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Angel Tarot Astrology

Angel Cards are a great way to begin to tune into the power of divination and to start receiving direct, timely insight from your angels.

They can be a powerful tool for those seeking guidance in their life. Like Tarot card, angel cards can give insight into relationships, careers and finances while giving the recipient peace of mind and confidence in their decisions.

They tap into Angelic presence to guide the recipient toward their best life. Readings may focus on a specific question or be more open-ended, simply honing in on a general aspect of life. They may also be effective methods of tuning into subconscious thoughts, emotions and visions that can also serve as guidance.

Angel card readings methods

Asking the cards to reveal information about a specific question is a powerful method used in readings. Those seeking a reading should not expect to receive a simple yes or no answer; instead, the cards should be used to guide the recipient toward making decision. Questions should be specific but open-ended and focus on your own actions, not those of others. For example, do not ask how you can get your mother-in-law to move out; instead ask how you can work to change your relationship for the better. Keep and open mind to receive the full benefits of your angel card readings.

Angel Tarot Astrology

Angel card readings used for

They can also offer general guidance regarding a certain area of your life. Without asking a specific question, these readings are particularly useful when experiencing a transition in life in either your relationship, home or career.

Purpose of the Tarot

They are meant to help offer guidance in a person's past, present, or future, allowing them to understand themselves better. For some, reading Tarot is a journey into the soul and one's purpose in life.

People who use Tarot typically use it more for spiritual growth than for fortune-telling. Psychics begin using Tarot as a way for strengthening their intuition and connecting with their higher self. This practice gradually evolves into connecting with higher spiritual realms, and overtime, as a psychic develop their skills, they may find they may no longer need the tool to guide them. It is often said that practicing Tarot is an effective way to develop one's psychic abilities as anyone can learn to use them.

When psychics use Tarot during tarot card readings for their clients, it offers a way for them to connect with their clients energetically, and the cards help them with tuning into their storytelling skills on how they interpret what the cards tell them. Some clients prefer a Tarot card reading over a no tools reading as they can go back and review the cards independently and reflect on them afterward.

Become a Certified Angel Tarot Reader!

  • Certification as an Angel Tarot Reader
  • Clear information on the structure and purpose of tarot
  • In-depth discussions to help you meet—and befriend—the royal members of the court cards
  • Advanced ideas such as the symbolism, astrology, numerology, and angels that will help you take your readings to the next level
  • Powerful ways to combine tarot with meditation, the law of attraction, and feng shui to create the life of your dreams
  • Step-by-step guidance on how to use existing spreads and how to create your own
  • An entire lesson focused on building an online presence and platform for a successful career

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