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Share Market Astrology

The Stock Market astrology predictions are hugely based on the planetary positions. This gives us an insight into the ups and downs of the stocks and shares. Read here to know the stock market predictions for February 2022 and what you can expect.

In today's modern world, stocks and shares are not something that one is unfamiliar with. Before moving on to monthly predictions, let's know a little about the Stock Market.

The companies issue stock to raise capital, and they are bought by investors to acquire a portion of the company. Share Market or Equity Market, also known as Stock Market, is the aggregation of the buyer and seller of the stock or shares, which represents ownership claim on business. A Stock Market is where buying and selling of the stocks or shares occur. Shareholders can be of different types, from individual stock investors to large hedge fund traders. Nowadays, due to the advancement of technology, one can buy or sell shares from any place in the world with the help of internet facilities. The Stock Market is always a viable option for making profits for all. Many people invest in stocks/shares/equity to gain returns or profits.

If you are thinking of investing in the stock market, but you are scared, then it's pretty normal. Often, people fear investing in stock markets, as they are worried that they will lose money. This is where stock market predictions, Nifty predictions, or BSE predictions can be of enormous help.

Astrology and Stock Market

Everyone wants to know what the future holds for them. Astrology is one medium that has been in practice for millions of years and can offer some insights into what your future holds for you. Astrology is a divination tool that studies the positions and movements of the stars and planets as they impact people's lives. This is why events in people's lives can be successfully predicted by astrology. Now, the important question is can celestial bodies impact the Stock Market? The answer is- "Yes." Astrological elements are one of the main factors that directly affect the Stock Market. The Sun and Moon are the two main planets that directly impact the happenings of the Share Market, but other astrological elements can also impact the Share Market. The Share Market predictions are based on the alignments and positions of the celestial bodies, and they can offer insights into the market conditions.

However, one of the most crucial questions is why only some investors make money in the market when returns are available to all? This could be due to the birth charts of the individuals. Fortunate people with good Dashas and favorable planetary transits in their birth charts will get gains, and those with unfavorable Dashas are more liable to incur losses. Thus, it is advisable to get your charts checked by a professional astrologer before investing in the market.

Share Market Astrology

Stock Market Predictions for February 2022

The Stock Market astrology predictions below are based on the astrological elements, planetary positions, and the planets transiting in February. As per Share Market predictions, February 2022 is expected to start with a downward trend.

  • The Sensex is expected to go below the investors' expectations, so chances of losses are there for the people who are investing.
  • After 4 to 5 days, it is expected to recover a little, but this recovery will be below expectations.
  • New investors should avoid investing in this tenure till 16th February 2022.

You will have to keep a closer look at the Index on the 17th, 18th, and 19th February 2022. Whatever trend can be seen during these days, that trend is expected to remain until the end of the month. However, some changes are expected on the last days of the month. If you are wondering, what is the trend? Then let's find out. The trend on the 17th, 18th, and 19th February 2022 can inform us whether the Index is rising (Bullish) or falling (Bearish) and whether it will remain the same in the next month or not. Although, some improvement is expected in between. There are more chances of Sensex rising, which can be expected after the middle of the month.

  • The shares of the Banking Sector are expected to do good this month after 5th February 2022.
  • The shares of the automobile sector are expected to do well this month.
  • The energy sector will be average in February 2022.
  • Media stocks are expected to be average at the beginning of this month. After that, it is expected to go well this month. However, it may go bearish towards the end of the month. So, be careful while investing.
  • February will be very average for the IT sector.
  • The shares of the Infrastructure sector will be worth investing in this month, i.e., there are more chances of acquiring gains.
  • The Government-related shares are predicted to be average this month.
  • The FMCG sector-related stocks will be on a roller-coaster ride, so be careful while investing.
  • The Pharmaceutical sector will be average this month as there will be many ups and downs. It is expected to start with a downward spell, and then it will improve a little. But, then again, it is expected to go down.

Planetary combinations for success and losses in Share Market

Some combinations decide success and losses in the share and stock market trading. These are indicated as below. But it is always advisable to spend a few minutes with an expert before you take the plunge into the share market. I am again cautioning results of share market dealings are extreme.

  • Conjunction of Lagna Lord with Lord of 2nd house form the Wealth/Dhan Yoga.
  • The presence of Lord of 2nd house in the 11th house and vice versa forms money yoga.
  • Placement of ascendant's Lord in 10th house forms a money yoga. This combination also denoted that the native will be wealthier than his/her parents.
  • Good association of 9th house's Lord with 11th house's Lord leads to good wealth yoga.
  • Association of Lord of 5th house with lords of 9th and 10th and its house makes a person rich.
  • A mutual support of Lord of 2nd house with Lord of 9th house results in a good money Yoga.

Houses for success and failure in Share Market

There are specific houses that decide success and failure in the share market & trading. I would simply summarise these houses responsible for giving success and failures in the share market. These houses are 1st house or ascendant, meaning the native self and 2nd house, the house of wealth and money.  

Then it is the 5th house, which represents speculation, intuition, foreign trading, and currency. Next is the 8th house, which indicates sudden gains. The share market again is a subject of sudden gains in most of the cases. Then it is the 9th house, which is the house of fortune. The share market can build or shatters the future. 

Then, it is the 10th house that represents the profession or career of a person. Whether someone will be successful or a failure in share market career is seen from this house. And finally, the 11th house represents desire, success and gains from whatever a person does.  

Your luck in Share Market

The money involved in the share market moves @ speed of thought. Luck in share market also changes @ speed of thought. Few names mentioned above clearly prove the point. Therefore, it is always better to make proper calculations & examination before making any decision. 

Your luck in share market & trading depends foremost if you have a wealth Yoga in share market horoscope. This wealth or money Yoga should have proper support of planets and planetary combinations which support share market & share trading. Understand which planet is strong in your share market birth chart to support which particular sector of shares. Then house in share market horoscope must support your success in share market. Then, one must check right dasha and gochar (transits) of different planets. 

These are all astrological combinations that indicate your success and failure in share market. But above all is your acumen to decide at right time as per share market astrology. Understand all important do's and don'ts for dealing in share market. 

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