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Planets Astrology

For thousands of years, people all over the world have been enchanted by the great theater that is our sky. We watch in awe of the majesty of the stars.

To me, knowing that this sky is the same one you peer up into wherever you stand on Earth is humbling. But then also realizing that it's the same sky that billions of people have also watched throughout time - now that is something truly beautiful to comprehend.

Since ancient times, mankind followed the movement of our two luminaries - the Sun and the Moon - as well as planets in our solar system that can be observed by the naked eye. These were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. In the modern era, we've found that we also have other outer planets, too - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. (Yes, Pluto is still a planet in astrology. Don't be a hater.) Some astrologers even include the asteroids and fixed stars as factors in creating a personality map and horoscope, too! However, for ease and clarity, let's focus on the basic building blocks first.

The planets tie to aspects of our personalities and lives

In ancient times, humanity looked up to the stars and noticed that there were patterns that repeated themselves. They studied them and realized that certain movements of the planets created effects on Earth. Yet they also realized that these different planets and luminaries also were connected to aspects of one's personality.

The best part about turning astrology into the art form that it is now is that we recognize that the planets are certainly predictive - explaining who someone is and people's astrological compatibility - but also are a guide to how life will proceed at any given time.

In a sense, the planets and luminaries are characters in the theater of our lives, and the zodiac signs they dance within are like costumes and props. The houses they reside in are like the acts, scenes and stage upon which they can be seen. Ultimately, we reference the planets as symbols to better understand our lives.

Planets and their Rule

The Sun: the luminary of life and self

  • Keywords: Consciousness, individuality, self-expression, leadership, confidence, creativity, masculinity
  • Time to transit between zodiac signs: 1 Month
  • What it represents within you: Ego, basic personality and vitality
  • What it represents in life: Global energy levels and collective focus

Planets Astrology

The Moon: the luminary of emotions

  • Keywords: Habits, instincts, behaviors, the unconscious, memories, femininity, domesticity, intuition
  • Time to transit between zodiac signs: Every 2 to 3 days
  • What it represents within you: Your inner world and soul
  • What it represents in life: The human collective's general mood

Mercury: the planet of the mind

  • Keywords: Communication, intelligence, technology, information, ideas, business, education, legalities
  • Time to transit between zodiac signs: 3 to 4 weeks
  • What it represents within you: Your mind and style of communication
  • What it represents in life: The collective's mental patterns, the economy and the media

Venus: the planet of beauty

  • Keywords: Love, attraction, profit, harmony, relationships, art, pleasure
  • Time to transit between zodiac signs: About 4 to 5 weeks
  • What it represents within you: Your aesthetics and love language
  • What it represents in life: The collective's romantic energy and sense of connection

Mars: the planet of action

  • Keywords: Passion, courage, sex, desire, aggression, drive, competition, conflict
  • Time to transit between zodiac signs: About 6 to 7 weeks
  • What it represents within you: Your determination and sex drive
  • What it represents in life: The collective's focus and level of aggression

Jupiter: the planet of expansion

  • Keywords: Luck, optimism, hope, vision, growth, wisdom, influence, prosperity
  • Time to transit between zodiac signs: About 12 to 13 months
  • What it represents within you: Where you find your luck
  • What it represents in life: The collective's sense of hope and growth

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