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Dating and Love Astrology Service

Dating is filled with false starts, unhealthy projection, and lots of trial and error. So wouldn't it be helpful to have some insight into potential lovers before the first meeting? And, since it takes two to tango, it's always beneficial to gain a deeper understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to romance.

According to the teachings of astrology, the only info you need for more insight into the experience of dating someone in their birthday. A "sun sign" is determined by date of birth; someone's sun sign represents their core personality. Though sun signs are only the beginning of a more complex astrological analysis, even the most seasoned professional astrologers still consider them critically important.

It's pretty hard to know what our dating life would be like. Our perceptions towards relationships and love build our thoughts and expectations from a relationship i.e either a bed full of roses or a thorny path full of tears. We can never know for sure. But, quite interestingly, astrology can help us understand our dating life by analyzing our personality traits quite intricately. In account of this, we bring to you what dating and relationships are like for each zodiac sign; what the expectation is, and what the reality actually looks like.

Expectation: They are always on the lookout for adventures with their significant other. They believe their fights will turn into hot, makeout sessions because no argument stays intact for a long time. They also like to take charge of the relationship without paying heed to what their partner wants.

Reality: They are actually patient and kind, and will do anything for their partner. They have a fierce personality but they love tenderly as well, making them an ideal partner. They will fight and even make up maturely and walk hand-in-hand with their partner.

Dating and Love Astrology Service

Love is an exciting, scary, and powerful thing — use the cosmic compatibility guide ahead to discover your most and least compatible sun signs and help make sense of it all. Of course, the most accurate assessment will come from the lived experience the universe provides you. Have fun reading who you may be most compatible with, but if you find someone who treats you well and you're sexually compatible with, do not end things based on their sun sign. And remember: All relationships require hard work, dedication, mutual respect, and trust.


Aries — the first sign of the zodiac — are known for their fiery energy, exciting impulsivity, and insatiable desire to be the best. On a great day, dating an Aries is like partnering with a fierce, unstoppable warrior. On a bad day, however, Aries' strong will and temper tantrums can become a bit juvenile. They may become cranky if they don't have enough physical affection, including both snuggling and sex.


Tauruses are earth signs known for their practicality, romanticism, and appreciation for the finer things in life. They love indulging the senses through soft fabrics, enchanting aromas, and delicious cuisine (this earth sign is known for its sweet tooth). Their sensuality translates to the bedroom, and a Taurus will make lovemaking into a decadent experience one never forgets. Pragmatic Virgo and hardworking Capricorn are enchanted by the bull's Venusian qualities and admire their awareness of life's luxuries.

Opposite sign Scorpio is also an interesting match for Taurus: Scorpio and Taurus are both associated with transformation (represented by autumn and spring), and when matched, these inverted signs can share valuable lessons about change and regeneration.


Dating a Gemini is a truly exhilarating experience! These Mercurial air signs are the social butterflies of the zodiac and need constant stimulation through communication and daily adventures. And yes, that constant stimulation rule applies to the bedroom. These air signs are natural wordsmiths and like-minded air signs Libra and Aquarius deeply appreciate their clever wit and vivacious intellectualism. For this sign, however, opposites really attract: The Sagittarius and Gemini match is one of the most dynamic pairings of the zodiac. These inverted signs are both natural wanderers and, when linked, they can form an incredibly creative, fun-loving power couple (à la Brangelina in their golden era).

On a bad day, however, Gemini has a reputation for being flighty and unreliable. Logical Virgo and intuitive Pisces may struggle with Gemini's sporadic energy, as these sensitive signs take Gemini's capricious energy way too personally. When paired with a Virgo or Pisces, this sign should be extra compassionate and understanding of their partner's needs. Remember, there's nothing wrong with occasionally slowing down to mellow out and relax!


Cancer is a water sign ruled by the moon. Although lunar Cancers are extremely sensitive creatures, they need to establish trust and loyalty before revealing their vulnerabilities. Accordingly, fellow water signs Scorpio and Pisces make terrific partners for sweet crabs, as they are known for their incredible intuition and psychic abilities. When coupled, these signs can often communicate through nonverbal (perhaps even telepathic) expression. Though a less emotional sign, hardworking Capricorns deeply appreciate Cancerian sensitivity. A Capricorn and Cancer match is ideal for cohabitation, as these opposite signs both enjoy nesting and building safe spaces. Like Capricorn, Cancer also tends to have a very wild kinky side that isn't afraid to get messy. Don't let their sweaters fool you!


Leos do not let you forget that they're the kings and queens of the jungle. These theatrical fire signs are known for their passionate extravagance, enterprising creativity, and cinematic romances. Getting it on with one of them is a royal experience one never forgets. Ruled by the sun, Leos shine most brightly when matched with fellow fire signs Aries or Sagittarius. Like-minded fire signs embrace their magnetic charisma and are comforted by their lion lover's loyalty and warmth. Opposite sign Aquarius is also a compelling match for this regal sign: While Leo represents the ruler, Aquarius symbolizes the people. When paired, these two signs can create a powerful checks-and-balances system for each other.


