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Daiva marriage Astrology

The parents of the girl start looking for a suitable match for their daughter immediately after she attains puberty. ... But in case they fail to find and fix her marriage within a reasonable time to a suitable groom of their choice, they decide to offer the girl as Dakshina to a priest, which is called Daiva marriage.

Daiva marriage means the girl is married to a priest during a sacrifice. After waiting for a reasonable period for a suitable man for their daughter and when they do not find anyone, the girl's parents go looking for a groom in a place where a sacrifice is being conducted.

In this form of marriage the father gives away his daughter as a 'Dakshina' (sacrificial fee) along with heavy ornaments to a young priest who officially performs the yajna which is arranged by him. This form of marriage is called 'Daiva' because the girl is gifted to a priest as sacrifice to a daiva or god. These girls are maidens who are offered as dakshina. They are called "vadhus". Though this form of marriage was in practice during the early period, when Yajna was a vital part of the daily activities of Hindus. During the later days it was considered improper. According to the shastras, Daiva marriage is considered inferior to Brahma marriage because it is considered degrading for the womanhood to look for groom.

In this marriage holy yajna is performed and to perform the yajna, number of learned boys is also invited. And in this marriage some good articles, clothes etc., are donated whereas in above stated Brahma marriage nothing is donated.

Daiva marriage Astrology

The word daiva is Sanskrit, and has many meanings, one of which is "relating to gods, caused by or coming from gods." It can also be translated as "divine" or "celestial." The word loka is also Sanskrit and means "world" or "a particular division of the universe."

What does Daiva Loka mean?

Daiva loka is the name of one of the planes of existence outlined in Sankhya philosophy. Different beings exist on each of the planes, and daiva loka is the plane upon which the lower gods are said to reside.

The word daiva is Sanskrit, and has many meanings, one of which is "relating to gods, caused by or coming from gods." It can also be translated as "divine" or "celestial." The word loka is also Sanskrit and means "world" or "a particular division of the universe."

India is a land of diverse cultures. However, even with so many people of different cultures living together, it comes with its own set of limitations. One of the biggest problems that India faces even today is inter-caste marriages. Marrying a person of a different caste creates a big hue and cry n families. It is just not accepted. It is rather unfortunate to experience petty things like these when India has advanced so much in terms of technology and other fields. Even today, it is not uncommon to come across news of honor killing . Though this is seen mostly in rural areas, people living in urban cities are also not far behind.

City dwellers may not indulge in honor killings, but some sections of society still do not accept inter-caste marriages. The most common reason given by people who are against inter-caste marriages is that two different faiths and cultures cannot co-exist in a house. Well, we really do not agree with this. If two people in love have compatibility, co-existing is never a problem. So breaking the myth and this so called taboo of inter-caste marriages, we will give you 5 benefits of inter-caste marriage.

In Daiva marriage the girl is married to a priest during a sacrifice. After waiting for a reasonable period for a suitable man for their daughter, when the parents do not find anyone for their girl, they go looking for a groom in a place where a sacrifice is being conducted. Here the girl is groomed with ornaments and married to a priest. According to the Shastras, Daiva marriage is considered inferior to Brahma marriage because it is considered bad for the womanhood to look for groom.

This form of marriage was in practice during the early period, during the later days it was considered improper to offer a girl to a priest without taking into account his status. It was also thought that a girl could not be gifted away in this manner. Hence daiva form of marriage was considered inferior to Brahma marriage.

In this marriage holy yajna is performed and to perform the yajna, a number of priests are invited. In this marriage some articles, clothes etc., are donated, unlike Brahma Marriage.

The Daiva form of marriage is based on the principle of sacrifice. Fathers seek young Brahmin suitors for their daughters. The Brahmin, a priest, who is usually approached while he is conducting a sacrificial prayer, is offered the daughter as a wife and as an item of sacrifice. In other words, offering a daughter is constituted as the ultimate sacrifice a parent can make to placate the gods or to fulfill his karmic duty.

In Hinduism the benevolence shown to a Brahmin is looked upon as a supreme act of devotion and a daughter is the means to do so. The construction of the father as benevolent giver is simultaneously a dismissal of the daughter to service male karmic and dharmic ends.

Daiva-vivāha means 'marriage related to the rite of the gods'. In this form of marriage, unlike Brahma, the father gives away his daughter to a priest as a Dakshina (sacrificial fee) for officiating in the sacrifice conducted by the father of the bride.

In this form of marriage, the groom doesn't come looking for a bride, the parents of the bride go looking for the groom for her daughter.

This form of marriage is considered inferior to the Brahma marriage because, in Daiva, the father derives a benefit by using her daughter as a sacrifice and also because it is considered degrading for women to go looking for a groom.

According to Manu, the son of a wife married according to Daiva rite liberates seven of their ancestors and descendants.

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