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Moon Sign Calculator Astrology

The Moon Sign Calculator helps you identify your Moon sign and helps you understand it's effect on you and your personality. You must give inputs on your date, time, and place of birth and one can deduct your Moon sign and the effects. The Moon Sign Calculator determines which zodiac sign the Moon was placed in at the time of a person's birth.

Moon represents the mind of a person in Vedic astrology. The action and reaction of a person is determined through the planet "Moon" and its placement in the Kundali. It is a very crucial planet in Vedic Astrology. The Birth Nakshatra is also analysed through the Moon Sign as it signifies the mental stability of a person. To better understanding of Moon Sign, you need to first understand about the planet moon in Astrology.

With the constantly changing positions of planets in space, their placement in the signs and houses changes as well. The Moon sign of an individual is determined by the placement of the moon at the time of their birth, while the sign where the Sun was placed at the time of birth is a person's Sun sign.

Vedic astrology lays more emphasis on Moon sign, compared to a person's Sun Sign. Thus, the Rashi Phal or Rashifal, which is the daily prediction for an individual as per Vedic astrology, is also calculated according to their moon sign. While the effect of the Sun majorly concerns external personality traits, the Moon sign describes your unconscious and instinctive reactions. The moon sign determines your natural or inborn side. This part is inherited primarily from your mother, or reflects the feminine part of you. It predicts the kind of experiences you would want to go through in order to feel emotionally satisfied.

Planet Moon and its significance in Vedic Astrology

Moon is the second most important planet in Astrology. It deals with the emotions and feelings of an individual. Sun represents your soul and Moon represents your Mind. These two luminaries are very important to illuminate the world and the reason being, life exists on the planet Earth. Moon is not a planet Astronomically, however, it has been included as a planet in Astrology. Our Moon Sign Calculator helps you find your moon sign and understand its effect on you, your emotions, and your personality.

Moon is very important to maintain every relation in humans lives. It denotes the mental and emotional power to tackle any situation and also maintain the balance between each other. It rules over "Cancer" sign and gets exalted in "Taurus:"

Moon is the "Queen" of the celestial cabinet. It is considered as a female planet. It is functional benefic in nature. The strength of Moon can be analyzed through the Planet Jupiter as combined effect of these two planets indicate wealth, wisdom and prosperity. These two benefic planets are natural friends to each other and cause the happiness in one's life in any era.

It is a smallest planet among all the other planets but it gives huge impact on earth due to its closeness with the Earth. It is very nearer object to the Earth so it affects us a lot especially to the women due to its feminine nature. Our ancient sages have given much importance to the planet Moon, even more than Sun at times. Though, it doesn't have its own light. It illuminates itself with the Sunlight.

It represents Water, it represents the fluid in our body. If Moon is placed positively in your horoscope, then it will bless you with the metal peace and happiness. On the other hand, if it is afflicted by malefics, then it may cause depression, mental stress in one's life. You may not get proper nourishment from your mother if Moon is afflicted in your horoscope, in fact you may lose your mother at an early age in such case.

Moon sign horoscope plays very prominent role while analysing the Natal Chart of an individual. Moon represents the emotions, psychological baggage etc in one's life. It also represents the "Mother". Moon is all about Nourishment and nourishing the things, to take care of everyone in the environment, like a mother does for her child.

Moon sign chart enables you to get a clear picture of your emotions. The special preference has been given to Moon Horoscope at the time of marriage.

Importance of Moon Sign

Some questions may often arise into your mind. For example: What is my Moon sign? What is that mean? Why do we calculate Moon sign? Moon Calculator can give you the brief idea about your Moon sign. You can easily find your Moon Sign through Moon sign Calculator. It can also provide you some information related to your Moon sign. Let's have a look about Importance of Moon Sign in order to understand it better.

