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Vastu for OM Astrology

Om is not just a sound, it's a wave of the universe. Om is a powerful sound that lies within us. Chanting Om or Aum is a sacred practice that helps our mind and body to energize. Sound of Om is considered sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. It is called the first sound of the universe. According to the Hindu sculptures, Om connects all living beings to nature and the universe. You can chant Om silent or aloud. There are many benefits of chanting Om.

Good for Stomach

Chanting Om is beneficial for your stomach health. Studies suggest that chanting Om on a regular basis relaxes the muscle of your stomach. If you have stomach ache then chanting Om will be a remedy for you. Chanting Om is beneficial for your stomach health. Studies suggest that chanting Om on a regular basis relaxes the muscle of your stomach. If you have stomach ache then chanting Om will be a remedy for you.

Calms Your Mind

Om is a great tool for manifesting positive things in your life. Chanting Om calms your mind and helps you bring in positive energy into your body. You can control your anger by chanting Om on a regular basis.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Stress lies in your mind and chanting Om can release stress from your mind. Recite Om Mantra purifies the environment around you and creates positive energy that feels you happier and stress-free. It helps you to focus and concentrate on one thing at a time.

Other health benefits

Chanting Om can also help you to improve your immunity system and self-healing power. A good and strong immune system can save you from many diseases. Chanting Om can give you relief from sinus problems. When you chant Om, a vibration sound felt through your vocal cord that clears and opens up the sinuses. Chanting Om also has cardiovascular benefits. It reduces stress and relaxes your body that brings down the blood pressure on the normal level and the heart beats with a regular rhythm.

OM (ॐ) - Astrological & Spiritual Significance

In Hinduism, this single syllable mantra is the essence of all the Vedas, mantras, rituals and everything that exists. In fact, most of the mantras start with pronouncing OM in the beginning. This holy mantra, sometimes also called Lord Shiv Mantra, is chanted before and during the recitation of spiritual texts, while worshipping the deities, in ceremonies of rites of passages (sanskara) such as weddings, during auspicious Samskara like Mundan Sanskar, Karnavedha Sanskar, etc and during meditative and spiritual activities such as Yoga.

According to Hindu religious texts, Om Mantra is believed to have spiritual power that brings a sense of enlightenment and awareness in a person, and is self - rejuvenating and reviving. It can be recited by anyone, and is a medium to seek one's soul as well as understand the deeper meaning of life. With its enchantment, a person feels serene and peaceful.

Vastu for OM Astrology

Benefits of OM Mantra

As mentioned in the scriptures, Rudraksha is very dear to Lord Shiva. Therefore, people wear Rudraksha to make him happy and get rid of various kinds of miseries. Wearing the right Rudraksha do good for the person and unlimited positive and spiritual effects on his/her personality can be witnessed. Here are some important benefits of wearing Rudraksha:

  • It is good for the heart, mind and body and helps to improve concentration.
  • A person feels deep relaxation with the chanting of this mantra, which in turn results in decreasing blood pressure and regulated heartbeat.
  • It helps in controlling one's emotions and feelings, thus, resulting in rational and logical thinking.
  • It is good for stomach as well and helps in digestion, removing body-toxins and strengthening of the spinal cord.
  • The vibrations produced during Om chanting resonates through vocal cords and sinuses, thus opening the sinuses to help you breathe more clearly. Furthermore, Om Mantra strengthens your vocal cords and its muscles.

In addition to the above benefits, the chanting of Om Mantra leads a person on a spiritual voyage to get connected with the universal energy. It also brings a sense of positivity in a person and around them as well as make them happy and peaceful.

The effect of continuously chanting Om

The energy associated with Om is of the unmanifest (nirguṇ) God principle. The unmanifest energy of God is the same energy used to create the entire manifest (saguṇ) Universe. As a result, a lot of energy is generated when one chants Om.

But if Rudraksha is worn without worshipping it, it is only scientifically beneficial. According to the scriptures, there is a wearing process for Rudraksha which must be followed before adorning it.

Chanting only Om can have adverse effects if the person chanting is of a lower spiritual level as he may not have the capacity to tolerate the spiritual energy generated from the chant.

Printing of Om in various places

A basic law of spiritual science states that 'the word, touch, form, taste, smell and its related energy coexist.' This means where a symbol of God is present, its related energy is also present. By placing the Om symbol on t-shirts or tattoos, the following adverse effects may be felt:

  • Physical distress such as hyperacidity, a rise in body temperature, etc.
  • Psychological distress like restlessness.

Another important aspect is that the random placement of the symbol Om amounts to playing with a symbol related to God, and hence, constitutes a sin.

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