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Aquarius Compatibility Astrology

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac (January 20 to February 18). It's represented by the Water Bearer, or sometimes simply by three squiggly lines (hence why many people mistake Aquarius for a water sign). A fixed air sign ruled by Saturn in ancient astrology, and Uranus in modern astrology, Aquarius (called Kumbha in Vedic astrology) energy is eclectic, creative, and forward-thinking.

Aquarius (born January 21-February 19) is ruled by the planet Uranus, which is known for bringing disruption and change. The Aquarians of the zodiac mirror this chaotic energy: they're unconventional, individualistic, introspective, and idealistic. Aquarians love to see and be seen and, as an Air sign, they are usually in the middle of things and making waves.

Symbolized by the Water Bearer, an Aquarius ebbs and flows through life in search of new people and experiences. Aquarians are best known for knowing everyone. Aquarians effortlessly connect with people from all walks of life, and they usually view these connections as rich opportunities to gain a new perspective on life or a chance to help someone in need. An Aquarius' ability to create relationships with people, along with their natural curiosity, sometimes means they're considered eccentric.

An Aquarius is also opinionated and analytical. Combine their many first-hand experiences with their near-compulsive consumption of art and literature, and you've got a person with lots of opinions and ideas. When an Aquarius takes a position on something they've learned about, they're happy to talk about it...and they won't sugarcoat it, either.

If Aquarius isn't at their best, they can be stubborn and difficult. Sometimes this means they outright refuse to consider other perspectives, and they can worry that being contradicted means their credibility is being attacked. This refusal to see reason can make Aquarians very difficult to communicate with.

Aquarians also have a tendency to resist others' attempts to get to know them on a deeper level, which means intimacy can be the most challenging aspect of a relationship with an Aquarian. For those attracted to a rebel with a heart for the downtrodden and the mind of a visionary, putting in the work to break down Aquarius's walls can be well worth the effort.

Aquarius Personality Traits

Just as with any sign, there are many ways to be an Aquarius. However, this sign is known to have an affinity for the unknown—and what may seem "experimental" or "avant-garde" to the rest of us. It's truly a sign ahead of the times, and Aquarians are always looking forward into the future with a cool, airy perspective. As such, they're sometimes labeled as the archetypal outsiders or eclectics of the zodiac.

Aquarius is represented by the Water Bearer—a figure emptying a jug of water. This gesture is meant to sweep away the past, clear away stagnant thinking that's holding us back, and make room for what's next. This says a lot about the Aquarian personality. Ruled by Saturn and Uranus, the Aquarian superpower involves reflecting on the past while figuring out how to move forward into the future. Saturn is the planet of time and also the ruler of Capricorn. Uranus, discovered around the same time as electricity, is the planet of insights, revelations, and revolutions.

In the Northern Hemisphere, Aquarius season comes in the middle of winter. Think of it as a cool blast of wintry air that can help us find clarity, revelation, and sudden electrical insights. Aquarius' opposite sign is Leo, the theatrical fire sign. These two energies are in constant conversation. If Leo brings on the personal creative fire, Aquarius shows us how to use that fuel to power the future.

Aquarians are usually full of ideas, ready to get the big picture on a problem and figure out how we should all move forward collectively into the unknown. Aquarius says onward—into the future!

Aquarius Traits

  • Creative
  • Humanitarian
  • Innovative
  • Optimistic
  • Peaceful

Aquarius challenges & opportunities for growth

Aquarians are the cool air of winter, filled with revelatory insights. However, that cool air can be a tad aloof at times. Aquarius prefers "we" to "me," and unlike their opposite sign of Leo, isn't very comfortable in the limelight. But as with most signs, Aquarians can learn a lot from their opposer. It's OK to take center stage, warm up to people, and let your guard down sometimes, Aquarius!

Aquarius Compatibility Astrology

Aquarius in love & sex

In love as in life, Aquarius is the great experimenter. This sign is willing to try out all sorts of things in the love and relationship department. As a fixed sign, Aquarians are usually ready to commit, hunker down in relationships, and hold space for their partners. The typical Aquarius is looking for a best friend with whom they can also share their life.

That said, Aquarians tend to appreciate space in relationships, as they're known to enjoy their alone time. So, don't take it personally if the Aquarian in your life needs a little room to themselves every once in a while.

Aquarius in friendship

Since air signs tend to be quite cerebral, Aquarians are typically looking for friends they can connect with intellectually. They're always on the hunt for people they can really think through life with. Their Uranus rulership makes them charmed by new information or anything that's surprising to them: Music, art, and discoveries that fall outside the mainstream are all ways into the Aquarian heart.

Aquarius in career & money

Aquarians are the inventors, scientists, experimental artists, and artisans of the zodiac. Uranus, Aquarius' ruling planet, is associated with newness and invention. Likewise, Aquarians often feel most at home in fields that are on the brink of discoveries. Ethical technology, electronic music, and visionary inventions all fall under this sign's wheelhouse.

The typical Aquarian is not just in business for themselves—they're always pondering what's best for humanity and the collective. This means the sign will feel most fulfilled in jobs that put sustainability, the future of the planet, and collective harmony at the forefront.

Additionally, Aquarians often thrive in groups, where they can bounce ideas back and forth, try new things, and experiment. Aquarians know that a few heads are better than one.

Aquarius Compatible Signs

There are no absolutes when it comes to astrological compatibility, but Aquarians typically gravitate toward folks who can help them with their big-picture thinking. Here are their most compatible and incompatible signs in friendship and love:

Compatible Signs

Generally, the most compatible signs for Aquarius friendships and romantic relationships are fellow air signs (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini), as they speak the same intellectual language, and fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries).

Incompatible Signs

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) might find themselves intrigued by Aquarians but aren't typically built for long-term relationships with the water bearer.

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