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Sealing off Energy Astrology

Venus is one of the closest planets to Earth, meaning that its retrogrades are more powerful and intense than other planets. It has us rethinking and reassessing all this Venusian: relationships, affection, money, pleasure, and art.

Coupled with Capricorn's energy, this particular retrograde will have us reassessing our relationships, value systems, and financial situations. "This may mean that we will be asked to own where we need to be more accountable, whether that's with a toxic ex or with our earnings, and see where we need to go back and revise so we can level up," says Madi Murphy, the co-founder of The Cosmic RX and The Cosmic Revolution.

Murphy points out that this is a serious position for the Planet of Love — specifically when it comes to our relationships. "You may be getting honest with yourself about what you want and viewing your idea of what love and relationships mean based on what you've learned about yourself over the past year," she says. "Where have you matured? What is the new commitment you are making to yourself or to your significant other, if you have one, or to your goals?" The past year was a challenging one — take stock in where you've grown and pay attention to what needs to be reassessed.

Pluto, the Planet of Power and Transformation, is one of the main characters of the 2021/2022 Venus retrograde, due to its conjunction with Venus for the next two weeks, according to Murphy. "Typically, Venus conjunct Pluto is a one-day event, but this time it hangs around for nearly two weeks," she says. This energy is pretty potent, and the conjunction could mean breakups and shakeups.

ou are powerful. Humanity has built vast civilizations, made groundbreaking discoveries, and sparked transformative movements. Yet, many of us question ourselves. This is because much of the collective, especially those who have been marginalized, have been suppressed due to ancestral and societal trauma. As a result, low self-worth, esteem, and disempowerment are common emotions. This can delay us from stepping into our power. But, an understanding of your astrological DNA can help you heal, moving you from powerlessness to self-empowerment.

Healing your energy with astrology can not only empower your life, but shift you on the path towards becoming everything you were meant to be. One of the main questions I receive from clients is about clarity regarding their path. Most of the time we are not consciously aware of what's holding us back. Many can remain in situations that bring inner tension, not realizing we have the ability to end this pattern and take our power back. Understanding yourself on a deeper level through the cosmos provides that map towards this inner light.

Manifestation is not just a buzzword, but a practice and method of understanding how energy works. A pillar of astrology is this ancient universal law: "as above, so below, as within, so without." Not only do the cosmos affect you here on earth, but your internal energy can manifest into your outer reality. Through knowledge of your birth chart, you can uncover your inner light and heal challenges in order to shift your life-force energy to craft your reality with ease.

The Power Of Understanding Your Sun

The sun, a well-known birth chart placement, is the life force and center of our galaxy. It's also the same within you. Your sun-sign indicates how you will shine the brightest in this lifetime, or what is in highest alignment for you. With alignment comes ultimate fulfillment! Understanding the zodiac sign and house your sun is placed in can clue you into your gifts and life path. There are twelve houses in astrology, each presiding over a different area of life. A birth chart calculator can tell you where your sun is located.

Here is a quick guide to find your house and zodiac sign:

The 12 Houses

  • 1st House: Self and personality.
  • 2nd House: Self-worth and money.
  • 3rd House: Communication.
  • 4th House: Home and emotions.
  • 5th House: Creativity.
  • 6th House: Health and routine.
  • 7th House: Relationships.
  • 8th House: Shared resources.
  • 9th House: Higher learning.
  • 10th House: Career and public.
  • 11th House: Social and networking.
  • 12th House: Empathy and helping.

Sealing off Energy Astrology

The 12 Sun Signs

  • Aries: Active leader.
  • Taurus: Grounded creative.
  • Gemini: Communicator.
  • Cancer: Nurturing leader.
  • Leo: Entertainment.
  • Virgo: Wellness and organization.
  • Libra: Aesthetics and justice.
  • Scorpio: Depth and transformation.
  • Sagittarius: Future visionary.
  • Capricorn: Structured leader.
  • Aquarius: Innovator and humanitarian.
  • Pisces: Imaginative.

The planetary connections your sun is making to other planets can also indicate challenges, or setbacks, in fulfilling this inner light. Knowing this information can shed knowledge on new life choices you can make, or highlight a different path more aligned with you. It's also an opportunity to start setting your intentions and manifesting the full expression of who you are now, instead of delaying it.

Your Natural Luck and Abundance

Everyone has luck and the ability to cultivate abundance in their chart, you just have to know where it shows up for you in your own life. Abundance is not just about money, it's feeling overall health, joy, contentment, and stability. Your Venus sign can indicate where and how you can experience this. The planet of abundance, Venus rules over the signs Libra and Taurus, and is about love, beauty, romance, relationships, wealth, and equality.

Jupiter represents luck, growth, wisdom, and expansion. Ruling over Sagittarius and Pisces, this celestial body can determine where you experience Jupiter's benefits in your life. Once you lean into your Jupiter, that is when you can experience financial and growth benefits. It's essentially the "easy button" in terms of finding your true joy and destiny. Through knowing this about your own chart, you can set your intentions clearly, presenting an easier path forward.

The Importance of Healing Challenges

Positive energies are helpful to understand, but it's in working through challenges that we can find the most empowerment in Astrology. Planets and placements in your chart like Black Moon Lilith, Chiron, Saturn, Nodes of the moon, and Pluto, can unlock areas that have delayed your manifestation power. Understanding where these aspects are placed in your chart is extremely healing. Here is a quick guide below on each.

  • Black Moon Lilith: Repression and suppression .
  • Chiron: Wounding and trauma.
  • Saturn: Harsh lessons and restriction.
  • Pluto: Power and transformation.
  • Nodes of the Moon: Life path.

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