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Ears Reading Astrology

Ears represent the luck in early youth before the age of 14. Also, the earlobes have certain influence on the fortune after the age of 60. While reading the ears, the size, color, shape, hardness and height shall be taken into consideration.

Big ears are more auspicious than small ears. Big ears belong to healthy and active people, while small ears indicate fragile health. People with small ears may be shy and quiet in their early youth.

The size of the ears is measured relative to the face. If the ear spans a large proportion of the length of the face, it is considered big. The standard measurement is as follows:

1. The Heaven Helix is on the same horizontal line as the eyebrows.
2. The Earth Helix is on the same horizontal line as the tip of the nose.

If the ears are higher than the eyebrows and lower than the tip of the nose, they are considered big. Ears are considered small when they fall below the eyebrow line and end above the tip of the nose.

A healthy white or light pinkish colour is preferred. A healthy person usually has white or light pinkish ears. We do not really like to see red, greyish white and black ears.

Small ears indicate respect, discipline and affection. If the lower part of the ear is thick, such people are likely to be emotional. People having small ears will be shy and introverts. These traits will be more pronounced in persons having long and narrow ears. Those sporting medium-sized ears may be energetic and determined personalities. If the ear is big and the lower part fleshy, the person could be strict as well as lovers of pleasure. On the other hand, courage and strength are indicated by a sharp ear.

Ears are normally seen at the level of the eyebrows. But in some people it may extend upwards. Such people are likely to be hot-tempered and may carry feelings of revenge. They may even show criminal traits. Meanwhile, if the ears are far from the eyes, the person may be blessed with high intelligence or have artistic talents.

Small ears show honour, manners and affection. As earlobe is thicker, the force of lived feelings is increased. Ears too small show shyness and reserve, and if the ears are long and narrow, these qualities increase. Medium ears show energy and determination. Big ears with thick earlobe show rudeness and materialism. Distanced ears are showing cruelty destruction desire. Vertical ears show strength, courage, energy, power(Face Reading). Normal ears are those that do not pass the height above or below the eyebrows and nose. Those whose ears get over the eyebrows appear to have an angry character, vindictive and even have criminal tendencies(Face Reading). Ears with detached earlobes from the head show generosity and free spirit. Contrarian to these qualities is shown by earlobes closed to the head. A large distance between the eyes and ears show intellectual capacity and talent (Face Reading).

Some other general types of ears are as follows

The ears fall in the midsection of the head but represent the early, formative years of life between birth and 15. As such, look to the ears to determine the foundation of life and the potential for achievement especially during the mid-life ages 40 – 50. The ears should exhibit good, fleshy inner and outer helixes. Thin and poorly shaped outer helixes may reveal diminishing health.

  • Set Close to Head: Plans ahead and is thrifty. Doesn't like to leave too much to chance.
  • Protruding: An original thinker. Lonely. Non-conformist.
  • Ears with small lobes: Not easy to achieve sexual fulfilment. Dependent and may lack initiative.
  • Ears with large lobes: Independent, strong minded.
  • Large ears: Intellectual.
  • Longer than wider ears: Keen, impractical.
  • Small ears: Instinctive.
  • Ears with no lobes: Unresponsive and lacks purpose.

Ears Reading Astrology

Ear Shapes

Your Ears Unbeknownst to most people, your ears actually have a great deal to say about your character, both on a spiritual and a practical level. The upper third portion is known as the Wheel of Heaven which relates to your intellectual and mental faculties.

The middle or Human Wheel which identifies your social and cultural needs and motivations and tastes is seen from that portion of your ear and thirdly, the lower or Wheel of Earth which is primarily concerned with your basic physical instincts of eating and procreation.

Ideal Ears

Because your ears are pleasing to look at and seem to be in balance with the rest of your face, they are referred to as ideal ears. Because of this fact you are generally very lucky and due to early, positive family support you now feel an overall confidence in life and naturally confidence breeds confidence as well as attracting success. Your ideal ears signify that you possess a good heart and are generous in friendship and equally so in love. Financially speaking your ears are also lucky and if you happen to possess a mole on one of your ears you will come into wealth quite easily. Health can be seen from the type of ear you possess and again having an ideal ear is an excellent marking of robust health and generally good long life.

Squarish Ears

You have a shrewd business sense due to the fact that you possess squarish ears and though you may not be completely cunning or deceptive in your dealings with other people, you do like to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. You have an unusual approach to problems which may be both systematic, lateral, and this is because you enjoy mental stimulation and prefer not to pigeonhole solutions into the same old boxes that other people do. In any of your relationships people find you particularly high maintenance as your elevated rate of vibration is not easily kept up with. You must be on guard against becoming easily distracted from the job at hand by focusing more clearly on your goals.

Round Ears

Rounded ears that are pleasing to look at have a distinct meaning in themselves. Because you possess the rounded ear you actually have a taste for music and the arts in general. You love beauty in all forms and your social events may expose you to the more cultured side of human nature.

You tend to express your idealism in almost everything you do and need to maintain a consistent approach to worldly affairs so that windows of opportunity don't pass you by. Your achievements may not be as enduring as most, probably because you seek variety and movement in the many lines of work you are drawn to – travelling, sales and artistic vocations and as is a well known fact, these are not necessarily as well paying as the traditional 9 to 5 desk jobs.

Still, in all, you're a happy person and like to share your time and assets with others. Chinese face readers describe the later years of your life as years of dependency and the fact that round-eared people attract assistance from others through their optimism is a positive personality trait that will certainly counteract that fact. As a round eared person you are considered trustworthy, friendly and very much a socially active "Star".

Thin OR Fine Ears

The most notable meaning of thin and fine ears such as yours is that your health may be adversely affected. You must take appropriate measures early in life to build up your reserves of physical stamina and bodily power so that you can develop the basic building blocks of good health.

Thin and finely chiselled ears also tend to indicate a certain amount of business and financial risk and this is either due to a speculative streak or poor planning, but possibly even misplaced trust in others. You should never mix your business with pleasure and must consider getting professionals, others who are more capable in this area, to manage your finances.

There's a certainly solitary quality about your personality that means there are periods in your life where you may withdraw from others and this could also result in you feeling a little lonely.

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