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Lapis Astrology

Lapis Lazuli Stone is a semi-precious stone, which is also known as Lajward in Hindi. This dark blue stone is popular for its beauty. Lapis Lazuli is a birthstone of those people who born in the month of February. In Vedic astrology, it is a stone of planet Saturn. You can get the auspicious effect of Saturn after wearing this stone. Lapis lazuli is the stone of Sagittarius zodiac.

By wearing this gemstone, the wearer gets energy and positiveness. It improves a person's life not only mentally but physically as well. From a scientific point of view, it works like medicine in diabetes and mental diseases. It is also effective for those who lack concentration. It also enhances one's creativity. Those who are unable to express themselves are advised to wear this gemstone.

This Lapis Lazuli is also believed to have medicinal properties. Wearing it also cures bile diseases, piles, kidney diseases, stones etc. Lapis Lazuli stone also considered effective in heart diseases, jaundice, epilepsy and skin diseases. If this gem is worn to young children, they do not have fear and panic. Children should wear this gem around the neck. Apart from this, it also has importance in healing therapy. It mainly sourced from Afghanistan. But Lapis Lazuli is also found in the US and Soviet Russia.

This stone also holds a great place in astrology and resembles truth and wisdom. It is considered the birthstone of the month of February and associated with the Sagittarius zodiac sign. It gained a reputable position among the gemstones because of its appearance and bright blue colour. Inclusions outlined on its surface enhance its beauty and make it a highly used gemstone in jewellery making.

Several beliefs and myths are associated with this stone and favours it to hold a special place in the commercial industry. This stone is used for multi-purposes and majorly sourced from Afghanistan and used worldwide for different purposes. It is an ideal stone that contains healing properties and bestows power, strength, and wisdom to the wearer. This stone is associated with the third eye that is a psychic and intuitive vision of an individual. This stone effectively works on the third eye and evokes intuition, insight, and self-awareness.

Types of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a variant gemstone as usually gems and stones are composed of minerals. Still, the stone doesn't contain minerals and is tranquil with various minerals as Lapis Lazuli is majorly a stone. It gains a special blue colour because of lazurite, a blue silicate mineral belonging to the sodalite group and has a significant chemical composition.

This stone is classified into various categories determined by its origins and mining locations. However, there are frequent countries worldwide where you can find abundant amounts of Lapis Lazuli. Still, Afghanistan is the prominent place where you can find quality stone as it's the leading provider of Lapis Lazuli. Furthermore, countries like Chile, Russia, California, Colorado, Arizona, Canada, Argentina, United States, and Pakistan are the notable countries producing substantial amounts of Lapis Lazuli.

This adorable stone is crafted into various jewellery, sculptures, and many more, and the origin of this stone prompts its quality and value. For commercial uses, the classification of this stone is divulged and based on colour, clarity, and origin. It is classified into various categories, and some are as follows, having significant value in the market.

Persian or Afghan

It's a dominant form of a stone with no calcite or pyrite having intense and medium blue colour. It appears a little violish colour and attains a high value and price in the market.

Russian or Siberian

It's the critical form of Lapis Lazuli featuring various tones and intensities of blue. It contains pyrite and a small amount of calcite. It's the second most dominant stone that attains great value in jewelry and sculpture making.


This form of Lapis Lazuli contains a calcite matrix and is tinged with green spots and inclusions on the surface.

The Exclusive Benefits of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is an auspicious stone, and people have been appraising this stone from ancient times, and it offers a range of benefits. It is widely known for offering healing properties and remarkable benefits. Natural Lapis Lazuli is the highly recommended stone that signifies wisdom, truth, and self-awareness. If you are looking for a change in life, wear this adorable and highly beneficial stone to attain great sake. Some of its benefits are as follows:

Make you courageous

This is an ideal stone to activate the throat chakra and enables you to communicate fearlessly. By wearing this stone, you can effectively improve your self-confidence and self-awareness.

Boost wisdom and intellectuality

This stone signifies truth and wisdom, and by wearing this stone, you can improve your intellectuality. It is recommended to wear this stone for individuals belonging to the creative field.

Enhance concentration power

It is a stone that improves medication and helps you focus and concentrate on work. You can enhance your understanding level and brilliant ideas by wearing this stone.

Stimulates physical and mental well-being

Lapis Lazuli holds mystical properties and favors its wearer with great mental and physical well-being. It works as a healer and cures various issues that a person deals with.

Medical benefits

This stone is associated with astrology and features medical properties. By wearing stone, an individual can cure various health problems such as migraines, headaches, throat problems, and many more.

Lapis Astrology

Why wear lapis lazuli

It is said to be the birthstone of those born in the month of February, but in Vedic astrology, it is considered to be the epithet of Saturn and its sign is Sagittarius. Hence it is worn for good effects of Shani. Apart from this, it also has importance in healing therapy.

How to Wear Lapis Lazuli stone

  • According to astrologer Lapis Lazuli can be worn in gold or silver.
  • Lapis lazuli should be worn in the middle finger of the correct hand (Right hand for right-hander or left hand for left-hander).
  • Saturday evening is the best time to wear lapis lazuli stone.

Best Quality of Lapis Lazuli

Choosing the best quality Lapis Lazuli is prominent as it is connected with astrology and features mystical properties. Thus, it's critical to find a quality gemstone. However, 4Cs define the quality of the stone. Colour, Cut. Clarity and Carat weight are the eminent factors that determine the quality and value of the stone.


Generally, Lapis Lazuli features a dark and crystalline colour that is extremely rare to find. The purplish-blue hue is also a valuable stone; however, it also features green and even tone colours that maximize its value in the market.


Cutting style of Lapis Lazuli can be variant. Typically, it is used in various industries and can be cut in distinctive ways.


This is an opaque stone featuring numerous blue and white veins and lines on the surface. However, it can be aria after artificial treatment.

Carat Weight

The weight of the stone can be varied depending upon its size and use. Stones used in jewelry are light in weight, whereas sculptural stones are more than jewelry weight.

How to identify Lapis Lazuli Stone

It is a gemstone of sapphire, so its color is blue like sapphire. Lapis Lazuli Stone with blue aura is considered the most effective. It is not considered effective if the aura of this gem is not deep blue and has a purple, green glow. According to the brightness and blueness of this gem, its price is also decided. If the gemstone has a deep blue aura, then its price is also high and it also gives good benefits.

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