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Deep Love and Passion Astrology

While every sign can be passionate and sensual in their own way, there are zodiac signs that are the most passionate according to astrologers. These are the folks who you may or may not pinpoint as the type to be super sensual or extra passionate with their partners. But they totally can be.

And this has a lot to do with their ruling planets. "Each [sign] has its own ruling planet and placement within the zodiac. Also, each sign has its own particular love language and expression of sexuality," professional astrologer Rachel Lang tells Bustle. "In addition to the sun sign, the placement of Venus and Mars in a person's chart can also indicate attractions and expressions of sensuality ... Relationships and intimacy matter more to some signs than others. For example, the sign of Libra emphasizes partnership as a life theme. Therefore, a Libra might prioritize making sweet expressions of love."

When you meet someone who sweeps you away with their small romantic gestures and an extremely attractive sex appeal, then that's like hitting a jackpot. Love, respect, communication, consent, and space are necessary for a relationship but one cannot ignore physical intimacy. Sexual compatibility needs to be factored in when dating someone. While each zodiac has its unique way of expressing its passion and emotions

Deep Love and Passion Astrology

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

As a fire sign, Aries can have a lot of extra energy — and a high libido. Add in the fact they're ruled by Mars, the planet of passion, and it can create a surplus of passion. That may mean they aren't always the most keen to settle down — at least not right away. But they do like to make their partners happy. "Aries tends to want to win over the affection of their love interest," Lang says. "For that reason, Aries can be quite romantic when in the pursuit of love. They could be inclined to buy gifts or wow their special someone with an extravagant date."

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

If you're wondering who is the most romantic sign, Taurus takes the cake. They're an earth sign, which means they're highly sensual, and often emphasize "physical touch and bodily senses," Lang says. They're also a fixed sign, which makes them more inclined to settle down. But that doesn't mean they let their initial spark die. "Taurus may enter into a relationship slowly, making sure it's going to last, but once they're involved, they can keep passion alive in a relationship," she says. "They love setting the mood with music, massage, and caresses."

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Another earth sign, Virgo is pretty much guaranteed to be a passionate, sensual partner. And they tend to do so selflessly. They're all about doing "thoughtful things for their partners without drawing a lot of attention to themselves," Lang says. "Virgo tends to be a sign of ritual, and they may go to lengths to create a sacred space for their partners by lighting candles, incense, or drawing a bath." Pretty sensual, don't you think?

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

As the sign of partnership, Libra can be quite passionate — without even having to try. "Ruled by Venus, the planet of relationships, Libra has a tendency to love being in love," Lang says. "They prioritize relationships and connections with others."

And they love to spoil others, often going to great lengths to create beautiful date night scenarios. As Lang says, "Libra can enjoy surprising their partners with gifts, flowers, or romantic dinners."

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

It's common knowledge that Scorpio is often one of the most passionate signs. And there's a reason for that. "Scorpio is associated with the planets Mars and Pluto, two planets that relate to passion," Lang says. "Mars is the planet associated with sex, and the Mars placement in your chart indicates your sexual drives and desires."

But that doesn't mean Scorpio has a one track mind. "Scorpio can crave depth in their connections, and they tend to be more interested in lasting relationships than one-night-stands," Lang says. "They can be attentive lovers, extremely present in acts of love. They tend to like deep conversations and can enjoy creating together. Scorpio also has charisma and personal power, which are highly attractive qualities."

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

It's common knowledge that Scorpio is often one of the most passionate signs. And there's a reason for that. "Scorpio is associated with the planets Mars and Pluto, two planets that relate to passion," Lang says. "Mars is the planet associated with sex, and the Mars placement in your chart indicates your sexual drives and desires."

But that doesn't mean Scorpio has a one track mind. "Scorpio can crave depth in their connections, and they tend to be more interested in lasting relationships than one-night-stands," Lang says. "They can be attentive lovers, extremely present in acts of love. They tend to like deep conversations and can enjoy creating together. Scorpio also has charisma and personal power, which are highly attractive qualities."

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Gemmy, you have the ability to see the positive in everyone, and you have an open mind about who you spend your time with. So nice! But this is also probs why you get labeled as a heartbreaker. Hey, you come from a place of seeing the glass half full in your relationships! One sure way to know you might be in love is if you find yourself spending an entire day with your boo without meeting up with your crew. You might have the biggest FOMO of the zodiac so if you flake on a dope party to be alone with someone, you are FALLING in it through time and space.

You like to express and relate your life to pop culture, so once you start making playlists and mixed tapes for your S.O., you might want to check in with your heart. You will flirt with a wall, but when it comes to intimacy, you do not open up unless you are feeling deeply for a person. If you find yourself shedding some tears, you have found someone to truly uncork yourself with.

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