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Student and Education Astrology

Education has gained a lot of importance in the past few decades. The norms of education which existed years ago have changed drastically. Back in the days the main purpose of education was to provide basic learning and mannerism as per the needs of the society. But today the role and importance of education has changed in great measures. It is the level and quality of education that a person acquires, determines his/her livelihood and status in the society. Due to the advancement in technology, various new fields of studies have come up, providing a lot of options for the students to choose from. But with variety of options available, there is a great deal of confusion for the students to select the right stream or field of studies for them.

When confusion looms over the student and he/she is unable to decide what field of studies they should take up, astrology can play an important role in deciding or selecting the right stream. Astrological guidance can provide great understanding and explanation regarding one's education to a confused student. The placing of planets and other celestial bodies in the natal birth chart of an individual can provide a lot of understanding and indication on the type of education and profession one should follow to reap the maximum benefits.

Educational qualifications and achievements of an individual can be predicted by studying the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 9th House of one's kundli or birth chart and the ruler of the respective houses. The 2nd house shows the education and development that takes place in the early childhood, 4th house shows one's ability to grasp knowledge and sensitivity towards learning. 5th house shows the education in high school level and college degree and the 9th house shows the prospective of further higher studies. The Second house is usually referred to as the house of education, studying this house can provide a deep understanding of one's education. However, only the study of second house won't provide the complete picture, as education is influenced by numerous other houses.

In general, the Ruler of the first house or the ascendant should be in 1st, 4th, 7th and the 10th houses (Kendra), 1st, 5th and 9th houses (Trikonas), second house or in the eleventh house. If the ruler of the 1st house is positioned in the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the Ascendant, then the individual is said to face challenges and struggle a lot. Presence of destructive planets in the second house such as Saturn, Mars or Rahu leads to difficult childhood education or impossible to achieve it. Whereas the presence of planets such as Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter proves to be an auspicious presence in attaining early childhood education. Presence of planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu in the 4th house gives a difficult time during high school.

Lack of interest in education or lack of education usually occurs when planets like Saturn and Rahu are sitting on the 5th house. However placing of planets like Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Sun in 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses proves to greatly benefit in attaining different fields of education.

Those who are confused regarding their education or their children's education should consult an astrologer to get a better understanding and guidance. Getting a proper clarification helps in choosing the right career path and a happy life ahead.

Student and Education Astrology

How Planets Affect Education Astrology

Knowledge is to know about everything God has created and ignorance is treated as the curse of God. Education works as a tool to know about God's creation and to achieve best of it.

Education is the base of life. Education helps a person and offers him ample opportunities to confer shape to his life. Meaning of education is today different from what it was in the past. The main purpose of education was to make a student perfect in grammar and mannerism as per social requirements. But today it has different look or we may say people look and think differently when we ask their views on the subject. It has become device for the livelihood. With the advancement of technology, abundant fields have come up and the students are generally found confused when asked to select the stream of their choice. In selecting the subject of student's choice Aptitude Test plays an important role but in country like India where opportunities are very limited, is it possible for every student to provide him the stream of his choice? Practically, we have seen the engineers and technicians doing clerical jobs and vice versa. Astrologically, it is possible to pronounce the tendencies of a person where he can achieve perfection. On the other hand, it can also throw light on the area of his livelihood which may not be the same in which he has attained academic perfection.

Astrological guidance helps parents to select the right subject for their children right from the beginning. Some students are also seen quite confused about selection of the subject they want to study. They themselves do not know which way to go. Here astrology comes as a helping hand. Planets in the natal chart of an individual can indicate the type of education and profession that could suit one the best.

In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is considered as karaka of education and knowledge. When Jupiter is posited in Trikona or Kendra with the lord of 5th house, it bestows good results in respect of education. Mercury symbolises intelligence. So, along with Jupiter, it should also be well placed in horoscope for educational achievements of an individual.

To determine the field of area of study, we should also consider 2nd house for student's primary education and his ability of expression. However, main house for education is 5th house. For education involving research 8th house should be analysed. This house is also important for secret knowledge or magical powers etc.

Known combination in Vedic Astrology like Buddhaditya yoga and Saraswati Yoga involve the combination of Sun, Mercury, Venus and their good placement in the horoscope. The native will have tendencies to learn about music, dance, painting, tourism and other artistic work, if his Venus is strong in the natal chart. If Mars is strong, the educational field may be that of engineer, doctor or surgeon etc. Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Moon combinations give engineering or medical education. Electrical field is represented by Venus and Mars. Ketu represents electronic media. Saturn represents earth and therefore area belongs to mines, minerals and petroleum and leather etc.

Planets have their effect on individual's education choices and ability to grip them. When 2nd and 5th houses and their lord's are badly affected the person has little or no education.

The ninth house, the house of religion and spirituality, is considered to be the home of higher learning. Since Jupiter is the ruler of this house, it covers areas such as the sciences, spirituality, philosophy, religion etc. Those who are confused about their child's education and believe in the supremacy of astrology should also seek guidance from an astrologer so that the child can be provided education according to the planets that are well placed in individual's natal chart.

Education Astrology by Vedicology

Education astrology helps students in building a great career with bright options without much effort and pain. Vedic education astrology predictions make students know the subject and the stream in which they can prosper and make a good start. Education prediction in astrology also lets one get early success and achieve greater heights in a shorter time.

As the wise men say, Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to modify the entire world.

Vedicology has an expert team of education astrologers who can conduct an analysis on your child's horoscope, explain your child's life plan and the most ideal education options. The Vedicology Team are also experts on suggesting the right remedial measures for education astrology.

Your horoscope can help you to choose your right education option

You will agree, if one is born to become a doctor and if he/she starts trying a computer programmer's career, then how tough it would become. It is simpler to grow and prosper in one's stream then to try making ways in other streams. The Indian Vedic astrology tells the stream one should take, in line with the person's horoscope. Hence Education prediction through Vedic astrology is beneficial for the student and the parent. A good astrologer can help you with this.

Astrology consultation for education saves time and money

Astrology predictions on education prevent parents and students from wasting time and money. The cost of education and the troubles in career building are making students seek education astrology. Education prediction through Vedic astrology has made life easier for students and parents. All you need to do is consult a good astrologer in Chennai to understand your child's life plan.

An advanced tool that can create a precise solution as per your age

In ancient days, the education astrologers made use of the ages-old scriptures. They were not easy to read and predict. But now, the in-depth research made in Vedic astrology has made it much more straightforward and to the mark. Education prediction through Vedic astrology has now become a much more advanced tool. It gives a clear picture of one's astral chart and right feedback about the stream; one should opt for at the school level and the college level.

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