  • It can reveal many information related to personality, character, nature, behaviour, likes and dislikes and your inherent attributes.
  • It helps you to determine your fate in order to drive yourself towards the right path.
  • It plays pivotal role in finding your compatibility with other people, especially with your partner. It may be your mother, brother, friends, father, lover, wives or anyone running into your life.
  • It helps you to sustain the long lasting and harmonical relation with everyone.
  • It determines your life path, luck, mental compatibility with the second person born under certain Moon sign.
  • You can't proceed through Indian Vedic Astrology without knowing your Moon Sign. Indian Astrologer predicts the day to day life scenarios based on the Moon Sign.
  • Indian Astrologer consider Moon sign as first house and then provide the prediction based on the Gocher or Transit of this planet into various houses.

Moon Sign Calculator Astrology

12 Moon Signs based on Zodiac

Moon sign can be of 12 types as we have only 12 Rashis or Zodiacs defined in Vedic Astrology. Let's understand how your mind and emotions will behave if Moon is placed in various listed below signs:

  • Aries: You will be very impulsive, impatient and active learner.
  • Taurus: It is a favourite position of moon. Person will be mentally stable.
  • Gemini: Your mind will be very dual in nature.
  • Cancer: You will be very motherly kind of figure who takes care of everyone like a Mother.
  • Leo: You want to roar like a Lion. You will be born leader and royal minded person.
  • Virgo: You will be very practical in your approach.
  • Libra: You will have balanced mind. However, you need to balance things in order to get satisfaction.
  • Scorpio: Moon doesn't feel good in this sign. It creates lots of fluctuations in human mind depending on the other aspects and planetary alignment present in one's horoscope.
  • Sagittarius: You will be inclined towards religion as it is dharma house.
  • Capricorn: You will be very stable with your thoughts and also very rigid in your approach.
  • Aquarius: You will be social, communicative and want to be the part of many different societies or communities.
  • Pisces: You will be inclined towards spirituality and your mind will be indulged into some different worlds.

How Is Moon Sign Calculated?

The Moon Sign Calculator determines which zodiac sign was the moon placed in at the time of your birth. It is done taking into account the date, time and place of an individual's birth. Your Moon sign cannot be calculated solely from your date of birth, as is done with the Sun sign. This is because the sun takes twelve months to travel through the twelve zodiac signs, which means it stays in one zodiac for only a month. Moon, on the contrary, makes quick transitions and takes only around twenty eight days to complete its travel cycle through the twelve signs. It stays in a sign for around fifty four hours (approximately two and a half days). The laws of the moon's motion are quite complicated, and to find your moon sign requires expertise in reading special moon motion tables. The conclusion involves a complex algorithm.

Our Moon Sign Calculator has been crafted with the help of experts, both astrologers and programmers, so that you can instantly find your moon sign by simply punching in your date, time and place of birth. Through mPanchang's Moon Sign Calculator, you can find all that you wish to know about your Moon Sign.

Characteristics of the Moon

The Moon plays a vital role in our lives and is feminine in nature. The Moon signifies the mental and emotional power to handle a situation and rules over the sign Cancer and gets exalted in Taurus.

The strength of the Moon can be analyzed when combined with Jupiter as the combination is indicative of wisdom, wealth, and prosperity. Both these planets combine well together and can give immense joy. Although the Moon may not be the largest planet, it is close to the earth and affects us, especially women, as it is feminine in nature. The Moon has been given more importance, although it does not have its own light and derives its light from the Sun.

The Moon represents water and the fluid in our body. If the planet Moon is placed in a favorable position in the birth chart, then it signifies mental peace and happiness for the individual. Conversely, if the Moon is affected by any malefic or adverse effects, it can impact us negatively with mental stress and depression. There is an indication that if the Moon is afflicted in one's horoscope, there are chances of losing one's mother at an early age.

The Moon is representative of an individual's mind and psychology and is reflective of one's emotions and thought processes. The Moon also represents the Mother. The Moon plays the role of a Mother, that of a giver, giving nourishment and nourishing all things and taking care of the environment.

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