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Ishta Devata Calculator Astrology

Ishta Devta literally means 'Deity to be worshiped'. Ishta Devta is responsible for opening the passage of renunciation for the native. Soul is immortal, and it travels this mortal world many times, in different physical bodies, to get rid of karmic cycles and attain Moksha.

Ishta Devta helps us attaining Moksha and coming out of endless cycle of life and death. Worship of Ishta Devta not only ensures that whole life of a person is well guided, protected and taken care of, but also makes it certain that one is moving towards the path of final liberation. It is possible to know one's Ishta Devta by studying the native's birth chart.

Everyone must do the worship of one's Ishta Devata and at least should know their Ishta Devata. The process of worship is simple and is based on the chanting of the related Mantras for the appropriate Devata.

Ishta Devata is the personal Deity who will guide the soul to its real home–Moksha. The key role in revealing one's Ishta Devata plays the Atma Karaka.

To find one's Ishta Devata we have to look at the Atma Karaka planet in Navamsa, since the Navamsa shows blessings of God onto the native and the way in which the native communicates with God. Navamsa (D-9) is also known as the 'Dharma-amsa', since it is the 9th division (9th house signifies Dharma). Therefore we should look for Ishta Devata in this Varga.

Worshipping the Ishta Devta is very crucial, and the worshipping process is also essential. The worshipping process is very simple and involves the chanting of the Mantras to please the Devata. The Dvadakshari Mantra is for the Lord Vishnu, who is considered as the Ishta Devata. This is mentioned in the Parashara Sage of the Vishnu Purana. It is crucial to know the Ishta Devata of each respective Lagna. Ishta Devata Meaning is simple- A god whom we adore from the bottom of our hearts.

We must chant the Ishta Devata Mantra to attain more blessings in life. We can consult the best astrologer and can know the details of our Ishta Devata through the Ishta Devata Calculator.

Ishta Devata: Who and Why?

Moksha is a concept associated with the birth and rebirth cycle, and Vedic Astrology defines the attainment of moksha as the only purpose in life for every human being. Our Ishta Devata or chosen deity is the one whom we pray to, and who can guide us to our true purpose - salvation. Ishta Devata, literally translates to 'the favored deity' whom we worship, and is the higher power, whom we connect with spiritually. He/She guides us through life, helping us live a fulfilling and protected life, and then finally directing us into leaving the cycle of rebirth behind to experience of oneness with the One Supreme Self. Unlike our Kul Devata, the Ishta Devata is unique for every individual, and can be easily discovered through our birth chart. As per astrology, one should definitely worship their specific Ishta Devata. The rituals behind the veneration of your chosen deity are rather easy to follow and are mainly based on the chanting of mantras pertaining to them.

Ishta Devata Calculator Astrology

How To Find Your Chosen Deity (Ishta Devata)

The knowledge about one's Ishta Devata can easily be discovered through the Atmakaraka in Navamsa in our birth charts. The Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in our kundli. The Navamsa, on the other hand, is the ninth division in our birth chart, that signifies Dharma and thereby is also known as the Dharma-amsa. The Atmakaraka in one's Navamsa is called the Karakamsa and the twelfth house or sign from it pertains to our Ishta Devata. The planets posited in this house determine our chosen deity, however, if this house is empty then the Lord of the house is taken as the significator. Every planet pertains to a certain deity who has to be worshipped.

Planets and Deities

According to the planet residing in the twelfth house from your Karakamsa house, or the Lord of the said house, the deities to be worshipped are given below:

  • Sun: Lord Shiva, Sri Rama
  • Moon: Goddess Gauri, Goddess Lalita, Goddess Saraswati, Sri Krishna
  • Mars: Lord Hanuman, Rudra Deva, Lord Kartikeya (Subrahmanya), Sri Narasimha
  • Mercury: Lord Vishnu, Sri Buddha
  • Jupiter: Lord Hayagreeva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Indra, Lord Dattatreya, Any mentor/teacher
  • Venus: Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Parvati
  • Saturn: Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma
  • Rahu: Goddess Durga, Shri Narasimha
  • Ketu: Lord Ganesha

Lord Vishnu is known as the 'preserver' in the hindu trinity, and he is considered to be the deity who can guide every individual towards Moksha easily, as he carries the Sudharshan Chakra, which is considered essential in attainment of salvation. For such individuals, the following list carries the specific forms (avatar) of Lord Vishnu whom they should worship as their Ishta Devata:

  • Sun: Lord Rama
  • Moon: Lord Krishna
  • Mars: Lord Narasimha
  • Mercury: Lord Buddha
  • Jupiter: Lord Vamana
  • Venus: Lord Parashurama
  • Saturn: Lord Koorma
  • Rahu: The Varaha form
  • Ketu: The Matsya form

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