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Transits Charts and Reports Astrology

Planetary transits are the motion of the planet through the zodiac in respect to your birth chart's Rashi (Moon-sign). The planets influence your life in specific ways as they travel through the signs. This free report gives you the analysis for your running transit of Jupiter, Sun and Saturn etc.

Planets and other objects are in continuous motion. The aspects they create with the planets in our natal birth chart are called transits. Transits can help us to understand the situation in which we find ourselves in.

Transits are your real daily horoscope. This free report shows your personal daily transits based on your date of birth. This short report is always free, but you can also buy the full length report which you can get emailed to you daily. The planets in the sky are in constant motion. Some of these, called fast planets, such as Mercury and Venus, move very quickly. Others, called slow planets, such as Pluto, move very slowly. In any case their positions are never the same.

The transit chart shows the transits that are the aspects formed at a given time between the position of the planets in your natal chart and the position of the transiting planets. Transits are one of the main techniques used by astrologers to make predictions.

There aren't really any good or bad transits. All transits bring something new, new challenges, a question, a greater understanding of themselves and your resources. The transits analysis can help you to determine, at a given time, where you stand in your journey toward personal growth.

As its name implies, astrological transits involve a method of interpreting the ongoing movement of the planets as they transit the horoscope. This is most often done for the birth or Natal Chart of a particular individual. Particular attention is paid to changes of sign, or house, and to the aspects or angles the transiting planets make with the natal chart.

A particularly important transit is the planetary return. This occurs when a transiting planet returns to the same point in the sky that it occupied at the moment of a person's birth. What this means is that the planet has completed a whole circuit of the sky, and signifies that a new cycle in the person's life is beginning. The most significant returns are those of the outer planets Jupiter and Saturn. The Jupiter return occurs approximately every 12 years and heralds a new phase of growth and development. The Saturn return occurs approximately every 30 years, and heralds a new phase in the aging process when new realities and responsibilities must be faced.

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It uses your day and year of birth which makes it more accurate than horoscopes that only use your sun sign. This includes both daily transits and long-term influences. It includes transits to your North Node and Chiron.

You'll also get your effective times for transits from the Moon, which are short periods of the day. This section is called Short Moon Influences. See note below. If you add your birth time, you'll also get descriptions for planets transiting in your houses. Using your birth time is a lot more accurate than other horoscopes which don't use it. For example, you'll get accurate transits to your Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex, and Part of Fortune.

The report has 4 sections:

  • Short Moon Influences
  • Regular Influences
  • Long-term Influences
  • Transiting Planets in Natal Houses

Transits Charts and Reports Astrology

Transiting Planets Aspects

The main significance of transiting planets is when they form aspects with planets in the natal chart. Transiting aspects are usually limited to an orb of one degree either side of the natal planet. The following is a brief description of the effect of transiting aspects

Inner planets

Transits of the inner planets (including sun and moon) are generally not considered by astrologers to be of major importance, as they are of such short duration, and so have a limited effect. Most astrologers would not chart these transits on an ongoing basis as they occur so frequently and are so fleeting in their operation. The following are their main characteristics as below

  • Transiting Sun is at its peak for about two days and has an effect on health, energy and willpower in the area of life indicated by the natal planet, sign and house being transited. Greater creativity, activity and open expression.
  • Transiting Moon lasts a few hours at most and affects mainly moods and feelings, not always consciously, according to the planet, sign and house being transited.
  • Transiting Mercury is at its peak for only a day or two. A useful time for helping with backlogs of correspondence, making short journeys or visits. Thought patterns and focus will be altered positively or negatively depending on the nature of the aspect and aspected planet. A good time to write letters, e-mail, make phone calls and generally communicate with others. Combined with Venus, a Mercury transit can indicate entertaining, or perhaps giving a talk or lecture. Mercury transits to natal sun and ascendent indicate a good time for making minor changes - buying, selling and exchanging things.
  • Transiting Venus is at its peak for about two days, and usually indicates feelings of love. Sometimes the influence is financial through receiving gifts or money. Transits to the sun and ascendant indicate a good time to buy new clothes or to beautify yourself, and transits to the moon a good time to beautify the home and buy new household goods. Transits to Mercury and Jupiter indicate a good time to entertain, and transits to its own place and to the midheaven, a good time to be entertained. Transits to Neptune are a good time to go to the cinema or theater, while Uranus transits are favorable for taking chances in romance!
  • Transiting Mars energizes the areas of life related to the natal planet being effected. The person will be more energetic and be able to work harder than usual. But Mars can also promote tension and anger, so there is a need to watch the temper during a Mars transit, especially for transits with the moon. Plan to keep busy during a Mars transit so as to have an outlet for this excessive energy. There is also a need to take extra precautions against rushing and accidents. Be on especial guard when Mars transits the sun or the ascendant.

Outer Planets

The transits of the outer planets are considered to be the most important by astrologers, as their effects can last for up to several years. The following are their main characteristics as below

  • Transiting Jupiter Lasts some months and presents opportunities in the area of life involved by the aspected planet. Period of expansion and exceptional opportunities for achieving success in business, receiving benefits, good favour. Travelling, knowledge and new experiences are possible. Difficult aspects may lead to serious misjudgments, exaggerated, extravagant behaviour and sheer bad luck.
  • Transiting Saturn Period of limitation, restriction, possible ill-health, depleted energy, losses, depressive moods, death, lack of cooperation, general misfortune. Respect and social status will be affected. Yet can also be a useful time for wise long-term planning, conserving energy, building up resources, study, serious contemplation of life and self. Patience will be needed as this is not a time to push ahead with plans and affairs, and forcing matters will not do much good. It is better to accept that this aspect will slow down the rhythm of life in the house or planet involved, showing which lessons of discipline and structure must be learned. A time to consolidate and prepare for more go-ahead indications in the chart.
  • Transiting Uranus Period of unplanned, sudden drastic upheavals and changes can be expected. Dramatic turn to circumstances, with a new way of life opening. Possible period of inspiration, originality, creativeness, unconventional and rebellious behaviour. Greater desire for individuality, invention, expression and freedom, and new relationships are possible.
  • Transiting Neptune Peculiar, strange, confusing and chaotic happenings likely, but also great creativity and inspiration. Neptune dissolves ideas and emotions in the house or planet which is aspected. Diffusion and idealization tends to occur and a tendency to fall into illusions or dreams. Spiritualization of the arena of life involved occurs, artistic practices, theater, spiritual or religious experiences are possible at this time. Difficult aspects may stimulate neurotic, escapist, suicidal and mentally disturbed tendencies. Victimization, delusions, misunderstandings or saviour roles are possible at this time, and over-involvement with alcohol, drugs.
  • Transiting Pluto Period of major transformation in the life-pattern. Often the end of a 'chapter of experience' for the start of another, due to eruptive developments that have 'brewing up' under the surface for some time. Pluto will transform, renew and revolutionize the ideas or emotions in the house or the planet which is aspected. Deep psychological changes occur, cycles of either symbolic or real death and rebirth, obsessions, fateful encounters, power urges, power struggles and sexual issues. Old issues from past come to surface. Pluto exposes these issues so that their nature may be understood and the subject work to change them.

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