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17 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrology

Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha speaks to lord Vishvakarma "the official planner and manufacturer of the (universe) money-oriented world". Vishwakarma is the ruling god of this rudraksha. Vishwakarma is the directing god of all skilled workers, modelers, and organizers. Vishwakarma is likewise the creator of all the flying chariots of the divine beings, and every one of their weapons; subsequently it is fantastic for any sort of craftsman and surveyor. The Mahabharata depicts him as -The ruler of expressions of the human experience, an agent of a thousand crafted works, the craftsman of the divine beings, the most prominent of craftsmen, the fashioner of all trimmings, what's more, an extraordinary and eternal god." Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is known for its highly effective powers.

By enchanting Rudraksha seventeen Mukhi beads, a person can feel immense pleasure and benefit. It makes a wearer ingenuous and honest in all his actions. Mainly, the worshipper of Lord Shiva must wear this bead to get his blessing and prosperity. Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha fulfills all the wishes of the wearer, as long as a man keeps wearing Rudraksha. At the time of death, a man experiences true salvation, if he wears this Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha regularly. Rudraksha is a Sanskrit compound word consisting of the name Rudra (Shiva) and Aksha (Eyes). Rudra and Aksha mean the one who is capable of looking and at doing everything (from the third eye). This comes from a large evergreen broad-leaved tree, whose beads are used for prayer in Hinduism. This seed is born, by several species of Elaeocarpus.

Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed as king like life to the wearer and makes a person full of worldly pleasure and fulfills all wishes of life. This Rudraksha makes the wearer free from the sins committed and helps to attain Moksha (emancipation). It gives a lot of benefits in the share market, business, lottery, and unexpected inheritance through games and property. A person is also able to attain knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence after wearing this rudraksha. Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is very powerful for the attainment of spiritual and material life. It releases tension, grief, and emotional depression and also cures respiratory problems related to the small intestine, asthma, and bronchial tree.

Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is very effective in earning the unexpected money. It is particularly useful in attaining the property, vehicles, and all physical assets. Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha gives fulfillment of all desires related to getting a life partner, good luck, and prosperity. It also removes obstacles in the path and gives immense prosperity and blesses the wearer with all the four attainments of life namely dharma, artha, kama, and moksha.

Symbolism and Properties of The 17 Mukhi Rudraksha

The rudraksha is associated with the official planner and manufacturer of the Universe named Lord Vishwakarma and that is the reason it is very effective for craftsmen, surveyors, mechanics and builders. Goddess Katyayani Devi, the sixth and powerful form of Goddess Durga rules the satrah mukhi rudraksha and helps the wearer with the powers of manifestation, success and achievements.

The natural seventeen mukhi rudraksha also protects the wearer by nullifying the adverse and unfavourable effects of Planet Saturn during the period of Sade Sati.

How to wear 17 Mukhi rudraksha

Rudraksha is a powerful remedy to make life better, so one needs to ensure it is energised by an expert astrologer and solves the purpose of wearing. Do not forget to buy it with your money as then only the bead will work in favour of you, otherwise, it is of no use. Consult the astrologer before wearing it and wear it only if he advises as it can affect you negatively if your birth chart does not favour you wearing it.

Day of wearing: it is advised to wear 17 Mukhi rudraksha on Saturday morning.
What to do before wearing it: Wake up early in the morning, take a bath and wear fresh clothes. Sit in the East direction of the temple and wear it.
Metal used: You can draw the beads in a silk thread or wool and cap it in silver or gold

Who Can Wear 17 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads?

Since the bead symbolizes Lord Vishwakarma, who is considered a universal architecture; it is quite suitable for people looking to create or build something new in their personal life, business or organization. People with creative ideas and skills like craftsmen are blessed with this holy rudraksha.

It is very good for people who want to develop a good relationship with their spouse or are on the lookout for a potential partner. It works wonders for the ladies, blessing them with good luck and prosperity.

17 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrology

Positive effects of Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha

A wearer of Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is bestowed with unexpected wealth, success, improved memory and his kundalini also gets activated. This Rudraksha gives immense energy to its wearer and helps them to achieve success. Women who wear, this Rudraksha are blessed with fulfillment of all their wishes like good wedded life and all the homely comforts and pleasures.

This Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is very useful for getting physical valuables like Property & Vehicles. As per Hindu Vedic Texts, this Rudraksha is also helpful to people facing problems like lack of memory, mental harassment, inability to work hard, nightfall, premature ejaculation etc.

