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Favourable Period for Studies

How To Predict / Education Horoscope In Astrology: Education is judged mainly from four houses – 2nd house, 4th house, 5th house & 9th house. All planets represents some kind of educational field or field of studies. For example, Saturn represents History, Mercury represents Accounting or finance related studies etc. Only one condition should be fulfilled to get success in any education field is that concerned house, its lord and the significator planet of that particular field of study should be in good state.

Education Horoscope and 2nd House In Astrology: From 2nd house and its lord we judge the studies of early-childhood. If there is any malefic influence on this house or on its lord, like any weak, debilitated, or afflicted planets are placed or aspects this house, then the the native face problems in early age educations which may result into break in education. Especially planets like Saturn and Rahu creates many complexities and frustrated situations during that time. Any 'Dusthana' house presence in the house gives trouble according to 'karkatwa' of the particular house and lord.

Education Horoscope and 4th House In Astrology: This house plays an important role in Education Astrology predictions. Fourth house of the horoscope represents mind and mental stability. Thus capability of learning or grasping anything quickly partly depend on this house. According to Vedic Astrology 50% of the whole grasping power of an individual depends on the strength of this house and its lord. If both them are in good state (exalted, strong or well influenced) then due to mental strength and good grasping power the native score well. But, If any of the two or both comes under bad influence (house or planets) then the native becomes failure in the field of study due to poor grasping power and restless mind. How much restless or strong the mind would be that depends on the intensity of weakness and strength of the planet placed in house, its lord and the house itself. In the present scenario this house also represents education till school level.

Higher education in Vedic Astrology: Finally the the 9th house of the horoscope helps us in case of higher studies prediction in astrology. This is the house which represents higher studies which is beyond of bachelor. This house in horoscope is also called house of higher education in astrology. In specific topics later I will also discuss on astrology yoga for higher education. Planets responsible for higher education are specially Jupiter and Mercury.

Education Horoscope and 8th House In Astrology: There is another house of education in astrology that is 8th house, this house denotes the education which is not related to main-stream or conventional, it can relate to occult or any kind of secret or research oriented studies.

How to predict education through astrology: In Vedic Astrology Jupiter or Guru is always considered as a "karaka" or significator of education & knowledge. When this knowledge giver Guru is placed in Trine (1st, 5th, 9th) or angle (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) with the owner of fifth or fourth house, it brings good result in the matter of education or studies.

Favourable Period for Studies

Astrology and Education – Important yogas for Education in Astrology

There are many yogas (placement, conjunction or aspect of planets) are there in astrology to predict about education in a chart. Some important yogas are given as under:-

Kalanithi Yoga:

Venus should be either in his own house or in the exhalted house, Jupiter and Mercury in conjunction in 2nd house or in 5th house from ascendant make Kalanithi Yoga. If this yoga presents in a chart, the native will be highly disciplined, moral based, knowledgeable, very good at writing, in giving a good speech, research, and he/she will be very good at astrology.

Brahma Yoga:

The placement of Venus Jupiter, in the kendras to the ascendant, and to the lord of either to the 5th or to the 11th house form Brahma Yoga. In any cart, if brahma yoga presents, then the native is guaranteed with extreme wealth, best education, popularity.

Sarawathi Yoga:

The placement of Jupiter, Venus, Mercury in kendras or in Trikonas with respect to the lagna gives the Saraswathi Yoga. By its name itself it is certain that the benefits of the yoga is not necessary to be explained at all. The native will be very good in writing, speech, knowledgeable, and globally recognized for educational achievement.

Balai Yoga:

If Jupiter and Venus posited 12th to Sun then Balai Yoga created. Person with this yoga are very fluent in many languages, they are usually known for their multilingual properties. They are very good in literature and translation etc

Shanga Yoga:

The Shanga Yoga is created by either by the placement the house of the 6th lord to the house of the 5th lord and vice versa or the conjunction of the lords of the 5th and 6th houses. Because of this, the native will certainly get the very high education (like PhD etc). The wealth, familiarity, recognition etc will follow him/her automatically.

Budha Yoga:

This is a rare yoga to find out. The Jupiter should be in the Ascendant, the Chandra should be at Kendra to the Jupiter, and to the Chandra at in the second to Chandra mars and third if Saturn posited Budha yoga is creatred. Such a native will be highly learned person, courageous and he/ she is blessed with Raja Yogas.

Planeta and Education in Astrology

The sun is refereed as Athma Karagan If sun is seen powerful in a chart, the native get higher position in Govt., authoritative, etc. because of his education.

  • Sun: The sun is refereed as Athma Karagan If sun is seen powerful in a chart, the native get higher position in Govt., authoritative, etc. because of his education.
  • Moon: The sun is refereed as Athma Karagan If sun is seen powerful in a chart, the native get higher position in Govt., authoritative, etc. because of his education.
  • Mars makes native interested in military equipment reassignments and the way of utilizing it, architecture, mantras, constructions, chemical industry. Mercury: Bhuthikaragan, mercury is having more attention in communication, diplomacy while considering one's education. Advocation, writing, speech, communication, diplomacy: The sun is refereed as Athma Karagan If sun is seen powerful in a chart, the native get higher position in Govt., authoritative, etc. because of his education.
  • Jupiter: If one is blessed with Guru, he may be religious leader and also he is related to research studies, teacher, finance, lawyer.etc
  • Venus: Venus is responsible for the art, cinema, music, dancing, acting etc.
  • Saturn: He is for labour. Saturn is also related to the ethics, novels writing etc.
  • Rahu: Rahu is related to mathematics, medicine, business, printing presses, electrical equipments and modelling etc.
  • Ketu: without his grace it may not be possible to get wisdom.

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