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Vastu for Meditation Astrology

A separate meditation room may be a luxury for many but a quiet corner as a personal space to meditate and spend some quiet time can be managed even in a small apartment. You can actually create a switch to de-stress yourself with this strategy. Just walk over to your corner and you will feel relaxed instantly. However, it may take little practice and patience. The place should be comfortable enough and serene to look at, so that it encourages you to stick to your relaxing ritual at a particular time, in a particular spot. Here are some tips for the meditation space in your home:

Meditation is not really forcing your mind to be quiet; it's finding the quiet that's already there. In fact, when you really examine the background static of guilt, worry, resentment, wishful thinking, fantasy, unfulfilled hopes, and vague dreams in your head, it becomes clear that the internal dialogue going on inside is literally controlling us.

We have been studying 'the being' for more than a decade. We have assimilated techniques from Vedic philosophies and formulated them for the modern day man to practice and benefit from. This is what We calls the 'Vaastu Meditation' (The Complete Meditation).

This meditation affects all the layers of the being and thus takes a being to, as told in the Vedic philosophy of Ayurveda, 'Prakriti' (nature, that is, bliss) and not 'Vikriti' (against nature, that is, disease).

When a sadhak follows the path of yoga he/she ties himself/herself to a certain regime. By following this set routine over a period of time the sadhak starts evolving. In the physical plane we can identify certain dormant centers in the brain which start awakening and becoming sensitive to subtler stimuli, which we are not able to identify in our current states, i.e. the higher areas of the brain get activated, which were considered dormant or not used in the day to day acts of normal physical life.

Vaastu Meditation is part of the prescribed meditation that brings with it emotional and financial stability along with physical well-being.

Chakra Balancing Pranayam

Chakra Balancing Pranayam which brings about a beautiful balance in the body. There are seven main chakras located in our etheric. These are the energy centers in the body which draw the prana from the environment which is essential for running our body.

  • Muladhar Chakra: At the base of our spine.
  • Swadhishthan Chakra: 2" above Muladhar.
  • Manipurak: At the navel.
  • Anahaat chakra: In the centre of the chest cavity.
  • Vishudhi Chakra: Throat region.
  • Ajna: Between the eyebrows.
  • Sahastrar: Beyond the head.

Sitting in Vajra Asana palms facing inwards, inhaling, we move our hands up, stopping at each chakra for a few moments and as we reach Sahastrar, we open our hands, palms facing upwards. Then slowly we start exhaling and as we move down our hands we again stop at each chakra for a few moments this time in descending order.

Vastu for Meditation Astrology

Paanch Maha Prana Meditation

There are 5 main in the body.

  • Prana Vayu, the upward rising force in the region between the diaphragm and the shoulders.
  • Apaan Vayu, the downward moving force from the navel towards the pelvic.
  • Samaan Vayu, the balancing force of the Prana vayu and Apaan Vayu. It is the outwards and sideways moving force in the region between the diaphragm and the navel.
  • Udaan Vayu, rising upwards from the pit of the throat.
  • Finally the Vyaan Vayu, the all-pervading reserve force.

To practice this once again we sit in Vajra Asana, become aware for 2-3 minutes of each of these pranas in the body. This Meditation also brings about a balance in the body.

The meditation room or mandir/prayer room holds a very special position in every Hindu home. It is a place of devotion, hope, trust and even refuge. In view of its immense significance, it is essential to create a space that embodies the best possible principles of Vastu Shastra.

The best direction to worship is the North-east. As per VastuShastra and Vastu experts, the north-east corner is known as Ishan (the corner for Eshwar or God). This direction is recognized as the point from where Earth's powerful magnetic energy is generated. Therefore, this is an ideal location for a mandir. However, if the mandir in your house is not located in the north-east, make sure to face this direction while praying.

Vastu Tips for Meditation

  • A quiet place with no distractions is all that you require and preferably, it should be as empty as possible.
  • A comfortable room that can provide privacy and away from the major activities of the household will do. Kitchen and living room can be too distracting while an extra bedroom; a less-used balcony, a sunroom or even an attic can be just perfect.
  • Preference with the amount of light differs with person to person. Some people may find dark rooms more peaceful while others may find them too sleepy. Still others may prefer lots of natural light and fresh air to keep you alert and a plain room painted in muted colors and decorated with subdued elements.
  • Remember, a window is a good thing but not a must.
  • Meditative space must be clutter free and don't keep your mobile phone nearby.
  • Rooms with views of garden, lake or ocean are just wonderful.
  • Many people feel that having aromatherapy candles, incense, table top fountains, indoor plants, rhythmic music, natural sounds, chants and hymns, holy books and symbols and mementos and photos of near and dear ones help them to relax better.
  • For seating, you may choose a comfortable chair with a straight back, floor mat or bench according to your choice. If you think, you are uncomfortable without your cushions and pillows, count them in too.
  • For yoga, you may want wooden flooring, a specialized mat or a comfortable carpet or rug.
  • A CD player or stereo for music is needed.
  • You may use sliding or folding screens to create your corner temporarily for a tiny apartment.

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