Benefits of 17 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead

  • The 17 Mukhi Rudraksha helps to fulfill the desires and getting a perfect life partner, wealth, progeny and good luck to a wearer.
  • It increases the connection between Devi energy and the wearer.
  • 17 Mukhi Rudraksha helps to remove obstacles from his/her life and showers immense power and divine magnetism to a person who wears this magical Rudraksha.
  • Seventeen mukhi Rudraksha Pacifies the negative influence and afflictions of Saturn and offers relief during the period of Shani Sade Sati.

Spiritual Benefits of 17 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead

  • This Rudraksha helps to increases connection with our intuitive mind and allows power of manifesting our desires.
  • The wearer gets power of effective decision making.
  • 17 mukhi Rudraksha bestows power of manifestation, success & achievements.
  • It destroys limited beliefs of a person and thus destroys past Karma.
  • This Rudraksha release anger and helps one calm down.

Health Benefits of 17 Mukhi Rudraksha Bead

  • It gives the wearer relief from headache and sinusitis.
  • This Rudraksha also works on ENT diseases.

Significance of 17 Mukhi Rudraksha

Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha is a form of Mata Katyani and Vishwakarma, the builders of this universe. This rudraksha bestows the devotee with immense power and divinity. This Rudraksha is very beneficial for CEOs, Project Leaders, Politicians, businessmen, Head of the institutions and Head of the family. Katyani Devi is one of the Nav Durga and is the sixth form of Goddess Durga. This Rudraksha is ruled by Lord Vishwakarma, the builder of this Universe. 17 Mukhi Rudraksha is very useful and proven for leaders, businessmen, CEOs, politicians and people desiring astonishing growth in their career and good destiny. This Rudraksha removes all obstacles from the path of the wearer and gives immense prosperity in land-related business, realty, pharma, telecom and IT. The wearer of this rudraksha is blessed with an immense fortune, sudden wealth, fulfilment of all materialistic desires and freedom from diseases.

Proper Rituals and Mantra To Wear The 17 Mukhi Rudraksha

  • It is always advised to energize the bead with proper jaap, rituals and pooja. These are a few steps one must follow before wearing the religious bead.
  • As planet Saturn rules the satra mukhi, one must wear this divine bead on Saturday.
  • After bathing, one must sit in the East direction and chant the mantra –"Aum Kama Kam Katyayani Swaha" or "Aum Hreem Hoom Hoom Namah" for 108 times with complete focus and devotion.
  • Now apply sandalwood paste to the bead before wearing it.

Effects of 17 Mukhi Rudraksha

The Satra Mukhi Rudraksha can affect positively a wearer in various aspects of his/her life. Not only spiritual and materialistic success, but it also has a huge amount of medicinal and astrological benefits as well which are listed below.

  • It embodies all the power and hora of Lord Viswakarma and makes a person enriched with strong memory power and high intelligence. The laziness and lethargic activity of a person get showered away. This Rudraksha removes all sins done in life and makes a person enlighten from the soul towards spirituality.
  • It helps to connect with the divine energy of Devi and removes obstacles, hindrances, lack of hopes, and successes from life. The devotee of Lord Shiva should wear this bead to receive all his blessings, prosperity, and fulfillment of wishes and to experience true salvation at the time of death.
  • As per Hindu Vedic Texts, this Rudraksha is a holy power as well as one of the most problems like lack of memory, mental harassment, inability to work hard, nightfall, premature ejaculation, etc.
  • It is a very helpful medicine to cure headaches, stomach aches, ulcers, skin diseases, sinusitis, and ENT diseases. It is also highly beneficial in memory lapse and bodily functional disorders.
  • 17 Mukhi Rudraksha helps one to calm down even in the hardest time of their life. When it is worn by women before getting married, they are blessed with good marital life, homely comforts, and pleasures.

Properties of Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha

This Mukhi is very good for partners, good luck, and prosperity. The wearer of this bead becomes a person magnetic and charismatic. It is said that the wearer of this seventeen Mukhi rudraksha attains success in all his undertakings, task, and other spheres.

This Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha helps to connect with the Devi energy, which in turn imparts success in all undertakings. It gives sudden wealth, success, and increases memory power of the wearer.

Mantras of Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha

"Om Namaha Shivaya" "Om kama Kaum Katyaani Sahaa" chant related Mantra for the Seventeen Mukhi Rudraksha daily at least 9 times while wearing and removing in the night before going to sleep.

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