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Sagittarius Compatibility Astrology

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac (November 21 to December 21), and it's represented by a centaur holding a bow and arrow. A mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius (or Dhanus in Vedic astrology) energy is adventurous and expansive.

Sagittarius, the Archer, is a sign that is bubbling with energy all the time and needs to expend it in physical activities, such as playing sports. They are also optimistic and adventurous, love to travel and collect new experiences. Sagittarius zodiac compatibility suggests that it is one of the most luckiest sign of the zodiac. Besides, the Sagittarius compatibility indicates that they lack a sense of responsibility and tend to scatter their energies injudiciously.

Sagittarius Natives Are Most Compatible With: Aries, Aquarius, Leo

One sign with which Sagittarius natives are most compatible with is Aries, as per Sagittarius horoscope compatibility. Both these signs are fun-loving, love to socialise and are adventurous. They are also optimistic and together can overcome some extremely tough obstacles. Moreover, Sagittarius love compatibility indicate that since both love to have fun and share it, they will make an extremely sexually compatible pair.

Another sign with which Sagittarius is compatible is Aquarius. As per the Sagittarius compatibility, the adventurous Sagittarius will gel perfectly with the innovative Aquarius. Any kind of relationship they have is bound to be not just smooth but also enthusiastic. They will have a very satisfactory sexual equation which will, in turn, help in strengthening their overall relationship, says Aquarius-Sagittarius compatibility.

The Lion and the Archer have many things in common, such as love of freedom and adventure, which make them a great pair, as per Sagittarius compatibility. As far as sex goes also, their interests match, such as which activities they find stimulating, because of which the act will prove to be a very enjoyable one for both, according to Sagittarius love compatibility.

Sagittarius Natives Are Least Compatible With: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo

The Sagittarius natives' love of adventure, change and action jars on the Bull natives as they are more stay-at-home types who believe in family integrity, according to Sagittarius best compatibility. Even if Sagittarius and Taurus do strike up a rapport, along even sex on the agenda, this relationship is unlikely to last the full distance, as per Sagittarius compatibility.

Being too pragmatic, the Capricorn natives are unlikely to hit it off well with the Sagittarius natives, who are independent by nature, making the Goat feel burdened with all the responsibilities, as per Sagittarius compatibility. Besides, Sagittarius compatibility chart shows that these feelings of restrictions and rigidity are likely to get carried over to the bedroom, which will make sex between the two very uncomfortable.

Virgo is another sign with which the Sagittarius native will not be able to get along too well. Their approach to life is too light-hearted for the Virgo's methodical and meticulous approach. Also, Sagittarius compatibility suggest that a sexual relationship between the two will be short-lived.

Sagittarius Compatibility Astrology

Qualities Make a Good Match for a Sagittarius

Sagittarians appreciate these three traits in all their relationships, whether it's for love, friendship, or work.


Honesty is key for Sagittarians. They hate lying, and they hate being lied to. Even white lies or telling just part of the truth will cause them to seriously reconsider your trustworthiness. If you're honest though, Sagittarians will gravitate towards that, and they'll never criticize you for being too blunt about how you're feeling.

A Sense of Adventure

Sagittarians love trying all the new things, doing all the new things, and getting their hearts racing. A Sag can handle pretty much everything except being bored. If you're the type who's willing to go on a spontaneous weeklong camping trip or sign up to go skydiving, then you'll get along famously with Sagittarians.


Sagittarians love learning new things, having deep philosophical conversations, and generally learning more about the world and their place in it. If you can help them with this, either by being a great conversation partner or giving them something new to think about, Sagittarians will see you as someone they absolutely want to be around.

Qualities Make a Bad Match for a Sagittarius

It's also important to know what traits hurt Sagittarius zodiac compatibility. Any of the three qualities below can damage your relationship with a Sagittarius.


Sagittarians are a very optimistic sign, and they see limitless options for themselves. They won't take kindly to those who they see as party poopers, even if the other sign is only trying to be logical and realistic. Sags are very alert to anyone trying to stifle their spirit, and if you don't seem supportive of their dreams, a Sagittarius might decide they're better off without you.

Stickler for Rules

While it sometimes is actually a good idea for Sagittarians to pause and think about the logic of what they're doing, Sags will rarely admit it. They find rules and boundaries very stifling, and people who follow them to the letter to be boring and uptight. For avowed rule followers like Capricorns and Taureans, a relationship with a Sag can cause a lot of headaches on both sides.


