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Career Horoscope

Growth is never a linear process, Capricorn. Often, we stray away from the chosen path in order to witness hidden aspects of ourselves. And then, when we've learned what we had to, we make our way back to where we started from. Word for the wise: let go of the need to 'control' your circumstances and allow Spirit to guide you. Pisces, you'll find that you are at a turning point. You can either continue to live your life the way you have been or welcome the winds of change. Something tells us you will have no trouble choosing the latter. Gemini, if there's one thing you can be sure of this month, it's that your financial game is going to be stronger than ever. The hard work you have put in is finally paying off. So are the risks you challenged yourself to take over the years. Keep doing what you're best at with the inner knowing that your commitment to the path will take you places.

Career Horoscope

Aries Career Horoscope for November 2021

Things are looking as good as they feel, Aries. You're in the flow doing exactly what you're meant to be doing, and serving in a way that's divinely ordained. What's more, you're no longer hung up on the rewards. You are creating from a space of joy knowing that what is yours will make its way into your Universe. Trust that this intention will transform the quality of your work tenfold. What's more? Those who are in the service industry may feel inspired to shift their focus towards a younger target audience. As for those who are in the teaching profession, now is the time to work closely with children.

Power Crystal:

The tangerine-hued citrine won't just render you a sense of optimism, but also help you stay in the energy of abundance.

Taurus Career Horoscope for November 2021

Take a moment to acknowledge the breakdown before the breakthrough for it has prepared you for this big moment. It has rendered you with the strength and courage required to triumph over life's most testing moments. What you're likely to experience this month: a big wheel of fortune moment. That's right! Destiny is pulling major strings on your behalf so you can live your best life. What's more? A close friend or associate from your past could be instrumental in bringing these opportunities into your world. Remember to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. That's the only way to survive this period of changes harmoniously.

Power Crystal:

The fiery carnelian will help you stay in the energy of passion and harness your creative potential.

Gemini Career Horoscope for November 2021

If there's one thing you can be sure of this month, it's that your financial game is going to be stronger than ever. The hard work you have put in is finally paying off, Gemini. So are the risks you challenged yourself to take over the years. Keep doing what you're best at with the inner knowing that your commitment to the path will take you places. What could prove to be slightly problematic is your equation with your partner. You may feel like they're not as invested in the business or venture as you are. As a result, you're having to take on a majority of the responsibilities. Word for the wise: have the conversation you have been avoiding for a while now.

Power Crystal:

A throat chakra stone, kyanite will enhance the qualities of self-expression and help you communicate your truth in an effective manner.

Cancer Career Horoscope for November 2021

What if we said that you've learned all that you could here and had all the experiences that could add to your CV? It's time to acknowledge that your time to move on has come. So, open your mind to the possibility of what lies beyond. Remember, the only one who is hindering your growth right now is you. What Spirit wants you to know: stepping into the unknown is going to be challenging. You may or may not be able to navigate immediately, and that's okay. Give yourself the permission to trip and fall with the inner knowing that you will make your way back into the game eventually.

Power Crystal:

Pyrite or 'fool's gold', will activate your solar plexus, and render you with the courage you need to take all kinds of chances.

Leo Career Horoscope for November 2021

We all come here with a predetermined plan. Karmic debt that decides the kind of life we will lead and the relationships we will attract. As a result, the people who are closest to us, end up playing the role of 'the catalyst' in our story. They trigger growth by constantly challenging us to strip away the false layers. We can either choose to look at them as the villains or acknowledge them as teachers. This month, you will find that approaching your relationships from a space of awareness will bring about a drastic shift within and without. The good thing is, you've got a wheel of fortune moment in your cards too. In other words, Destiny is going to step in to orchestrate big things on the work and career front. Keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground will facilitate a smooth transition.

Power Crystal:

Harnessing the power of peach moonstone will help you bring the gift of gentleness into all of your relationships.

Virgo Career Horoscope for November 2021

Swimming upstream is a task, Virgo. The benefits of being one with the rhythm and flow, on the hand, is not something you need us to elaborate on. So, breathe, beautiful, breathe. Let go of that false sense of control and allow Spirit to guide your boat. Following the path of least resistance will make space for many, many miracles. What's more, November 2021 will bring a change on the financial front too. Yes, we see big profits coming your way. It's a good idea to act prudently and save your coins away for the future. When it comes to decision-making, go with your gut. This way you'll be able to do what's right for you despite not having all the facts in front of you.

