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Spiritual Remedies Astrology

Day-to-day efforts made to realise God is spiritual practice and realising God is experiencing the state of Absolute Truth-Absolute Consciousness-Bliss (Sat-Chit-Anand) continuously. Only spiritual practice is able to endow the courage to face grief in life, and to enjoy the highest form of Bliss. This can be performed along different paths such as Dnyanyoga (Path of Knowledge), Dhyanyoga (Path of Meditation), Bhaktiyoga (Path of Devotion), Karmayoga (Path of Action) etc. Saints have proclaimed that in the Kaliyug the best spiritual is chanting.

The strengths and placements of planets in your horoscope are not an aimless permutation or a coincidental combination but directly influence the occurrences in your life. It is these phases that we have to overpower with astrological remedies.

Realising the effects on planets on human life

Realising the effects on planets on human life in the ancient times Bharatiya Sages developed the science of astrology
'In the ancient times, Bharatiya Sages were aware that the planets revolving around the sun have an effect on human life. These Sages would receive strength from performing yoga and penance (tapa). Since they had a high spiritual level they would receive Divine knowledge which they have preserved in the form of Holy verses (suktas) in the Vedas. Astrology has 36 Holy verses in the Rugveda, 44 in Yajurveda and 162 in Atharvaveda. The norms from astrology are based on Bharatiya Darshans.

Performing spiritual practice to overcome ill-effects

Performing spiritual practice to overcome ill-effects of planetary defects is the best solution to this problem.
To overcome planetary defects astrology has suggested a number of remedies such as chanting, donation, performing rituals, wearing particular gems etc. Though these reduce the intensity of the problem they are only temporary. With passage of time the problems recur and man has to expiate his destiny by facing it. That is precisely why to be able to get out of the cycle of birth and death performing spiritual practice is the best remedy.

Spiritual Remedies Astrology

Astrological remedies transform negative energy into a plant of positivity

  • Mantra: Chanting mantras produce energy-based sounds possessing vibrational and resonating powers. Vedic astrology considers nine planets, that is Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Mantras are connected to a particular planet or a deity representative of that planet thus chanting of these mantras create the energy to avoid recurring hurdles caused due to the planetary effect in life. A few effective mantras are Navagraha Mantra, Gayatri Mantra, Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, Baglamukhi Mantra etc.
  • Yantra: Yantras are astrological armours to protect you in the battles of your everyday life. These can be carved on paper, timber or copper and must be placed at an easily visible space or else can be acquired in the form of a body ornament. Yantras can be effectively used as a remedial measure to nullify the negative planetary effect. Various yantras are used for various aspects of one's life and must be worshipped as a deity of the planet. The yantra is considered to be the form of a mantra. A few examples are Navagraha Yantra, Shri Yantram, Shri Mahalakshmi Yantra, Kubera Yantra etc.
  • Fasting: Our ancient vedic literature has various instances of gurus meditating in woods for years and acquiring mystical powers once their tapasya is complete. Similar is the concept of fasting as an astrological remedy. Fasting takes you a step closer to spirituality and in possession of innate powers. If done in the correct manner the hurdles in life are erased and new opportunities arise to lead you to peaceful paths.
  • Vedic rituals: Vedic rituals invite positive vibes in your life and exude the negative energy that hinders your achievements. These rituals involve yagnas which enrich your life and bring solace. Rituals are supremely effective as they affect your surroundings both physically and spiritually. The heat from the yagna's fire and sound of chanting mantras meet together to generate physical, mental and emotional well-being. There are different rituals that are needed to be performed which depends on the position of different planets and your zodiac. Apart from chanting ritual and yagna other rituals like Navgraha Shanti, Rudrabhishek, Shat Chandi, Mahayagna, Baglamukhi etc. must be practiced.
  • Gemstones: Gemstones are an effective remedy. Each planet is associated to a gemstone which has the power to double the effect of the planet in your life. Thus, it is beneficial to wear gemstones of only positive planets as it will significantly increase the positive energy in your life. It is also important to be very cautious while choosing a gemstone and the particular finger in which it is to be worn. Since, utmost care is needed, consultation from a experienced astrologer should be asked for.
  • Donations/Charity: A supreme remedy to terminate the ill effects of your karma done in any incarnation is charity. To help the deserving and right people and institutions is the key to receive material and spiritual blessings as per the vedic scripture. Charity and philanthropy are always good for everyone, so for you.

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