Sagittarians are hugely independent. Even if they really like you (or love you), they're going to want to spend time with others pretty regularly. Being with one person all the time makes Sagittarians feel suffocated, but this can be tough for someone hoping for a deep friendship or relationship with a Sagittarius. Deeply loyal signs can cling all the harder when Sags start to pull away, which will only push Sags away even more quickly.

Best Sagittarius Compatible Signs

The signs below are each high-ranking Sagittarius compatible signs. If you're a Sagittarius, expect to get along especially well with these signs.

Sagittarius and Aries

These signs are both bold, adventurous, and optimistic, and together they can take on the world. Their sense of adventure can sometimes translate into recklessness, and their love of independence may mean they never put a label on their romantic relationship, but, honestly, that's how Sagittarius and Aries like it. They'll come up with the most incredible ideas, whether for a new business venture or just a way to rearrange the living room furniture. Their energy and relentless need for novelty may exhaust others, but this pair will thrive off each other.

Sagittarius and Leo

This pair is on fire (literally, both are fixed fire signs). They bring so much passion and intensity to relationships that it can often overcome Sagittarius' reluctance to commit. Both signs are honest and caring, and if Leo starts to get too bossy, Sagittarius will do their own thing for a while until they come back together and the fire is relit.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius

This double-Sagittarius pairing is a classic case of birds of a feather. Sagittarians can form quick bonds together based on their mutual independence, desire to explore, and spunkiness. They respect each other's need for autonomy and experience a thrilling connection that runs on both partners' never ending thirst for new knowledge and ideas. They'll need to watch out for hot tempers, however, and they may not last long as a serious couple (both likely have a wandering eye). When they're together, though? Two Sags will have tons of fun.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

These two share a lust for life that sparks an instant attraction. Both signs are comfortable with letting the other maintain their independence, and they appreciate not having to fight for their freedom in the relationship. Because Sagittarius and Aquarius are willing to be open with one another, they'll find their lives are filled with curiosity and wonder. But the dark side of this anything-goes arrangement is that both Sag and Aquarius are commitment phobic. You'll often see this pair in very long-term relationships but still hesitant to put a label on anything. This can come from a fear of the mundane, not from an inability to love one another! If Sagittarians and Aquarians understand that their unwillingness to commit comes from a deep respect for the other person's independence, then their relationship will thrive.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

Sagittarius compatibility can go either way with these pairings. It really depends on the effort Sagittarius and the other zodiac sign put into the relationship.

Sagittarius and Libra

Both Libras and Sagittariuses have a deep curiosity for the world, but they show it in different ways. For Libras, it means trying as many new things and meeting as many new people as possible. For Sagittarius signs, it can mean difficulty committing to a relationship and being picky about trying new things because they only want the best. However, these two signs can, and often do, bond over their innate kindness and creativity.

Sagittarius and Gemini

Sagittarius and Gemini are opposite signs, but they share a fascination with everything cerebral. Gemini brings cultural knowledge, and Sagittarius serves up the social consciousness and philosophical discussions. Both signs hate being bored, and neither is likely to be found spending an evening at home. If a Sagittarius' notorious temper flares, a Gemini can be put off, but these two usually find a way to reconcile. Despite their different temperaments, Sagittarians and Geminis are easy going when at their best. They'll just have to work hard to meet in the middle, especially when it comes to emotional availability.

Sagittarius and Cancer

Cancer and Sagittarius are great certain circumstances. Both signs are creative, honest, and generous, but Sagittarius can have a serious problem committing. This often causes a lot of hurt for super-loyal Cancers. This pairing can work well for casual friendships or relationships, but these compatibility issues often arise when things become more serious. Because Cancers are often reluctant to speak up when they're unhappy, they'll often go along with a relationship that isn't fulfilling to them, until they lose patience and end things when they realize their Sagittarius partner is unlikely to commit.

Sagittarius and Capricorn

Right off the bat, these two don't seem like they'd get on that well together. Capricorns can be somewhat stiff and responsible, while Sagittarians are much more carefree and spontaneous. However, in the best pairings, these two really have a positive influence on each other. Capricorns will loosen up and enjoy themselves more, and Sagittarians will pause and think through their actions a little bit more. When this happens, this pairing will then discover a mutual love of learning and trying new things.

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