couples assume when they're ready to have children, it will be an easy process. Unfortunately, some experience challenges when they try to start a family – health issues, genetics, changes in priorities, and more. Sometimes a baby doesn't come when or how you want.

Even though your plans for children may have been different, there are options to discuss with your spouse. Adoption or in vitro fertilization may be possible. Sometimes children aren't an option, no matter how much you wish for them.

Poor Communication

Lack of communication can be one of the toughest marital problems to work through. Learning to effectively communicate with each other takes effort and understanding.

If communication is a frequent marital problem you're facing, you may want to find someone unbiased such as a therapist to help you improve your communication. In addition to them helping you understand each other better, they can give you exercises to make communication less frustrating for both of you. Taking the time to address this issue will make all other areas of marriage easier to navigate.


It's not uncommon for a marital relationship to be tested if a spouse has been unfaithful. Even internet relationships, which can rise to the level of "emotional affairs," have been known to cause marital issues.

Inconsistent Religious Beliefs

There will always be different perspectives within your marriage, but differences in core beliefs and values may become too big to ignore. One spouse may get frustrated with always having to do religious activities separately, especially if you both attend different places of worship.

Experiencing Trauma

No two people experience trauma in the same way. One spouse might turn away, whereas the other turn to their partner for comfort. If one of you doesn't know what the other needs, or isn't prepared to give it to them, you may notice a rift develop.


Some spouses trust each other until they are given a reason not to. For others, trust must be earned. Whether you are a spouse who feels you have a reason not to trust the other, or whether you are a spouse who feels that your partner's trust is being unjustly withheld, the lack of trust can present an impediment to a healthy marital relationship.

Ignoring Boundaries

It's not uncommon for one spouse to try to change his or her partner. Whether it's how he or she dresses or about fundamental beliefs, trying to change your spouse will feel like a personal invasion and may trigger defensiveness oranger. Overstepping boundaries can destroy mutual trust. The result is likely to be retaliation or withdrawal from the relationship.

Fighting About Money

Disagreements about money are inevitable in a marriage. One spouse may want to save while the other wants to spend. Disagreement about money usually reflect different core values. To avoid these problems, it's important to discuss and agree how to handle finances.



Being jealous can turn a marriage sour, especially if the jealous feelings are unrealistic. Jealous persons can become overbearing and controlling or angry and rejecting. If you are feeling jealous, see a counselor to decide wither your feelings are reasonable. You may have an attachment problem that needs to be discussed with a competent counselor.

It does take two to make a marriage work. If the marriage cannot be fixed because one or both spouses no longer want to be married, call an experienced San Antonio Divorce Attorney.

Irritating habits of a spouse

It's not uncommon for a newly-married woman to complain about her husband's irritating habits like leaving a wet towel on the bed, spending more time with friends etc. Similarly, even a man has trouble adjusting to his wife's habits, which he must have been unaware of like overspending, unjust expectations etc. They need to remember that marriage needs adjustment from both the partners and lifelong habits cannot be changed overnight. The best option here is to tell the partner about it and give him or her a fair amount of time to change any irritable or harmful habits if possible.

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