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Air Hands Astrology

Air hands have square palms and long fingers and are often boney, with protruding knuckles and spindly fingers. This hand type signifies intellectually curious individuals with innate analytical abilities and communication skills. Those with air hands are easily distracted and, if not stimulated, can become anxious or edgy.

Air handed people square palm with long fingers. Air people live in the world of thought. Usually tall, air people have the lightest bones and their hands are often slight – the opposite of earth hands which are dense and heavy. The square palm of the air hand gives a sense of reality, what is physical, practical and structured; so they love practical, structured, systematic ideas. They live in the world of concepts, planning, logic, structure, ideas and thoughts.

They are forever asking how and why, they are always looking to deepen they're understanding and want to refine and improve. Technical work is usually preferred as they love to specialise and improve, glass ceilings and limitations are frustrating for them. They're sociable, questioning and curious, sometimes with highly-strung with neurotic tendencies. An air hand is stimulated by concepts and ideas, they love vocal exchanges, debates and learning. They like to structure things and put everything into a framework. They reduce things to formulas and love working with concepts. They like working with others, exchanging ideas and plans, and respond well to auditory information.

An air hand needs stimulating conversation and will always look for this in a partner. They're quirky, non-conformist, somewhat eccentric types who are natural instructors and advice givers. They like teaching and communicating on all levels. They're dominated by thought rather than emotion and can neglect their own - they overlook their emotions and rise above them. Because of this they often don't understand other people's sensitivity or why they responded emotionally. Physically tall and thin, the nervous system is often overworked due to over-thinking and too much cognitive activity. As a result, they're much more prone to any type of mental disorder – more so than any other element. They naturally over-think, and over- analyse. It is essential for air handed people to have clear thoughts or they will get frustrated and stressed.

Any information that comes to an air handed person, their first thought is always 'why' or 'how'? They have an inquisitive and questioning nature. They're always looking for reasons and answers. With an air hand, always emphasize how much they think! They will know you understand them as soon as this is discussed. They need a constructive and positive interesting or subject to put they're mind into otherwise they will have a real tendency to mentally pick themselves apart.

Astrologically, the Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

The air hand has a square palm with long fingers. The lines tend to be thin and the prints are usually loops. They are good at talking and writing. They are cheerful and happy people who often end up working in the communication industry.

They need constant intellectual stimulation and have a low boredom threshold. The Air hand has long fingers and tends to have an abundance of clear lines in the palm. Air types spend their time in the intellectual realms. They are curious and full of ideas. They thrive on nervous energy and may be prone to worry and stress. Air types are communicators and are often good at working with the public. However they may tend to intellectualize their feelings and can have difficulty with close, personal relationships.

Air Hands Astrology

Air Hand Shape Meaning in Palmistry

Air Hand (The Thinking Hand)

Air hand type is used to help analyse the character in palmistry. The air is the element used in astrology, the air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These people have similar traits, but not necessarily correspond with their actual sign.

This shape is also called the thinking hand or the philosophical hand. The air hand has a square palm with noticeably long fingers with conic or rounded fingertips. (Video Lesson about hand shapes here.) Please note that using the hand shape for character analysis is not completely accurate. The reason it doesn't work in every case is that many of us have a mix of hand shapes. In nearly all cases, the hand shape corresponds to the shape of the body. For example, short fingers = short body/legs.

Pure Air Hand Characteristics

The long fingers represent thinking and love of detail and the square palm shows practicality and someone down to earth. The lines are clear but finer than on the earth hand. The square shape of the palm gives practical, realistic and down to earth qualities and the long fingers show the thinking, analytical person. This shaped hand is rarely plump. The fingertips are often spatulate, depicting some obsessive qualities.

Summary of the air hand

  • The long fingers depict someone who is mentally active, logical, intelligent and patient.
  • A gift for observation, quick-witted and a love of detail.
  • They like to think things through themselves.
  • Also, tend to be inquisitive, motivated by information, and eager to learn. Hence, they can make good students.
  • They prefer to keep busy mentally with thoughts and ideas with constant variety and change.
  • Communication and technology interest them and they are often up to date with the latest technology.
  • Many have the talent in vocal or literary fields.
  • A suitable career could be journalism, teaching or something involving intellectual activities because they become restless or bored without mental stimulation. These people are often talented musicians, guitarists, pianists etc.
  • The emotional side of their life may be difficult to experience; they feel more comfortable talking about their feelings rather than showing them.


People with an air hand (square palm and long knotted fingers) have a plodding and analytical mind and tend to look for order and technique in what they do. The square palm gives them practical and down to earth qualities.


The square palm and long fingers of the air hand shape coupled with spatulate fingertips reveals a technically creative intellectual. They can be very original and inventive. The hand in the picture above belongs to a digital music technician who composes original works.

More about Air Hands

The air person shares a few characteristics with the earth person. They are both self starters, and there is a levelness in their emotions so long as they take care of their health. The air person substitutes discrimination for the earth person's caution. Like the water person, the air person tends to have, or seize on, many interests. But he or she explores them in linear fashion. Air persons are more compatible with fire persons, admiring passion, rationality and linear logic. In the end, air persons comfort themselves with their constant new ideas and look mostly to others a sounding boards.

They can show skill in argument, theoretical ability and may be natural teachers. They have open and exploring minds. Air people need mental challenges and public recognition. In their desire to achieve fame and recognition they can be tempted to be deceptive, and indulge in plagiarism. If they are denied the path to their higher ideals, through harmony and truth, they are likely to become dull and fickle. Fortunately for the world and publishers, they seem to be the hand type with the smallest membership in my experience both in urban and rural settings.

Their free spirits would make them good owners of uncaged birds. While quick witted and companionable, they tend to distrust emotions, needing order in all things. These virtuosos like to discriminate and organize. They must communicate. Air intellectuals may be found amongst writers, psychologists, researchers and those scientifically inclined.

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