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Divorce Issue Astrology

There are many reasons for divorce or separation. Astrology gives a very clear indication about divorce. According to astrological rule Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu, are the separative planets. 6th, 12th and 8th house Lord and lords of the sign occupied by separative planets also behave like separative planets. if above said separative planets influence on the 7th house, ( house of wife or husband ) in the horoscope indicate divorce is possible because these planets cause separation from or abandonment of the traits of the house etc., which they influence by association or aspect.

Divorce in astrology is very timely topic to discuss. The no of separation in our society is increasing exponentially. Lot of people are facing Problems After Marriage. As an Astrologer lot of people ask me is there divorce Yoga in my kundli. So Here i will try to give answer of the few mostly asked questions about Marriage Life and Solution of these Problems.

Marriages are made in heaven but decision of divorce is taken on earth. A happy marital life would give all round prosperity, growth and happiness in our life. But every one is not so Lucky.

But i want to suggest you that proper Horoscope Matching can reduce the chances of Marital Discord to a Great Extent. But Astakoota Guna Matching is not the Proper way of Doing a Kundli Matching. Proper Marriage Matching is very effective to avoid divorce or Separation even after Malefic influence in Chart. Our Marriage Matching Guide will remove most of your misconception about Horoscope Matching and Will give you a new insight about the complete process.

It is very obvious that no one would like to experience divorce in their life and for this selection of proper partners is necessary. How does one understand if they will lead a happy or tumultuous married life? Exactly here, the ancient science of astrology provides help . The single question "is there divorce in my kundali" before marriage can solve a lot of problem. Astrology can accurately predict a person's marital future from their birth chart and provide remedies accordingly. This article provides detailed information about how divorce can be predicted and also suggests certain remedial measures.


Planets are not just inanimate objects revolving meaninglessly far up in the sky . Planetary force comes at play while deciding the future of a person. Maximum divorce and marital incoherence occur due to malefic planetary influence. Hence it is important to know which planets are exactly responsible for causing disharmony in a person's life.

The planets Mars, Rahu, Saturn and Sun for their separative nature acts as a marriage breaking or divorce device in Kundli . It is necessary to consider the position and condition of Venus and Jupiter while predicting marriage and divorce. Venus is the governing planet for love Sex and Romance. Venus in a male chart points towards the wife . If Venus is malefic in one's personal horoscope then this can mark marital incoherence. Jupiter represents the husband and the malefic condition of Jupiter in a woman's chart causes marital disharmony.


4th house, 7th house ,8th house and 12th house decides marital conditions and apart from the above houses it is necessary to check Upapada lagna and second house from Upapada Lagna. Analysing the Navavamsa chart is important for detecting marriage issues .7th house,Ascendant, 6th house and 8TH house of Navamsa should be checked for marriage problem.

4th house represents family . Malefic 4th house or 4th Lord will lead to lack of happiness in family. If the 4th house is strong then no matter how much disharmony occurs, divorce will never happen. 7th house governs marriage and all sorts of relationship. If this house is weak then the individual will not live a happy married life or will suffer divorce according to astrology.

The 8th house governs the sex life . Extramarital affairs are predicted from the position of this house. 12th house also represents sexual pleasure. Negative 12th house points towards poor sexual life and negative 12th Lord represents lack of interest in sexual life.

Divorce Issue Astrology


  • The association of the 7th house with 12th Lord and Placement of Rahu in Lagna causes marital disharmony or divorce.
  • When the birth sign of an individual is Mars or Saturn and Venus occupies the Lagna and the 7th house is afflicted then the wife of the individual leaves him.
  • Presence of sun in the 7th house under the malefic influence of weak 7th lord indicates divorce in marriage.If Venus and Rahu or Saturn or Rahu is also placed in the Lagna along with the above condition of Sun then this is a very strong combination for divorce.
  • 6th house represents litigation and court case. The placement of 6th Lord in 7th house or vice versa separation happens after a lot of legal tussel.
  • If malefic planets like Mars , Rahu,Sun are in 8th house and 7th house is disturbed then chance of divorce is heightened.
  • The presence of 12th Lord in 4th house , presence of 4th Lord in 6th 8th or 12th house , 7th Lord disturbed by Rahu,Saturn or Mars or disturbed Venus may cause high rate of divorce.

The planets and houses responsible for the divorce

Marriage is linked to the 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th houses. In addition, the D-9 Navamsa Chart is studied for measuring the chances of divorce. Below is the segmentation of houses according to the areas of life:

  • The 2nd house holds responsibility for domestic life and can give an indication about your close relationships and family.
  • The 5th house indicates romance and love in a relationship.
  • The 7th house is exclusively responsible for marriage prospects.
  • The 12th house is an indicator of intimacy between 2 partners.
  • Any influence from a malefic planet on these houses (ie, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 12th) can lead to a divorce.


  • Gouri Shankar should be kept in a proper way.
  • Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati should be worshipped regularly.
  • Horoscope must be matched before marriage.
  • Chant Lalita Sahasranama regularly.

It should be kept in mind that astrological remedies can never be Generic. For indepth understanding of one's astrological chart, it is necessary to consult a professional astrologer . If an individual finds a problem in their astrological chart then there is nothing to be disheartened. Consulting a professional astrologer can save the individual from the malefic effects. It is recommended to follow astrological guidance for a prosperous life.

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