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Water Hands Astrology

The water hand in defined by long fingers and a narrow palm. This is a combination that puts someone in the world of feelings, thoughts and emotions. The narrow hand make them sensitive to the environment while the long fingers put them in their mind.

Water elemental types are the most sensitive, intuitive, artistic, caring and emotional. They love to discuss feelings and thoughts, they can happily spend all day analysing people and their relationships!

People and relationships are very important to a water person, and in contrast to the fire hands, the water hand feels best when they are involved, helping or with people. They base a lot on their feelings, and this will be the deciding factor in most decisions. How they 'feel' is very important. They care more about people than things, and are not materially driven. They love to work with people and they make great carers, helpers, counsellors, therapists and healers. They are also the most creative types, and it is always necessary to check that the person has a creative outlet of some sort.

This creative side can be seen in many different ways, but a water hand feels very good when translating emotions through a creative process, and doing any sort of intuitive art, painting etc… this a very rewarding process for them, and even if they are not technically good artists, it is the process they benefit from, and creativity should always be encouraged. Despite this natural creative side, the water hand finds it more difficult than others to succeeded in a business sense. The competitive world does not suit them, as much as fire types, and it is a challenge for them to find success in competitive areas.

They always need to come back to what makes them them. Which is socialising, being with people, working with emotions and being creative. They are naturally open and are more easily influenced. Appearance wise, they can look very young, have soft skin but are more prone to putting on weight. They like to flow, and are easy going and their clothes and appearance will normally reflect this. The lines on their hands are soft and delicate. They are more in touch with alternative views and are typically drawn to anything ethereal and spiritual. Poetic, whimsical, artistic, healers, writers, all are words synonymous with the water type.

Having spent a lot of time , I have seen more water hands per person here than in any other country. Generally speaking, these are people who's lives are build on spiritual beliefs. They do not like fighting and war, but instead care deeply about their community. They have a strong sense of song, dance, love of music and beautiful clothing. All are very water traits.

It is important that a water person has a sense of being grounded. They have a tendency to live more with their heads in the clouds and advising them to have a sense of routine, or to do something physical (gardening, palates) will help them build a strong platform for their other qualities to live off.

The Water hand people have a palm that is rectangular with long fingers. The hand tends to have a large amount of fine lines. The prints are also usually loops. Many people with this hand make good poets and musicians. They also go well in the fashion and beauty industry. For people with this hand emotions are more important than reason.

Water hands have many fine, spidery lines and both the palm and the fingers are long. The Water hand is found on the sensitive, emotional type of individual. Water types are caring, receptive and artistic. They are primarily motivated by feelings. They may have trouble coping with stress and are often happiest in a peaceful environment.

Water Hands Astrology


The water hand shape uses the element from astrology - In astrology, the water signs are Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer. This shape is also called the feeling hand and if with pointy fingertips, the psychic hand. The water hand shape type is characterized by long palms and long fingers, sometimes the fingers are normal length. The hand often appears very narrow overall. The fingers are lean with conic or pointed tips.

The hands often feel soft and kind of damp. There are often many fine lines all over the palm that reveals someone who is sensitive, intuitive and dreamy.

  • They are often extremely imaginative, creative and compassionate, attracted to the arts, healing professions or counselling.
  • The long fingers show their patience and eye for detail, but they can be unworldly or impractical.
  • Health wise they are vulnerable and can lack energy; they may suffer stress-related issues.
  • Having some form of spiritual beliefs will be helpful in their day to day motivation.
  • They are quite introverted and so will prefer peace and quiet and to move at a slower pace in life, with a dislike of rowdy crowds and competition.
  • Because of their intuition and connection to the emotions, their feelings are easily hurt; they can pick up other people's moods without even realizing it.

More about the water qualities

The more lines there are on the palm, the more it shows poor concentration and a highly strung nature. Mental instability and depression are common issues with the true water hand full of lines. However, if their energies are directed right, they can be incredibly imaginative, creative and compassionate. Many are attracted to the arts (modelling, fashion, singing, acting, etc.). Also healing professions or counselling.

The water types should avoid stress, mood swings and repressing their emotions. Drugs and alcohol do not mix well with these sensitive types and should also be avoided.


If a person has a water hand, that is a long and narrow palm with average/long fingers combined with distinctly protruding knuckles; it shows a sensitive, yet analytical person. They tend to be slow thinking, and do not like to rush into anything, preferring to take their time in implementing any ideas they have.


The water hand with smooth fingers shows a slow thinking and gentle nature. They are quick to grasp an idea than one with knotted fingers, and their love for detail shows in the preciseness of their work or creative endeavours.

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