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Parent Child Relationship Astrology

Being a parent is challenging. A job description for a parent would include something of almost every other job. When we study the child's astrological chart, we can instantly attune to how we can best guide her. Strengths, weaknesses, aptitude, and potentials jump off the page. We can see how to turn around negative momentum and maximize talents that otherwise may not have been readily apparent. Understanding leads to greater patience, a virtue of immeasurable worth in child-rearing!

Many parents intuitively take a reading at the moment of birth and even before through dreams or visions, and receive a prescient knowing of the child soon to be born. The child comes to us with her own birth chart, her particular life plan, which many believe is determined prior to birth.

Nevertheless, there can be no doubt that environmental factors, decisions made by parents, education, and free will can change, alter, or mitigate the prophecy foreseen in the chart for better or for worse. A seed containing the blueprint of the most magnificent rose will not flower if denied sunshine, water, and good soil. And many have cultivated beautiful flowers in rocky soils through love and care.

How can we challenge the child to bring out the positive Sun sign potential, but, at the same time, teach her to know clearly when she crosses the line into negatives that could cause her much grief and sorrow later, if not corrected now? This is the challenge before us as educators and parents to our children, even to the child within ourselves. So we search the chart with an eye for potential problem areas that could disrupt, hinder or block the child's best expression. We devise how to turn them around. We take note of the positive potential and see how, like a good seed, it can be nurtured to bring forth the ripest fruit on time.

Astrology is meant to CONFIRM, NOT REPLACE, the inner guide! In reading about your child, emphasize the positive. Negative patterns can be changed; indeed, sometimes only a shade of gray separates our Achilles' Heel from becoming our most valuable asset. Conversely, our natural talents can stagnate and, if we fail to develop them, become the open door to self-indulgence.

In astrology, trines and sextiles are considered aspects that indicate energy flowing in harmony. Squares point to challenges, blocks, internal frustrations and also pronounced talents. Oppositions indicate potential conflicts we resolve in the Tai-Chi of our interactions with others. We call squares and oppositions "dynamic aspects." Here is where your child may meet her greatest challenges, but also where she may demonstrate her greatest strengths! In expressing and mastering the dynamic aspects, we grow and can realize our greatest achievements. Remember: Wherever you find dynamic aspects is where your child may need the most guidance, consistency, and patience on your part.

A child with Mars square Saturn can feel blocked. However, if Mars and Saturn receive positive aspects from other planets, these will mitigate the difficulty and allow the aspect to manifest in a more dynamic and purposeful way. The positive aspects can also indicate to you how to work out the difficulty successfully.

Parent Child Relationship Astrology

Parent Child Compatibility Astrology

The parent child compatibility analyzer is designed to determine the degree of compatibility between parent and child. In general, the greater the compatibility the easier the relationship will be and the happier the home. Knowing what the differences are can ease those elements which are not a good match. Use the Parent-Child Compatibility test to determine your compatibility with your child.

There are times when it is difficult to understand the connection children may have with their parents and we may not recognize where we are going wrong. Or perhaps would like a better understanding of how different sun signs interact with each other.

There are times when we forget that different situations may cause people to react differently as may the change of responsibilities. Parental responsibility is an unending task. The better you know your child and understand his characteristics and attributes, the easier and more enjoyable the experience will be. This parent child compatibility calculator can make things a lot easier for you! In a parent child relationship, there can be basic conflict between their zodiac signs. A Virgo mother or father may find the relaxed attitude of his Sagittarius son or daughter frustrating. While the adult is by nature organized, and prompt, his Sagittarius child to a Virgo appears totally undisciplined.

Neither parent nor child is doing anything wrong. They simply have different mindsets that are inherent to them. These differences in personality may cause conflict and tension at home which is never pleasant. Knowing that some of these differences are based in the typical behavior of their sun sign may ease the parent's frustration about the situation. This is what this astrology parent child compatibility test aims to do.

The Relationship the Son will have with his Father

The combination of Sun and Saturn or the sight of Saturn on the Sun destroys the father's happiness. Sometimes the person is worried due to conflict with father, serious differences or long-term disease of father. In due course, Sun in Saturn's zodiac sign or Sun sign also reduces the happiness related to father.

If the Sun is situated in the horoscope from Janam to the second, Dwadash or Moon in the seventh or eighth house, then the possibility of differences with the father increases.

Mother and Child relationship

Scholars have considered the auspicious effects on the fourth house, fourth quarter and moon to be admirable. Such a person treats his mother with affection and respect

Astrologer has given 5 astrological yogas which can depict a good relationship with mother.

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