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Horary Astrology

Horary astrology is an ancient form of astrology that is based on the current time at which the question is heard and understood. Instead of looking at a natal chart, the astrologer casts a chart based on the "burning question of the hour" that the querent wants answered. It is extremely complicated, but the basics are noted below. Give it a try using these rules to see if you can get the hang of interpreting a horary chart.

Horary as a system of divination relies on principles and applications of astrological principles sometimes unique to the branch, though coherent in approach with broader astrological claims. The position of and aspects to the moon are of prime importance. The person asking the question, or querent, is represented by the ruler of the sign the first house cusp falls on in the horoscope. Planetary aspects to the house cusps are considered more important than in other branches of astrology (although it is the planetary rulers of the houses in question that take precedence in analysis). Other key elements used in horary astrology include the lunar nodes, the planetary antiscia, the fixed stars and the Arabic parts.

Typically, a horary chart is read by first assigning the thing asked about, the quesited, to a particular house in the chart. For instance, asking "Where is my lost dog?" would be represented by the sixth house, as it is the house that governs small animals (traditionally, smaller than a goat). The house cusp of the sixth house will be in a particular sign, for example Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus, so Venus is considered the significator of the lost dog. Venus's state in the horoscope will give clues to the animal's wellbeing, and its placement will give indications related to its location.

Validity of Charts and Strictures Against Judgment

There are many structures against judgment ruling the outcome of a horary chart. The astrologer must consider the following before giving an answer:

  • The Ascendant and Descendant must be between 3 and 27 degrees. Any degree less than 3 denotes that all of the information has not been found and brought to the attention of the cosmos or the querent and astrologer. Matters and circumstances can change and are changing from 0 to 3 degrees. Any degree from 27 to 30 on the Ascendant and Descendant denotes that the situation has been handled and that the energy is flowing in that direction. Basically, 0 to 3 degrees means that it is too soon for the chart reading, and 27 to 30 degrees means that it is too late.
  • If the Ascendant or Descendent is between 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio (except for 23 degrees Libra, which is considered fortunate because of its alignment to the fixed star Spica), the chart is "Via Combusta," which means "burning way." The chart is "too hot," temperamental, and unpredictable to judge.
  • When the moon is not making any applying aspects to planets, it is considered void-of-course. In a horary chart, this can denote several things: the matter won't come to fruition, the wrong question is being asked, the matter has been completed, or that "nothing comes out of the question." If the moon is in the Via Combusta degrees, it is hard to reconcile an answer due to external factors. More often than not, it is an indication that the astrologer should be extremely cautious or opt to not judge the chart.

Horary Astrology

Your Birth Chart is the key to figuring out what your soul needs in order to evolve!


  • If Saturn is in the tenth house, judging this chart puts one's reputation as an astrologer at stake.
  • If Saturn is in the seventh house, there will be a mistake in judging the chart, usually because of a lack of information from the querent. This shows deception.
  • If Saturn is in the Ascendant, then the question being asked is the wrong question.


The same house system that is used in chart interpretation is used in horary astrology. However, it is important to use the seventh house or Descendent when asking about another person, except family members.


In horary astrology, it is advised that you only use traditional planets like the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are not used because, as you go deeper into horary astrology, the importance of the planet's power in the day or night adds flavor to the interpretation.

Planetary Significators

When decoding a horary chart, we look to the significator of a planet. For example, if we are asking a question, and you are represented by the first house, which is Gemini, and the chart is fit to be judged, look to the position and sign that Mercury is currently in. The same applies to every house and planetary significator.

The Moon

The moon is the most important factor in a horary chart. If it is making applying aspects to other planets, that can yield an answer for you. It represents the overall situation and energy and acts as another significator for the querent.


In horary astrology, we only use the five major aspects (sextile, trine, square, opposition, and conjunction), and they must be applying aspects.

  • Trines mean minimal effort will be needed.
  • Sextiles are friendly aspects.
  • Squares mean that action is taking place.
  • Conjunctions mean that things are happening.
  • Oppositions often mean that there will be regret in the way the situation comes to fruition or its aftermath.

Mutual Reception

You can get an answer if planetary significators are in mutual reception but not in aspect. They are feeding off each other, which means they're being activated.


Retrograde planets mean that the outcome is erratic and unpredictable. A situation can commence but in a bizarre manner. A person may not be thinking clearly, or a missing object will return.

Combust Planets

If a planetary significator is combust the sun, this means that it is powerless in a situation. If it is cazimi, this means that it is powerful.

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