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Chandra Dosha Astrology

In Vedic or Hindu Astrology, the Moon is one of the most significant and vital planets in the birth horoscope of a person. The Moon represents all the senses and their abilities to perceive and feel things of life together with all colors and splendors present. Hence, good and high position, and favorable and supportive effects of the Moon (Chandra) are utmost desirable in the natal chart. Such situations will also be very comfortable and beneficial during the Mahadasha of Moon. The scarcity of such good and favorable conditions in the birth chart of a person are generally termed as the Chandra Dosha. The Mahadasha of Chandra occurs when the Moon is closest to the ruling Nakshatra (Constellation) of the person. During this phase, a weak, debilitated, or retrograde Moon may cause a variety of troubles or problems to the native. The paragraphs below offer more information about this chandra (moon) dosha and its effects, and how to remove chandra dosha, to help the concerned people of India and abroad.

Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse Dosha is a situation when the Moon is in a birth chart with Rahu or Ketu. As a matter of fact, Rahu and Ketu orbit around the sun in the opposite direction. In addition, they stay on each planet for 18 months and in a house depending on their ascendant. As they move, there might come a time when Chandra or moon will be in the same house as Rahu/ Ketu. This situation is called Chandra Dosha. If this Dosha occurs at the time of the birth of a baby, then the child will have a birth chart with the Chandra Dosha.

In fact, the instable planets, Rahu and Ketu will disorganise the effects of the moon. The moon controls the mind. It is the ruler of the mind. Under the effect of Rahu/ Ketu, the moon will lose control of the mind, hence leading to mental disorders.

Chandra Dosh means the weak moon during Chandra Mahadasha. The weak Moon can create problems in life and harm relationships. Scroll down to read more about the effects of Chandra Dosha.

There are plenty of adverse effects that one may experience or suffer from due to the Chandra dosha. Some of the common ones are mentioned below.

  • Body pain, weakness, and lethargy are also some of the issues that one can face.
  • Sleepiness and drowsiness and feeling weak all day.
  • Mental tension and weakness, or headache could also be the common problems faced by people who are affected by Chandra dosh.
  • Personality disorders such as mood swings and depression could also be experienced by some of them.
  • Financial crisis
  • Some women could experience menstrual problems and fertility issues as well.

If the effect of Chandra Dosha is creating constant problems in your life then the following methods are recommended on how to remove Chandra dosha or reduce it to an extent.

Chandra Dosha Astrology

Planetary Positions of the moon that forms Chandra Dosha

  • The combination or conjunction of Rahu-Moon in the horoscope is known as Chandra Dosha.
  • When the moon is forming a conjunction with Ketu and Rahu is inspecting the moon in the horoscope then it also creates Chandra Dosha.
  • When Moon is in a weak position in the horoscope as well as when the moon forms a conjunction with any other malefic planet then it creates Chandra dosh.
  • When a horoscope shows the conjunction of Sun-Moon, it also causes Chandra Dosha.

Effects of Chandra Dosha

As per Vedic astrology, the moon holds an important position in Hindu culture. The effects of Chandra Dosha depend on the combined position of Chandra-Rahu or Chandra-Ketu in a horoscope. The moon malefic effects or Chandra Dosha develops many significant obstructions in one's life. Moon controls the mind and the mind controls all other senses of a human being. So, if there is a Chandra dosha in a birth chart then it disturbs the mind to such extent that it becomes almost impossible for that person to make right decisions.
There are several adverse effects that one may experience or suffer in his/ her lifetime due to the Chandra dosha. A few of them are:

  • Unstable mind, stress, weakness, and headache are some common problems one may face.
  • With an unstable mind, a person starts doubting every decision (big or small in life) and becomes a victim of depressions, and cognitive disorders.
  • Body pain, joint pain, lethargy, anxiety, and a negative attitude towards life are also some of the problems that one can face.
  • Financial crisis and there may be losses in wealth and property.
  • It is observed that some women are experiencing menstrual problems and fertility issues due to this dosha.
  • Vedic astrology describes Moon as the karaka of Mother. When the moon is weak positioned, it creates a disturbing relationship between that person and his/her mother.

Remedies for Chandra Dosha

Vedic Astrology talks about neutralizing the effect of Chandra Dosha which creates constant problems in one's life. A person suffering from Chandra dosha should consult an astrologer to remove the bad or malefic effects of the moon through puja, Homam, yagna, mantra chanting, and offerings. Followings are some common remedies to nullify the effects of Chandra Dosha:

  • Chant Beej Mantra of Chandra every day for 108 times: "Om Som Somaya Namaha".
  • Visit a temple of Lord Shiva and offer milk to Shivalinga every Monday.
  • Donate rice, grains, white cloth, silver to a brahmin on a Mondays.
  • Donate milk or kheer to the poor/needy on the Full Moon and Mondays.
  • Donate silver, if you can afford it and never accept silver as a donation or gift.
  • Always show respect to your mother and other elders.
  • Observe fast or Vrat for 9 consecutive Mondays to reduce the effect of Chandra dosha.
  • A person should offer water by adding little milk or white flowers to the moon at a neat and clean place, especially on Monday evening.
  • Worshiping Moon God and meditating under the moonlight is quite helpful to reduce mental anxieties caused by a malefic moon.

Mantras to reduce the effects of Chandra Dosha

Regular chanting of the following mantras is helpful to neutralize and stabilize the malefic planets that cause Chandra dosha

  • For Rahu (conjunction with Moon) - "Om Ram Ravahe Namaha"
  • For Ketu (conjunction with Moon) - "Om Ketu Ketuve Namaha"
  • For Moon God (Chandra Dev)- "Om Shram Shreem Shrom Sha Chandermse Namaha"
  • Chandra Dosha Nivaran Mantra (It is suggested that the person must start chanting the mantra on a Monday):

" Dadhi shankha tusharabham kshirodarnava sambhavam
Namani Shashinam somam shambor mukutbhushanam. "

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