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Husband Wife Conflicts Relationship

Relationships offer wonderful benefits for well-being, life satisfaction, and stress management, but none are without their challenges. These issues can put a strain on a couple, but working through them can either strengthen their bond or push them apart, depending on how they handle the challenges they face.

Working through marriage problems in a healthy way can be very difficult, especially because stressors can come from many different sources. The following are some of the most common sources of marital stress and marriage problems. When it comes to relationships, conflict is inevitable. But it doesn't have to be emotionally distressing or callous. Couples can disagree and, yes, even fight while still showing compassion and respect for each other, according to psychologists.

When a couple is in this precarious zone, problem solving is highly unlikely, because each person is solely focused on reacting to the perceived threat they feel from their partner. And if only one person is in the "fight, flight or freeze" mode, while the other is trying to resolve the issue, it can frustrate both people and escalate the fight.

The relation of Husband and Wife depends on faith and love. Marriage relation is sweet and careful relationship of two persons. they promised with each other to whole life trust on each other, always with each other, make a more love in life etc. but after marriage some disputes are occurs in marriage life. they fight with each other for small things and this small things make a big problems. everyone want to become a happy married life without any quarrel and fight, but in married life some disputes occurs and make your live upset. Some good couples want to sort out the problems of married life. but some people convert it to break up. if you are suffering from these problems you can sort out your problems through Astrology of Husband Wife Disputes solution.

Normally these problems of Husband Wife Dispute are occurred based on following reasons:

  • Mutual understanding
  • Lack of trust
  • Lack of love
  • Affair with other person

Mutual Understanding

Disagreements happen in every relationship and a romantic relationship is no different. People expect different things from their relationships, but spend less time and energy in them, so it costs more to achieve what they want. Time has completely changed and couples have unlimited expectations from their partners. There are times when a couple is unable to agree on certain issues, such as how to spend money, manage finances, raise children, to name a few.

Perfect compatibility is not possible and it's important to sensibly work towards it. The main difference between a happy couple and an unhappy couple is the way in which they handle their disagreements.

Husband Wife Conflicts Relationship

Understanding Each Other's Needs

Some people only see the problem from their point of view and do not really know what their partners think about that particular issue, and what steps should be taken to deal with the issue prevailing at that point.

To reach an agreement, it is very important that both of you know and understand each other's point of view. To do this, you may ask yourselves the following questions and discuss things with your partner:

  • Which exactly bothers you about the behavior of your partner?
  • What are your needs that your partner is ignoring willingly or unwillingly?
  • What annoys your partner about your behavior?
  • What are the needs of your partner you do not want to take care of?

Setting Relationship Boundaries

Sometimes, things go out of the hands and in such cases, it's important that both the partners know their limitations and set limits that should be respected. A breather in relationships is always required and it's essential that couples learn to recognize when an argument is too heated and when to put a stop at it.

Have Patience

You may not always avoid conflicts, but keep in mind that it takes some time to work through core conflicts in relationships. In earlier years of marriage, disagreements do happen and with time, the intensity of the conflicts lessen in intensity, leading to greater mutual understanding.

Sharing Responsibilities

Every relationship is based on mutual understandings and sharing responsibilities. If you deny responsibilities and blame your partner, things will never work. This denial of responsibility and disagreement just escalates the argument, because of miscommunication.

Lack of Trust

Defines trust as "a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something" For example, we trust people who are benevolent toward us, who have integrity, and whose actions correspond to their words. We trust someone we can count on to consistently do what is right. In an intimate relationship, we trust our partner if he or she is predictable, reliable, and honest. Trust can also be defined as a verb: as actions based on having confidence or trust in oneself. On an action level, trust involves being able to "do something without fear or misgiving.

Are trust issues on the rise?

A number of psychologists recently reported that, over the past 10 years, there has been an unprecedented rise in trust issues among couples who seek counseling. Due to recent technological advances that make it easier for partners to be deceptive, for example, to hide text messages, cell phone call lists, Facebook friends' messages and emails.

Lack of Love

Here are the worst relationship mistakes and how to start fixing them today?

Addiction to Anything

Addiction on any level – social media, food, alcohol, drugs, shopping or gambling – can sour a marriage fast. It's especially true if you're hooked on the adrenaline rush of a new relationship – even if it's an Internet or emotional affair and no sex is involved.

"Recovery from any kind of infidelity takes time for both partners to deal with the anger, resentment, guilt and shame that results," Bahar says. So stop, and think about what you really value and how your addictive behavior is affecting your relationship, Bahar recommends. "Exploring your values will help you gain the determination to do the hard work to repair your marriage." Addictions are powerful. You must first want help and then pursue counseling.

Avoiding Sex

If you've slipped into the bad habit of making excuses about why sex has dwindled or is nonexistent, your marriage may be headed for trouble. Intimacy is the glue that holds a union together. "You can't set a potted plant in a corner for 20 years and expect it to live," says couples therapist Valerie Shinbaum, a counselor for Westside Behavioral Care in Denver.

Not in the mood? Your attitude toward your spouse may be the problem. "You need to feel good about each other to be intimate," Tessina says. "If you constantly fight, criticize and spout negativity, you can't be close."

Not communicating

Good communication boils down to learning to ask for what you need; don't expect the other person to be a mind reader. Avoid vague statements and assumptions. Blame bad patterns we saw in our families growing up, such as conflict avoidance, fear of how your husband will respond, unresolved traumas and more.

One partner makes a statement while the other simply listens – without responding – and then repeats what he or she said. Sometimes, Shinbaum says, this exercise takes as many as 10 tries before the listening partner gets what the other was expressing. Women have an especially difficult time stating their needs, Bahar notes. You may find it easier if you ask yourself, How does my request serve our relationship as a couple?

Affair with other person

An affair is a romantic and emotionally intense relationship with someone other than your spouse or partner. Generally, affairs do not last long (though there are exceptions) and occur between two people who are not married or otherwise committed to one another. Most of us women are naturally committed to our husbands. Some of us may, however, find ourselves straying. The diagram shows the different ways by which a woman can be vulnerable to finding her unmet needs elsewhere. Here is a short explanation of why this can be so:

  • Lack of security: Security is one of the basic needs of a woman. This means not only in terms of finances, but especially in physical, emotional and psychological security. A feeling of being safe with your partner counts more than we know.
  • Lack of intimacy: A wife needs to be connected with the most important person in her life. Sex is only one of the ways to achieve this. Conversation, a light touch, a look, short phone calls, small dates, asking about her day are other ways to show she is wanted/needed.
  • Incongruent lives: When your lives are different from each other, the likelihood that you will find others interesting is high. Boredom, absence of common interests will likely send her looking elsewhere.
  • Feeling Unappreciated: A woman who does not feel appreciated is vulnerable to looking elsewhere to meet this need.
  • Abandonment: This can be psychological, emotional and physical abandonment. The hurt that you feel is valid when your husband is only physically present. His preoccupation with gadgets or being a workaholic are sure ways of being abandoned. Mary buried herself in work and caring for the children to cope with the situation.

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