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Face reading Square Astrology

Square faces are called Metal Shaped Faces. These people are smart, analytical and have determined minds. Square Face shape is related to aggressiveness and dominance.

people with metal faces are sharp, quick-witted, and intelligent. They can quickly react to things and are decisive in making decisions. Many great writers, speakers, or even politicians around the world have metal faces. This is due to their ability to use words precisely. However, they can be sharp-tongued because their words are truly their power.

Those with the the element of metal prominently represented in the face will have sharp, clipped and narrow features. The nose is thin, the jaw angular and plump lips that often sit alongside a set of charming dimples. These people are often small but tough, filled with tenacity and bite.

Metal faces are often petite, usually matching on top of an equally adorable thin yet curvy body. Women are known to have a wiggle, while men a swagger in their walk. These people have a lot of feels packed inside a small space and they can burst from the individual through a boisterous laugh one minute and then an icy, intense cold stare of annoyance at the turn of a dime.

This precise emotional control isn't easily learned. Fortunately for metal people, they are often blessed with a strong head on their shoulders and filled to the brim with self control.

Determination of Square Face (Metal Face)

  • Angular face shape, such as diamond face or triangle face.
  • Sharp and high cheekbones.
  • Prominent eyebrows
  • Sharp eyes
  • Narrow or pointed nose and chin.

Face reading Square Astrology

If You Have These Features, Chances Are That Your Element is METAL

  • Oval Face.
  • High eyebrows.
  • High cheekbones.
  • Narrow and long noses.
  • Plump lips.
  • Small smiles.
  • Often aggressive in nature.

People with these traits do quite well in the public eye. Famous metal celebrities include both Gwenyth Paltrow and Cheryl Cole. Like these ladies, metal face types tend to share a glamorous yet non-traditional kind of beauty. Their beauty is often matched with a wicked sense of humor that is usually kept under wraps until these individuals are comfortable in their surroundings. At the same time, these are tough enough individuals to withstand external pressure. Always the boss, it can be difficult for some metal personalities to tone themselves down.

Those that desire to excel in their career, specifically through climbing the corporate ladder will find that they may need to tone down their features so that they can be more approachable. Their naturally high hairlines and long foreheads are ideal for side parts and swooping hair styles.

This kind of hair will help to bring the focus back to the eyes, subtle smile or pretty cheekbones. Sometimes the determined features of the metal face are confused with arrogance. Men with metal traits are likely to be rewarded, as their determined focus is generally socially acceptable.

Women in even the most modern of cultures who are born with strong metal features can be seen as too domineering though, and these ladies either have to develop tough skin or else expect to face internal emotional scrutiny that could develop into deeper troubles including depression, anxiety or compulsiveness. Traditionally, metal is characterized as impatient and active energy. In Chinese face readings, these traits will be presented with a focused gaze that says that they mean business.

When paired with the classic high eyebrows, high cheekbones and slender nose that are often associated with metal types of people, it can create a striking demeanor that demands results and attention from both genders that possess these qualities. These people are often leaders and innovators. Their features have been described as regal.



A metal face shape is the most popular face shape among people who are highly intelligent. They have the gift of hiding their feelings better than any other facial shape. These people are self-driven and love to learn new things.

In fact, they are very curious and usually come up with lots of questions in their heads. They tend to be alone unless they can find someone who has similar interests. In Chinese face reading, metal-faced people have a strong sense of justice. They will fight for whatever they believe is right. This is one of the main reasons why they often appear so pragmatic and attractive to others. The quickness of the mind is another gift that these people possess. They like to surprise others and vice versa. Anything related to speaking or doing things on the go is their natural talent. They can make quick decisions that are highly accurate and decisive.

Among the 5 facial elements, there is a sense of humor associated with metal-faced people. The Chinese say that these people can accumulate a large amount of wealth unexpectedly. At work, they tend to be leaders who are at the top of the organization. Their words are to-the-point and as sharp as a knife. It will turn out very positive if they know how to use their words to inspire others. These people are also known for their detail-oriented quality.


In contrast, people with metal faces tend to be very arrogant. Because of their high intelligence, they often look down on someone else. At worst, they can use their most gifted power, which is the power of words, to criticize others. There is also a tendency to achieve selfish desires in metal-faced people. They are indifferent to others' needs and can turn out to be greedy in later life. This may lead to an accomplishment based on the expenses of others. More often than not, people with metal faces love to indulge themselves in instinctual pleasures. In a relationship, they can be tense and stubborn. They are also likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and sadness. If these people do not achieve their goals, they will have a tendency to be impatient and jealous. Wickedness is also one of their main negative traits.


People with metal faces possess these innate talents based on the above analysis:

  • Sharp mind
  • Ability to use words precisely
  • High intellectual power
  • Excellent decision-making skill
  • Leadership

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