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Saturn Trasit Report Astrology

The Saturn Transit Report analyses the position of Saturn in your birth chart and gives you current transit predictions. It checks the possibilities of Kantaka Sani, Sade Sathi and Ashtama Sani and suggests you the remedies. The report also lets you know about Dasa – Apahara periods.

Saturn Transit is one of the most important transits of all time and has the utmost importance in the world of astrology. When the great Karmic Balancer, Planet Saturn moves over the first, second and twelfth houses from the Moon sign in a person's Natal Chart, Saturn transit is about to happen. Saturn is going to transit in Capricorn in the year 2020. It is one of the most significant cosmic movements that is going to take place after 2 years of Saturn transit's cycle. The transit will happen from 24-01-2020 and will last till 17-01-2023. This transit affects our present life based on the Karma that we have been up to. Every human undergoes three such cycles of Saturn Transit in a lifetime. These three, 2 years of cycle combined in first, second and twelfth house from Moon sign together, are termed as the Shani Sade-Sati period or the 7 years cycle of Saturn.

By exploring the current position of Saturn in your birth chart, our team of expert astrologers can help you find all the challenges and opportunities that will come for you. Take the Saturn Transit Report 2020 and get a complete analysis of Shani Sade Sati and Shani Dhaiya on your zodiac and the appropriate remedies to get rid of the difficult times that may come. You can also order the specially conceptualized 2020 Saturn Transit Report for a 2 years phase or the complete 7 years cycle and know how Saturn transit in Capricorn will affect your daily life based on Vedic astrology.

What the Upcoming Saturn Transit Has in Store for You?

Saturn, upon moving to Capricorn aspects

  • Aries – the 1st house of Status, fame, health, appearance, and prosperity
  • Leo – the 5th house of romance, education, intelligence, and creativity
  • Scorpio – the 8th house of occult, spirituality, hidden wealth, hidden activities, and hidden talent.

As the planet of karma moves into its own sign Aquarius, there would be an inclination towards the spiritual and material aspects of life. This transit of Saturn will help one realize the value of money, family, creativity, love, and relationships, and thus can help lead a balanced life on all fronts.

Get Your Personalized Saturn Transit Report

Do you want to know how this Saturn transit in Aquarius impacts your life in matters concerning career, love, relationships, health, business, and finances? Get your personalized Saturn Transit 2022- 2025 Horoscope Report from our expert Vedic astrologers to prepare yourself for the upcoming challenges and enjoy the positives of the transit period.

Saturn Trasit Report Astrology

Unique Features of the Report

Every person in this world is curious to know about their upcoming time. In this modern-day world, all of us des days is a sorted life. And with the help of Indian astrology, it becomes pretty easy for us to know about our coming time so that we can sort our lives and approach all the issues in an efficient manner. You can get the solutions to your problems related to health from this report as well as you can lead your life in a much better and healthy way. So, considering the Health Report is the best gift that you can give to yourself in order to lead a healthy and happy life.

Health Report

It is a compact model contains Astrological Calculations and Detailed Health Predictions which helps the astrologer and native to get a fair idea about native's future.

Health Report Features

  • Panchang of Birthday
  • Avakahada Chakra
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Calculation of Birth Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsa Chart, Sarvashtakvarga Chart, Dasamamsa Chart
  • Vimshottari dasha
  • Yogini Dasha
  • House Reading for Physique, Health and Nature
  • 2 Year Monthwise Detailed Health Prediction
  • Dasha Analysis for 5 Year
  • Gem Selection and Gem Recommendation
  • Rudraksha Remedy
  • Detail Analysis of Gems

Medical Astrology provides an insight regarding any cosmic influence in the birth chart to one's health and whether or not it will be disadvantageous or favorable. You can evaluate the following factors: Severity of the illness, probable duration, probable, outcome, and additional remedies and suggestions to cure the disease.

A medical astrologer examines a person's birth chart, explores the position of signs and planets and predicts illnesses and diseases, if any. Hence, one gets to know about advancing health disorders such as Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Breathing disorders etc. in future and can take necessary actions.

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