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Kidney Stone Astrology

Kidney stone patients are increasing in the society rapidly. I saw some queries from last few days, so I decided to write something for you. Some common question I faced like Diseases of Kidney in Astrology, kidney stone and astrology, kidney stone treatment, kidney stone symptoms, kidney stone removal, kidneys in astrology, kidney problems, Here planetary impact matters a lot, in some cases I saw medical science failed and doctor told to patient you had a tendency of formation stones, but astrologically I will prove you why this formation in your body. For preventing kidney stone we need to take care of kidney stones diet.

Main cause of this disease is moon/Venus and Libra sign. Moon represent water and Venus/Libra represent kidney. If moon is weak, then water consumption will be less, result will be the formation of small particles in kidney area. And most important point which generally ignores by all astrologers Saturn and mars, if Saturn afflicted in Libra sign or in 7th house it will leave some particles during blood filtration process. This will cause formation of stones in kidney. Check it in your horoscopes.

Purpose of Kidney Stone

The natives who are facing problems in getting proper sleep then they are considered to wear the Jade gemstone. It safeguards the wearer from nightmares and protects them from the ill effects of the evil eye. It is mainly worn to get rid of the disease that is related to the kidney. It facilitates the wearer to the spiritual world as it enhances the ritualistic knowledge in the individual.

It is believed that it ensures the wearer with a long life. It also harmonizes the wisdom in wearers life by discarding negative energy. It is also known as the protective stone as it protects the wearer from every type of obstacle in life. According to ancient scriptures, it is considered as a symbol of serenity, tranquility, and purity. It is also said that after wearing it one can experience good luck, peace, and harmony in his/her life. Due to such magical properties, it is considered as a versatile stone. One should always have an Astrology Consultation with a Top Astrologer that states how to wear kidney stone, as it possesses magnificent power.

Types of Jade Gemstone(Kidney Stone)

According to Vedic astrology, Jades comes in two different types one is Jadeite and other Nephrite. Both types of gemstones are having different properties which benefited individuals. Before buying one should always have the knowledge about both the Jades.

  • Nephrite Jade: This is the type of Jade that is commonly used in burial ceremonies. It is strongly believed by the astrologers that it can bless any person who came in the contact of this stone. It protects the wearer from the diseases that are related to the kidney, and liver. It bestows the wearer with a peaceful mind by keeping him/her away from all type grudges. It also helps in the recovery of bacterial and viral infection and pain relief for bone and joint pain.
  • Jadeite Jade: It is the rarer and expensive type Jade, which is slightly different properties from the common Nephrite Jade. Jadeite gemstone deals with the problems that are related to health, love life, and longevity of life. It enhances the health of the individual by protecting them from a serious illness. It also safeguards the wearer from accidents and obstacles. When the gemstone is worn as the jewelry then it helps the individual in expressing love.

Kidney Stone Astrology

House related with Kidney stones is 7th house

The kidney is ruled by 7th house and 7th lord. Any affliction to 7th house or 7th lord causes kidney troubles. Venus and Moon are the karaka of kidney disease, some places you can find Jupiter. Jupiter mainly responsible for gall-bladder stones. Venus is karaka of the 7th house and Libra sign rules the 7th house of natural zodiac. If Saturn has astrological relations with Rahu, the chronic diseases are caused. 7th house or 7th lord by Saturn gives rise to diseases concerning kidney.

Planet responsible for kidney stone

A weak or afflicted Moon is always bad for kidney. The bad conjunction of Moon with Mars indicates operation.Saturn in Libra may cause hardening of kidney and creates poor filtration of blood, purification affected when Saturn-mars combination there or Saturn with ketu in Libra. Resulting increase small particles in kidney which forms stones.Bad Venus may give you ureter or urine related problem.

Sign responsible for kidney stone

Libra sign affected by badly placed planet in your chart then this problem may come. Libra rules the mid portion and lower portion of the human body. That is where the kidneys reside. The two kidneys are located in the abdomen toward the back. In some cases Scorpio sign shows problems in kidney.

The technical composition of Kidney Stone (Jade)

According to the scientific term, the name of the gemstone (Jade) is shared by two different minerals. Nephrite, calcium magnesium silicate and Jadeite is taken from sodium aluminum silicate. They both are exceptionally tough stones as they both are having different compositions, hardness, densities and crystal structures. Differentiation in properties doesn't affect their look as they look similar in appearance. The mining of the Jade gemstone is usually done in Burma, USA, and China. According to Vedic Astrology, Chinese Jades are considered best to wore as they are more pure and precious.

Astrological benefits of Kidney stone (Jade)

The gemstone carries many magnificent and mystical powers in it which bestows the wearer with different astrological benefits in life. To avail, such benefits in the life one can buy Kidney gemstone from Future Point.

  • The kidney stone or Jade stone helps the wearer in demonstrating the dreams in real life.
  • It can be also worn by the natives who were born in the month of March, as it is considered as a mystical birthstone of March.
  • The gemstone is considered best when worn by the people who belong to Virgo zodiac.
  • It delivers peace and harmony to the wearer mind in tensed and conflicted situations.
  • The gemstone bestows the individual with sincerity and stability.
  • It also ensures the individuals by bringing stability in the physical and emotional aspects of the individual life.
  • It helps the wearer in achieving dreams or goals in life.
  • It builds the courage and compassion in the wearer which makes the individual strong in difficult times.
  • It safeguards the wearer from liver and kidney ailments.
  • It supports the wearer in having a long life and it helps the individual in having a peaceful death.
  • The gemstone also enhances the creativity level of the wearer by offering him/her with new and innovative ideas.
  • According to astrologers, it is considered best when it is worn as amulets. It is believed that it wards off negative energy while traveling.
  • It prepares or helps the native in recovering from major disappointment.
  • Jade gemstone helps the wearer in making the right decisions when it comes to career or business.
  • It builds motivation in the individual to achieve the goals in life.
  • It nullifies all the negative energy by building a positive field around the wearer.

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