Earth sign Virgos are known for their extreme intellectualism. Ruled by Mercury, they are always processing information and prefer expressing themselves through logical and rational communication. They are perpetual list makers, and these pragmatic signs feel most grounded and stable when paired with fellow earth signs Taurus and Capricorn. These earth signs also value Virgo's analytical eye and attention to detail. Opposite sign Pisces is a terrific match for Virgo: Both of these signs love being helpful, and while Virgos lend a more practical hand for assistance around the house, Pisces is a skilled emotional healer.

When their meticulousness takes a turn for the worst, it can often manifest in perfectionism or nitpickiness. Impulsive Gemini and intrepid Sagittarius can be put off by Virgo's neurotic tendencies, and these signs often clash when coupled. When matched with a Gemini or Sag, Virgos would benefit from embracing the spontaneity of life and not getting so caught up in the details.


Libras are the aesthetes of the zodiac. These charming, dapper air signs enjoy connoisseurship and are often found admiring modern artwork at a gallery, sipping wine in a vineyard, or out shopping for the finest clothing. They are also one of the most epic flirts of the zodiac. Gemini and Aquarius deeply admire this Venusian sign's appreciation for art and culture and enjoy cultivating their own refined tastes within these well-matched air sign partnerships.


Scorpio is one of the fiercest signs of the zodiac. These powerful water signs use their incredible intuition to manifest their goals and approach their passions with relentless dedication. It's no surprise that they also make extremely dedicated lovers and they make love like their life (and your soul) depends on it. While some signs balk at Scorpio's intensity, fellow water signs Cancer and Pisces embrace Scorpio energy.

Water signs are known for their emotional intelligence, so astrology's like-minded sea creatures also enjoy deep-diving into their psyches with Scorpio at the helm. This sign is also recognized for its magnetic sexuality. Their sexual appetite is best satiated by its opposite sign: Taurus is considered the most sensual sign of the zodiac, so when matched with ravenous Scorpio, this couple makes for a truly erotic pairing.


Sagittarius, symbolized by the archer, is always ready for an adventure. These fire signs are natural philosophers, scholars, and explorers, recognized for their captivating storytelling and infectious humor. They tend to have epic sex drives and can even be quite the heartbreaker. They key to winning over a Sag is to let them keep their freedom. Like-minded Aries and Leo perfectly complement the Sagittarian wildfire: When these blazing signs link up, the couple benefits from a passionate, creative, and thrilling partnership. Opposite sign Gemini is also a terrific match, because both Gemini and Sagittarius believe in living life to its fullest, and these inverted signs may support each other's journeys toward self-actualization.


Ambitious Capricorns work hard to build safety and security in their lives. They aspire to create solid foundations for their careers, homes, and romantic partnerships. That being said, they are represented by the Devil Card in tarot, and play as hard as they work. They may look like business on the outside but these sea goats are kinky on the inside. Like-minded earth signs Taurus and Virgo benefit most from their focused dedication, as the determined goat provides the core stability all earth signs crave. Similarly, this sign may appreciate Taurus's sensuality and Virgo's organization, both of which add nuanced layers to their tenacity. Capricorn may also enjoy linking up with its opposite sign, Cancer. These signs share more traditional views on romance and like to build safe domestic environments (crabs seek solace in their shells, while goats retreat to their secluded caves).


Progressive Aquarians are known for their humanitarianism. These air signs enjoy high-level thinking and are motivated by egalitarian-minded work that inspires, revolutionizes, and improves society. The water bearer's romantic downfall may be that they can pay more attention to society at large than those close to them. Like-minded air signs Gemini and Libra appreciate Aquarian energy; their big-picture visioning sets the stage for Gemini to explore and Libra to perform. Similarly, Aquarians appreciate Gemini and Libra's more lighthearted intellectualism. When Aquarius pairs with a Leo, the air and fire combination could make a surprisingly dynamic duo. As Leo represents the king and Aquarius symbolizes the people, this couple has a comprehensive understanding of societal complexities.


Otherworldly Pisces are known for their sweet dispositions, enchanting creativity, and powerful clairvoyance. This water sign (the last of the zodiac) can pick up on energies, auras, and nonverbal expression. They are very open-minded and can do well in open relationships. Like-minded sea creatures Cancers and Scorpios are great matches for them. Unlike deep-sea fish, crabs and scorpions can walk on land, so a partnership with these fellow water signs can be simultaneously emotionally rewarding and extremely grounding for oceanic Pisces. They can also create a strong partnership with its opposite sign, Virgo. Virgos and Pisces are both generous and these two signs can benefit from each other's kindness and support.

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