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Pitra Dosha Astrology

Pitra Dosh is considered to be one of the most crucial elements in the world of Indian Astrology. However, it is often mistaken as the curse of the ancestors. But, this may be a misleading statement to confer. As they say, half knowledge is dangerous, it becomes all the more important for you to obtain all the detailed information about 'Pitru Dosh'. Let Ganesha explain further! Also, know more about Pitra Dosha and the numerous problems that it may create in your life.

Pitra Dosh is not the curse of our ancestors or forefathers. It is a Karmic Debt of the ancestors which needs to be paid by the person affiliated with Pitru Dosh in the natives' horoscope. In simple words, a Pitru Dosh is formed in the horoscope of a person, when his/her forefathers have committed any mistakes, crimes or sins in their life journey. So in return, the person is deemed to pay the Karmic debt by experiencing different punishments decided for those debts in different spheres of life. The person has to go through this until the debt is cleared either by taking the punishment or by replacing it with performing good actions. Read more to know about Pitra Dosh and its affiliation with Gokarna!

Astrology has a perfect explanation for this problem. When, knowingly or unknowingly, our ancestors committed mistakes or sins in their lives, it is all reflected in our horoscope as Pitru Dosh or Pitru Rina. Being their children, we are destined to suffer from those ill-effects. Moreover, because of the malefic effects of the inflicted planets, benefic planets also stop giving favorable results.

Effects of Pitra Dosh are listed below

  • There will be no male child born in the family to carry on the generation or no child in the family.
  • Frequent abortions may take place.
  • There can be children in the family who do not want to get married or in spite of many efforts no suitable match could be found for the marriage.
  • Lack of interest in Business/education/profession for family members even though they are qualified to do so.
  • Children in these families may be born with physical or mental limitations or even the ones who are born normal.
  • Health and hygiene-related issues at home and for family members.
  • Scarcity always revolves around these families and they hardly find any luck or prosperity in whatever they try to do.
  • The native dealing with Pitra dosh has to face several problems related to progeny. Besides, their children are likely to get affected by physical or mental illness.
  • People suffering from this Dosh tend to face plenty of issues regarding their marriage. Regardless of all their efforts, they are unable to get married at the right time because of Pitra Dosh.
  • Oftentimes the household is surrounded by diseases, due to which the family face plenty of physical, emotional and financial problems.
  • Pitra Dosh creates an unfavourable environment in the household. The husband and wife may have disagreements and issues on insignificant matters.
  • Natives often remain regularly under debt and despite all their efforts, they are unable to settle the debt. Due to the ill effects of Pitra Dosh itself, the family of the native lags in financial growth. And are always surrounded by poverty and inadequacy.
  • If a family is suffering from Pitra Dosh, any member of the family is likely to see a snake in his/her dreams or the ancestor demanding food or clothes.
  • The native might lose his reputation in the society or the ill effects of Pitra Dosh could even go to an extent when the native has to serve a long sentence in prison.
  • Increased Pitra Dosh in native's Kundli might bring unnatural death like suicides/accidents/murder and/or continuous loss of lives in a mysterious manner.

Types of Pitra Dosha

According to Indian astrology, there are 14 kinds of Pitra-Dosh based on positions and aspects of malefic planets. Inappropriate position of the planet Rahu is considered the major cause of Pitra Dosh. But, as per the teachings of Hindu mythology, there are mainly 3-types of Pitru Dosha:

  • 1. Due to the curse of the departed souls on their own family, if the family members fail to perform the basic requirement such as shraadh, pinda daan, rituals of the last rite, etc. for their ancestors.
  • 2. Due to the curse of the outsiders/known or unknown living being who was affected by your living/departed ancestors.
  • 3. Due to failure to look after the aged peoples (parents or grandparents) and leaving them alone to fend for themselves.

Pitra Dosha Astrology

Planetary Positions For Pitru Dosh

These Doshas are reflected in our Horoscope when planets attain certain positions in a horoscope. The following are the common planetary positions, which form various kinds of Pitru Doshas:

  • When Venus, Saturn and Rahu or two of these three are situated in the 5th House of horoscope- The Sun becomes malefic and shows its ill effects on the native.
  • If Ketu is situated in the 4th House of horoscope. One receives the malefic effects of Planet Moon.
  • If Mercury or Ketu or both are situated in 1st or 8th House in the horoscope- Mars gives inauspicious results to the native.
  • If Moon is situated in the 3rd or 6th House of the horoscope of the native- The native suffers from the malefic effects of planet Mercury.
  • When Venus, Mercury or Rahu, any two of these three or all the three planets are situated in 2nd or 5th or 9th or 12th House of the horoscope of the native- The planet Jupiter gives inauspicious results.
  • If Sun or Moon or Rahu or any two out of these three or all these three planets are situated in the 7th House of the horoscope- The planet of Venus becomes inauspicious and gives malefic effects to the native.
  • When Sun, Moon or Mars or two out of these three or all these three are situated in 10th or 11th House in the horoscope- Saturn gives malefic effects as it becomes inauspicious due to the above placement.
  • When Sun or Venus or both are situated in 12th House in the horoscope- Rahu gives bad results to the native as it is rendered inauspicious due to this planetary position.
  • If Moon or Mars is situated in 6th House in a horoscope- Ketu gives bad results to the native.

Pitra Dosh Remedies For Rahu-Ketu

Whenever Pitru Dosh is found in the native's birth chart, besides regular remedies, one should offer food to crows, street dogs, and sweepers during 'Shradhas' (the lunar paksha dedicated to the forefathers).

In Vedic Astrology, offerings for Rahu and Ketu are given to alleviate the Pitru Dosh – if the curses of forefathers are found in the natal chart in the form of close afflictions of Rahu and Ketu/or aspects on functional benefics/or continuance of malefic planets Dasha periods. Services to parents, elderly and needy people, sweeper and poor people is recommended.

As far as remedies for Rahu and Ketu are concerned, Tuesday is considered as the day for Ketu. Friday and Saturday are considered as the days for Rahu. So, prefer propitiatory charities for crows, street dogs & sweepers respectively on these days. Crows in mythological literature represent forefathers whereas Ketu represents spiritual people.

Pitra Dosh Remedies For Other Planets

Remedies for the Sun & the Moon

Mother/Father/King in mythological literature represents the Sun & the Moon, when afflicted/ill-placed in the natal chart, are believed to be attributed to the wrong deeds done to parents. The preferred propitiatory charities are recommended. For the sun & the moon- feed animals like cows and oxen.

Remedies for Venus

The preferred propitiatory charities are recommended for the needy/poor women, wife, etc. Close affliction/ill placement of Venus in the natal chart is believed to be attributed to ill-treating females or one's wife in previous lives.

Remedies for Saturn

The preferred propitiatory charities/services are recommended for poor people. The close affliction and the ill placement of Saturn in the natal chart is believed to be attributed to the wrong deeds to servants or poor people in one's previous lives. Avail our Saturn Transit/Sade Sati Report 2020 to understand how the transit of Saturn will impact you this year!

Remedies for Jupiter

The preferred propitiatory charities/services are recommended for Jupiter (Guru), learned people and husband. The close affliction of Jupiter in the natal chart is believed to be attributed to wrong deeds done to learned people, one's guru and one's husband in the case of females in the previous lives.

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