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Romance Compatibility Forecast Detailed Astrology

Our best compatibility report and it deals "specifically" with romantic relationships between two people. Our astrologer delivers a report that will reveal all the inner secrets your potential or current lover has hidden away about his/her character. You will discover much about yourself and how you relate to your lover. You won't be disappointed with this well written, detailed romantic report.

Love or Romance Astrology is one of the top most topics in a person's life. Love, Romance Astrology is used to determine the love life and married life of Native, the compatibility of the Native with his/her lover or spouse and any other question pertaining related to love, relation or marriage. Love Astrology is used to determine the love life and married life of Native, the compatibility of the Native with his/her lover or spouse and any other question pertaining to love, physical relationship or marriage.

Love Astrology is also used to determine how the Native himself would be in terms of love and his qualities in the romantic area. Love Astrology is the area of astrology which can answer any question about love, romance and marriage, such as, how would one's spouse be, whether one is in a love affair at present, whether one has the tendency to cheat on his/her spouse or lover. If one will lead a happy sxual life or if one has chanced of being impotent.

Romantic Compatibility Reports reveal important interactions between the birth charts of two people involved in a love relationship. We offer the following Love and Romance Relationship reports:

  • Romantic Compatibility Report
  • Vedic Compatibility Report
  • Two Compatibility Reports Special: Romantic & Vedic Compatibility
  • New! Composite Couples Report
  • Couples Report with Relationship Forecast
  • Star*Mate Couples Report
  • Relationship Report Package – No Birth Times
  • Psyche & Eros Relationship Report
  • Love Ties Compatibility Report
  • Synastry Report

Romantic Compatibility Report

The Romantic Compatibility Report *with Birth Times* is a compatibility report that uses a number of techniques to explore a relationship's dynamics. It is a special computerized report that examines a romantic relationship from a variety of angles. What is the nature of your attraction? How do you relate to each other? Which of your personality traits are compatible, and which clash? What are the specific dynamics of your chemistry together? What is the destiny or outcome of your relationship? This report explores all of these issues and more, offering interesting and helpful insight into the personal dynamics of a love relationship.

This report is officially called Cosmo Compatibility, and is often sold under the name of Romantic Compatibility, although our astrologer, Annie, has re-written and added to some of the interpretive text of the report for an extended final product.

Vedic Compatibility

The Vedic Astrology Romantic Compatibility Report is a special computerized report that examines a romantic relationship using specific criteria in Vedic Astrology. Although we feature Western astrology on our site, we offer this report for a few reasons. Vedic Astrology tends to be very specific—some say fatalistic, although this is not always the case with many modern Vedic astrologers.

This particular report will appeal to those who take comfort in a formula or a "bottom line". A couple either scores well in a particular category…or not. Those who are sensitive to this type of formula should not purchase the report.

The ancient method of relationship compatibility is largely based upon the Moons of the couple though it also includes a comparison of Mars. These techniques determine the fundamental compatibility that is the foundation of the relationship. If the compatibility is favorable, the couple will have the capacity to relate in a manner that allows the love to flow and for both of them to grow in a positive way. Karmic and behavioral factors will modify to which extent they will fulfill this capacity. If the compatibility is inadequate the couple will find it difficult to flow together; their very energies will not harmonize well together. In this case, there is little that they can do, but to accept the fact that they collide or miss each other at times. They can consciously attempt to create a better flow, but at times they will fall back onto their natural, disruptive flow, especially during times of stress or fatigue.

Composite Couples

The Composite Couples Report interprets the Composite chart–the combined chart of a couple. The report examines the placement of the Sun through Pluto in the houses of the Composite chart as well as the aspects between the composite planets. The average report runs approximately 15 pages long. This report is best for established couples, and for those looking to discover the potential of a coupled relationship.

Astrological factors considered: the Sun through Pluto. Planets in houses and planetary aspects are interpreted.

From the author of this report (from the introduction): "Each of us has a personal birth chart that records where the planets were at the time when we were born. As long as we are lone individuals, we are stuck with that chart. The placements and aspects of our natal birth chart will define our potential as individuals for the rest of our lives. Furthermore, the possible aspects and possible alignments of the planets in our birth chart are limited by where the planets actually were around the time when we were born. It is not possible to have Jupiter conjunct Saturn in our birth charts when Jupiter and Saturn were on opposite sides of the solar system.

All of those limitations disappear when it comes to the composite chart between two people. Through the magic of two people's charts coming together and combining, almost any combination, almost any destiny, is possible. By unifying with another person, the two of you can have a greater capacity to channel the planetary energies in a desired direction than was possible for either one of you alone. The two of you do have to submerge your individual egos to the extent necessary to form a partnership, but as long as the two of you remain linked as partners in that team, the planetary energies of its composite chart are at the disposal of both of you.

Romance Compatibility Forecast Detailed Astrology

Couples Report

The Couples Report takes a comprehensive look at the Composite chart–the combined chart of a couple. The report examines the placement of the Sun through Pluto in the houses of the Composite chart, the aspects between the composite planets (including the major aspects as well as the semi-sextile, semi-square, and the sesquiquadrate), the midpoints, and signs on the cusps of the houses. The average report runs approximately 25 pages long. This report is best for established couples, and for those looking to discover the potential of a coupled relationship.

Also included in this package is a Relationship Forecast report for One Year. This report reveals the influences of the transiting planets on the composite chart.

Star Mate Couples

The Star*Mate report is based on the Composite chart–the combined chart of a couple. It is unique in that it examines not only the aspects between the Sun, Moon, and planets, it also interprets the aspects and house positions of Eros, Amor, Psyche, Sappho, Cupido, and more. Minor aspects in the composite chart are also included.

The report includes a chapter devoted to a couple's scores in the areas of:

  • Romantic and Sexual Attraction
  • Good Communication & Problem Solving
  • Longevity & Commitment
  • Sense of Fate & Destiny Together
  • Challenges & Weaknesses

This report includes many different factors, and for this reason, it may be best for people who are interested in exploring a relationship more closely.

Relationship Report Package

If one or both birth times are unknown, we have a Relationship Report Package with interpretations of both synastry and composite positions that are not time-dependent, with the possible exception of the Moon sign. This package includes the Compatibility Report, Compatibility & Conflict Report, and the Couples Report for Unknown Birth Times (where at least one birth time is unknown).

The 3 reports included in this package include interpretations of the following:

  • Comparison of Temperaments
  • Major Themes - What Brought You Together
  • Destiny and Final Outcome of the Relationship
  • Emotions and Communications
  • Challenges & Weaknesses
  • Romantic & Sexual Attraction

Psyche & Eros Relationship Report

The Psyche & Eros Relationship Report explores the relationship potentials of each person, as well as the ways they interact with each other.

What is it you want to know when you are checking out a romantic relationship? Basically two things. First, you want to understand the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups, and issues each person brings to the relationship – in other words, the relationship potential of each person. And then, of course, you want to understand how the emotional needs, temperament, hang-ups and issues of one person relate to those of another person in order to see how they would get along – in other words, the compatibility analysis.

The Psyche and Eros Relationship Analysis consists of 4 sections: the first two sections describe the relationship potential of each person, and sections 3 and 4 are the compatibility analysis, describing how the two people experience each other and the relationship from the perspective of each person.

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