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Mouth Reading Astrology

The mouth is related to communication, speech and the sensual appetites like eating and sex. The lips relate to our ability to nurture others in loving relationships. If the upper lip is considerably thinner than the lower lip, it reveals an inability to reciprocate in relationships. Conversely, a thinner lower lip indicates an overly giving nature.

Lips which are full, round and even convey to you that the person is caring and sensitive. The upper and lower lips in equal distribution reveal a well-meaning and communicative personality.

If the lips are large it means an expensive and somewhat luxurious taste – but an expressive and generous temperament nonetheless. Often the large mouthed person can be very vocal under pressure, needing to verbalize, sometimes excessively, their dissatisfaction and frustration.

Small lips which are also tightly pursed warn of a self-centered and mean character. The downward curvature of the lips is a marking pointing to discontent in most matters. You may find it hard to please these types irrespective of what you do or say.

Look for upward curved lips which indicate the opposite – someone cordial and optimistic with a sunny disposition. Ex-Prime Minister Bob Hawke exhibited the thin downward turned lips. Narrow lips reveal an unemotional character who lives more or less an internalized life, never able to enjoy the pleasure of sharing deeper feelings.

Large lips mean a rich and luxurious taste. Expressive and generous temperament.

  • Small: Selfish, miserly.
  • Curving down: Discontented.
  • Large lips: Hedonistic.
  • Curving up: Cheerful.
  • Curved lips: Changeable.
  • Straight lips: Self-controlled.
  • Narrow lips: Unemotional.

Mouth Reading Astrology


Samyama is the intense concentration or focuses on the characteristic markings and features of the face and body on face reading. He says it results in a profound understanding of human nature and of the future potential or destiny of a person. It's a study of karma as revealed by the externalisation of the mind and its expression in the human countenance. Truly, a pathway to psychic and intuitive development.

For most of us leading busy city lives, the rigorous discipline advised in such works as the Yoga Sutras, isn't exactly practical, given the recommended but time consuming meditative practices to develop powers. However, there are very simple techniques that may be utilised for the purpose of gaining an insight into the personality of others. It's called the art of face reading or characterology and has a long and rich history.

It wasn't until 1741 however, that the Swiss-German, Lavater developed some of the most important principles of western-style physiognomy and face reading. He was a talented individual who could paint, write poetry and teach. He was also a minister of the church.

His technique in face reading character stemmed from his ability to draw portraits and study the idiosyncrasies of his models. Physiognomy's greatest work is a departure from the usual feature-by-feature analysis and requires an overall "intuitive" feel for the face in question.

More recently in the twentieth century, even as early as 1918, the Merton Institute for Vocational guidance was founded in the US in New York City. It was primarily concerned with the professional activities of people. And assisting businesses in employing the right types of staff for specific areas within their organisations. Even companies such as AT&T & The Bud company of Philadelphia utilised the Merton Institute for the employment of staff throughout that period.

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