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Hora Report Astrology

According to Indian astrology, a horoscope is prepared at the time of the child's birth. Depending on the time and the positioning of planets, each hour is of utmost importance. The word 'Hora' translates into 'Hour' which signifies the prominence of each hour. The Hora Chart prepared gives brief information on which planets work in our favor and which ones are detrimental! There are 16 types of divisional charts and these are known as Shodashvarg Kundalis. However, there are a few astrologers who prepare six types of charts known as Shadvarg Kundalis.

Types Of Divisional Charts

Wealth in Horoscope is decided by multiple divisional charts, but mainly Hora Chart.

  • Janmalagna (Ascendant, D-1)
  • Hora (D-2)
  • Drekkana (D-3)
  • Saptamsa(D-7)
  • Navamsa(D-9)
  • Dwadasamsa (D-12)
  • Trimsamsa (D-30)
  • Chaturthamsa (D-4)
  • Dasamsha (D-10)
  • Shodasamsa (D-16)
  • Vimsamsa (D-20)
  • Chaturvisamsa or Siddhamsa (D-24)
  • Bhamsa (D-27)
  • Khavedamsa (D-40)
  • Akshavedamsa (D-45)
  • Shashtyamsa (D-60)

Generally, people are familiar with only Janmalagna & Navamsa (D-9) charts. But, an astrologer has to study all these charts before predicting dashas, transits & various yogas in the chart. Hora is usually studied for the wealth of the native i.e. his/her financial condition during the entire life span.

The Hora chart is divided into 2 parts. It has only 2 Lagnas/Rashis- Cancer & Leo. All the first 15 degrees of male Rashis (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius & Aquarius) come under Leo. The next 15 degrees come under Cancer. On the other hand, all the first 15 degrees of female Rashis (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces) come under Cancer. The next 15 degrees come under Leo.

From a Kshetra(Rashi) chart (with the degrees of all the planets including Lagna), it is easy to find out a Hora Lagna & the position of all the planets.

Hora Report Astrology

Allocation of Points as per the planets under Hora Chart

  • 5 points to the exalted planet (only Jupiter will get this if it is placed in Cancer Hora).
  • 4 points to a planet, which is the Lord of the Hora (only Moon will get it if it is placed in Cancer Hora, or Sun will get it if it is placed in Leo Hora).
  • 3 points to a planet placed in a friend's Hora (Rashis).
  • 2 points to a planet placed in neutral Hora.
  • 1 point to a planet placed in the enemy's Hora.
  • 0 points to a planet placed in debilitated Rashis (only Mars will get it if it is placed in Cancer Hora).

In case of Mars & Jupiter in Cancer Hora, they will not get any point for being in friend's Hora. One has to double the points if planet/Lagna if it is in the same type of Rashis (male/female) & reduce the points to half if planet/Lagna is in the other type of Rashis (male/female).

Thus, through this study, astrologers can derive which Hora is more powerful.
If the 2nd House is powerful in case of a Cancer Lagna in Hora chart, the native will accumulate or earn good wealth.
If the 12th House is powerful in case of a Leo Lagna in Hora chart, the native will experience financial constraints.
It may so happen that both the Rashis / 2nd House / 12th House are equal in points, in this case, the native will not make a lot of money, but will maintain what he/she inherits.

Essentials of a Hora chart in Vedic Astrology

Technically speaking, a Hora chart is also one of the divisional or varga charts of an individual. It is another chart that is created out of your Birth chart to study whether the planetary energies support you for creating and enjoying wealth in your life. There are other varga charts for other topics.

The word Hora stands for Hour or the Planetary Hour and it plays a very important role in Vedic Astrology. It is also commonly referred by astrologers as the D2 chart.

Determining the Sun and the Moon Horas

Let us get down to the basics. Hora chart of an individual is ruled by the Sun or the Moon, that in figurative terms represent your Father and Mother. You were born to Earth from them remember! Each sign in the Zodiac occupies a space of 30 degrees. Now, imagine that this space of 30 degrees is shared between your Father and Mother. So, 15 degrees of a sign is Sun Hora the other 15 degrees of a sign is Moon Hora. Sun, Mars and Jupiter are stronger in Hora of the Sun whereas Moon, Venus and Saturn are stronger in Hora of the Moon. Strength or weakness of a planet in the D2 chart depends on the Hora it was placed at the time of your birth.

Hora Table

Astrologers divide 1 day in 24 parts and each part of roughly one hour is called 'Hora' muhurat. Seven planets from Sun to Saturn rule those parts of the day. Astrologically certain matters thrive in certain Hora of the day and fail in some other Hora of the day. Knowledge of Hora helps in ensuring that we do task in accordance with the nature of time and hence get successful results. Here is Hora table which tells which planet rules particular period of a day. Table shows hour starting from Sunrise so you need to know sunrise. You can use AstroSage Sunrise calculator to know Sunrise at your city. For example, suppose today on Monday, Sun is rising at 5:30 AM at your city. So starting from Sunrise time, first house will be governed by Moon, second hour by Saturn, third hour by Jupiter and so on.

Day time Horas - From Sunrise to Sunset

Weekday 1st hour 2nd hour 3rd hour 4th hour 5th hour 6th hour 7th hour 8th hour 9th hour 10th hour 11th hour 12th hour
Sunday Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat
Monday Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun
Tuesday Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon
Wednesday Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars
Thursday Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer
Friday Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup
Saturday Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven

Night time Horas - From Sunset to Sunrise

Weekday 1st hour 2nd hour 3rd hour 4th hour 5th hour 6th hour 7th hour 8th hour 9th hour 10th hour 11th hour 12th hour
Sunday Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer
Monday Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup
Tuesday Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven
Wednesday Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat
Thursday Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun
Friday Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon
Saturday Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars Sun Ven Mer Moon Sat Jup Mars

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