Power Crystal:

A loving and nurturing stone, moonstone will help maintain emotional balance.

Libra Career Horoscope for November 2021

You can plan with precision every detail of your story. Yet, what is about to unfold will take you by surprise. Destiny is stepping in big time, Libra, and it's realigning a few things on your behalf. So, prepare to get that job or promotion that you've been vying for, in addition to more power than you have ever had before. What's more, things on the financial front will take a turn for the better. Play your cards right and stash away those coins for the future. Those who have the freedom to work remotely are being encouraged to consider spending some time at a scenic location. The magical mix of sand and sea will restore you back to life, beautiful.

Power Crystal:

Green aventurine is known to support prosperous beginnings and bring in a generous helping of good luck and positivity.

Scorpio Career Horoscope for November 2021

When things don't go our way, we tend to go down a negative spiral. We convince ourselves that we will never resurrect from this failure. But, that is far from the truth, Scorpio. What the cards are reminding you of this month is your inherent ability to rise like a phoenix. There are new and exciting offers on the horizon, and they require you to believe in your power and potential like never before. So, embody courage and take the next big step. The forces are with you and it will all work out in the end.

Power Crystal:

Trust in the snowflake obsidian to help transmute the negative thought patterns and replace fear with faith.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope for November 2021

Before you step into the new, take a moment to reference your vision board. Are you where you always envisioned yourself to be or are you settling for a mediocre existence? The good news is, it's never too late to hit the refresh button. It's never too late to realign with your soul purpose. Don't be in a rush to make drastic changes, though, or act in a manner that can best be described as 'reckless'. Take each step cautiously. Find a way to balance your passion along with your profession. The more committed you are to your goals, the easier it will be for you to make that big transition eventually. PS: The Universe is on your side and wants you to live your best life.

Power Crystal:

Tiger's eye is a protective talisman that will help unlock the portal of courage within and reclaim your personal power.

Capricorn Career Horoscope for November 2021

Growth is never a linear process. Often, we stray away from the chosen path in order to witness hidden aspects of ourselves. And then, when we've learned what we had to, we make our way back to where we started from. This could prove to be true for you, Capricorn. So, let go of the need to 'control' your circumstances and allow Spirit to guide you. Following the path of least resistance will help spark off a magnificent shift within and without. What you need to be mindful of: managing your expectations when it comes to your professional relationships. Not everybody is going to play for your team, and that's okay. Send them love and light, but also maintain your distance from them.

Power Crystal:

Amethyst will help you stay connected to your vision and operate from a space of higher wisdom no matter what your circumstances.

Aquarius Career Horoscope for November 2021

Aquarius, what you're experiencing this month is a classic case of "too many cooks spoil the broth". It will be easy for you to get caught up in the drama or to bring your own biases into the equation. Make a conscious effort to observe the show from a neutral standpoint. As a leader, it will become your primary responsibility to lay down the ground rules that ensure the smooth functioning of the organisation. If that makes you the bad guy, so be it. As for those who have been following the freelance route, November 2021 will provide you with the perfect opportunity to start over. Give yourself the permission to take plenty of chances with the inner knowing that the Universe has got your back!

Power Crystal:

Known as "fool's gold", pyrite is a protective stone that will enhance your strength and willpower.

Pisces Career Horoscope for November 2021

As we grow and evolve, so do our dreams, beautiful. This month, you'll find that you are at a turning point. You can either continue to live your life the way you have been or welcome the winds of change. Something tells us you will have no trouble choosing the latter, Pisces. Here's the thing, though: if you have a business partner or close associate, you may find that your views don't match anymore. Let go of the need to 'force' a resolution. Allow what needs to unfold to unfold. Following the path of least resistance will transform your circumstances for the better.

Power Crystal:

Tapping into the wisdom of the aquamarine, which is known as 'water of the sea', will teach you what you need to know about surrendering to the rhythm and flow.

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