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Ashlesha Nakshatra Astrology

Natives born in Ashlesha Nakshatra in Astrology are skilled in intellectual pursuits, are analytically minded, have critical thinking and are detail-oriented, strong, have observational skills, are cunning and clever. The natives possess a sharp memory, are good at writing and researching, are obstinate and stubborn, have inflexible perceptions, have a spiritual and mystical side, interest in occult practices, and astrology. They are independent, good workers, disciplined, focused on the task, strong-willed, ambitious, willing to do anything to attain power, and natural entrepreneurs.

Ashlesha Nakshatra in Astrology is one of the Adhomukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras which have their mouths downwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to tanks, wells, temples, mining, digging, etc. can be auspiciously begun and performed. Ashlesha represents the power of insight and intuition. It possesses the energy of the Moon and also the strength of the serpent deity. Ashlesha is regarded as the substantial negativity which is full of power and forcefulness. Ashlesha Nakshatra represents the primordial nature which is associated with genetic heritage and also connected to the past lives of the natives.

According to the Vedic Astrology, Moon is the governing planet of Ashlesha Nakshatra. It appears to be a coiled snake which symbolizes Kundalini energy. Ahi (Serpent of wisdom) is the Hindu Deity for this Nakshatra. The gender of Ashlesha Nakshatra star is female.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Characteristics in Male Natives

The natives who are born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra will not be grateful to anybody, not even to their parents. He is deceptive and cunning. Outwardly, he shows that he is compassionate, but inwardly he does not care a bit. A positive trait of his is that he is a spellbinding orator, and possess the ability to head many organisations. He can have a bright future in politics. Despite the above-mentioned negative qualities, he is fit for even a country's leadership. He does not discriminate between rich, poor, good, or bad people. However, he prefers friends who offer no resistance to his leadership.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Male: Profession and Related Areas

The native of Ashlesha Nakshatra is likely to take the stream of Arts or Commerce. As a professional, his rise and fall are fast and sometimes even sudden. On the financial front, he is likely to suffer a heavy loss in monetary terms around the ages of 35 and, around the age of 40, as well as he is likely to face some unexpected windfall.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Male: Compatibility and Family Life

He is mostly the eldest member of his family and therefore has to usually shoulder all the responsibility that comes along with it. His spouse will not be able to understand his feelings and moods, and sometimes even his words. She does not usually want to share her possessions with in-laws. Therefore, better look for maximum Janam Kundali Gun Milan by our.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Male: Health and Well-Being

He is likely to suffer from flatulence, jaundice, digestive problems, joint pains in the legs and knees. He is likely to get addicted to some drugs.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Characteristics in Female Natives

The female born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra will be possessed of self-control, but will not have a caring attitude. The main quality of a woman - shyness is present in her in abundance. She has a high moral character and will command the respect of her near and dear ones. She can win an argument by her sheer power of word jugglery.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Female: Profession and Related Areas

She is likely to be very productive in her profession, if she is educated, and will mostly be employed in an administrative capacity. But if she is not educated, she may be engaged in selling fish or may work as a farmer.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Female: Compatibility and Family Life

The lady born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra turns out to be a very good housewife. She runs the household work very efficiently. However, she should take adequate care while interacting with her in-laws. There is a possibility that her in-laws may be plotting to create a rift between her and her husband.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Female: Health and Well-Being

This Nakshatra female native has been noticed to suffer from joint pains, dropsy, jaundice, indigestion and hysteria. She may even often have nervous breakdowns.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Astrology

Ashlesha Nakshatra Padas

  • Ashlesha Nakshatra 1st Pada: The first pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Sagittarius Navamsa, and is ruled by Jupiter. It signifies hard work, dedication and perseverance. You may have to deal with enemies, and health may not be in the optimum state at times of the year.
  • Ashlesha Nakshatra 2nd Pada: The second pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Capricorn Navamsa, and is ruled by Saturn. During this quarter, you will be extremely ambitious and will exhibit all your negative traits to achieve your goals by hook or crook. You will also be unable to let go of possessions, becoming quite possessive of materialistic world.
  • Ashlesha Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Aquarius Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. Secrecy will dominate during this phase, and you will be associated with the occult side of the Nakshatra. The planets may impact your mother's health.
  • Ashlesha Nakshatra 4th Pada: The fourth pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Pisces Navamsa ruled by Jupiter. Here you may need to sort with illusions and a tug-of-war between morals. This is the pada in which the Ashlesha serpent is at last slain. People during this pada become weak mentally and cannot have control over others much. On the lower end, the father's health may be adversely affected.

Horoscope For All Areas of Life: Ashlesha Nakshatra in 2022

A tangible move forward or a touch lost with reality? These are confusing times indeed, and therefore it is ever-more important to know what will be coming your way with the change in the calendar. Truth be told, not many of us want to continue with what we have done in 2021, and a drastic change may prove to be refreshing for many of us. Is that the case for all Ashlesha natives out there? Let's find out.

2022 Career and Business Horoscope For Ashlesha Nakshatra

This year 2022, maybe highly rewarding for you on the career front. You may receive a surprising endowment in terms of salary hike or promotion aspects during the first quarter of the year. This gift may surely fill your life with happiness. Additionally, due to your dream job and work satisfaction, you may work hard and want to work extra and like to put your 100% in your job responsibility.

As you put in your efforts 100%, management may reward your hard work, and you may be lucky to gain in a good way because of this. Undoubtedly, this year 2022 may bring you a higher position and prestige when it comes to your career.

Despite all the favourable conditions, during the last quarter of the year, you may feel detachment from your work, causing discomfort. Hence, you may consider changing your job.

This year may be average on the business front, with no major gains or business growth. Although your business may receive good returns, there may be a fraction of challenges, which may take a long run to resolve and come out of it.

2022 Love and Relationship Horoscope for Ashlesha Nakshatra

Something is surprising in store for you in the year 2022 when it comes to relationships. During this year, you may experience that your personal relationships have been deepened, and you may be able to respect and value the relationship with your family members and relatives. Even though you may find that handling a relationship is quite difficult, you may try hard and put in your efforts to handle it very carefully with your love and kindness. Undoubtedly, this may help you gain back the love, affection and attachment of your family members.

Moreover, you may also work on the marriage prospects of your grown-up children or younger siblings. The atmosphere of your house is likely to be filled with joy, happiness and merriment. You may also be able to successfully complete all the tasks taken on hand related to your family, with the blessings of your parents. Also, this year you may plan to start the renovation work of your house.

The year 2022 is a time to be stress-free for married couples. You may find that all the troubles and challenges related to your marital life come to an end. This year, you may take a sigh of relief and may enjoy the intimacy of your relationship with your soul mate. Despite the possibility of facing a lot of ups and downs this year in your intimate life, you may be able to enjoy a romantic and passionate relationship filled with love and affection. Despite all the troubles and bad situations in your love life this year, things are likely to fall on the right track turning out to be favourable at the end of the year.

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