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Rhodocrosite Astrology

Rhodochrosite is a stone that integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energising the soul. Rhodochrosite opens the heart, lifting depression and encouraging a positive and cheerful outlook. It improves self worth and soothes emotional stress. Rhodochrosite encourages a positive attitude, creativity and innovation, and enhances dream states.

Rhodochrosite regulates and stabilises the heart beat, balances blood pressure and stimulates circulation, the kidneys and reproductive organs. It alleviates migraines, skin disorders, thyroid imbalances, and intestinal problems. Rhodochrosite purifies the circulatory system and restores poor eyesight.

Having the unmatched beauty and allure of typical 'pink crystals', Rhodochrosite is in a league of its own. Primarily, the Rhodochrosite meaning lies in the electrifying vibrations of love. It encompasses the hopeful and tranquil energies of inner peace, deep healing, and unconditional love.

This beautiful crystal symbolizes the pureness of the soul and vitality of life. Accordingly, Rhodochrosite benefits include emotions of joy, happiness, inner strength, and power. Furthermore, the purifying vibrations of the powerful Rhodochrosite gemstone kick-start a vigorous dynamic within your life.

Along with this, this gemstone also gives rise to passion, enthusiasm, and ardor. It means that the fire that resides in you is rekindled by the energies of this crystal, enabling you to achieve your goals with greater gusto.

Rhodochrosite is a member of the manganese carbonate mineral family (its chemical composition is MnCO3). It is part of the hexagonal crystal system, specifically the trigonal system (sometimes called the rhombohedral system). This classification has to do with its symmetry and its axis crystals form. Rhodochrosite is a softer gemstone, ranking between 3.5 and 4 on the Mohs hardness scale, according to "The Encyclopedia of Crystals" by Judy Hall.

Types of Rhodochrosite

There are various Rhodochrosite types, with the base healing chakra of the heart present in all of them. All the different types of Rhodochrosite contain a unique healing element that can be looked upon before deciding what's best for you. Rhodochrosite is primarily used to bring in compassion and provide emotional healing. The different kinds of Rhodochrosite are

Rhodochrosite Quartz

Quartz is primarily identified through its dark salmon shade with elements of black and white on the border stones. It is powerful in working as a heart cleanser for you. Deep shades of pink are believed to activate your chakras better.

Chinese Golden Rhodochrosite

As the name suggests, Chinese Golden Rhodochrosite finds its origin in China. Slight elements of golden highlight over this predominantly pink stone. Chinese Golden Rhodochrosite are considered one of the rarest in the world and helps with enlightening oneself.

Rhodochrosite Eyes

Donned by beautiful shades of pink. White, yellow, black, and rose, these crystals have circular bands shaped like an eye. Rhodochrosite Eyes are believed to invoke the power of intuition.

Rhodochrosite Fluorite

It's a blend between Fluorite and Rhodochrosite, giving it a distinct purple shade with elements of pink. Rhodochrosite Fluorite helps activate the higher chakras like throat and crown and brings good luck to your life.

Poison Rhodochrosite

One of the most unique blends of Rhodochrosite, Poison Rhodochrosite comes in shades of black, grey, pink, and yellow. They're mined from Argentina and are a wonderful crystal to detox spiritually and mentally.

Cherry Red Rhodochrosite

A beautiful red colour marks this stone's appearance. It is mined from Kalahari Mine situated at Northern Cape. Cherry Red Rhodochrosite is believed to cure emotional distress and works as a wonderful tool to cure physical ailments.

Goethite Rhodochrosite

Surrounded by shades of Yellow, Goethite Rhodochrosite exists on Goethite. It promotes emotional harmony and takes care of emotional and mental ailments. It is especially useful in improving relationships with friends and family. Past traumas are let go to restart relationships with a fresh perspective.

Rhodocrosite Astrology

Healing Properties of Rhodochrosite

Although this crystal is more commonly associated with matters of the heart, it is also capable of healing the mind as well as the soul. Here are some important emotional, spiritual, and mental healing properties of the Rhodochrosite gemstone.

Emotional Healing Properties

The energies of the lovely Rhodochrosite serve as a rejuvenation center for your emotional core. First of all, it urges you to acknowledge your old wounds and tend to them as they might still be hurting you. You have probably groomed a belief that you are not strong enough to overcome them so as a reaction, you simply avoid facing them.

However, with the powers of this crystal, you will sense a change inside you that will empower you emotionally. You will gradually learn to process your suppressed feelings and face past traumas that you have been hiding since forever.

Moreover, the Rhodochrosite crystal pushes you to explore the happier side of life instead of only dwelling in its sorrows. You are meant to be surrounded by serene, joyous, and exuberant energies, and you will find your way to them. So, allow yourself to be content with what you have and be optimistic for the future with the help of Rhodochrosite by your side.

Spiritual Healing Properties

This crystal is extremely uplifting in its essence. Surely, in the presence of the Rhodochrosite crystal, you will feel the heaviness in your spirit dissipate into nothingness, leaving you to feel light as a feather.

In addition, the energies of this crystal pave a path for you to connect with your inner self. When you do that, you become markedly more capable of truly knowing yourself, your innermost desires, fears, and strengths.

With the spiritually healing energies of this incredible crystal, you can get a hold of your personal power. Resultantly, you will realize that you have the power to create your own reality. In short, the vibrations of the Rhodochrosite gemstone free you from limitations and push you to transcend them.

Mental Healing Properties

Mentally, the Rhodochrosite vibrations bring a certain clarity to you—something you may be lacking right now. Maybe it is about a difficult decision you have to make or about your general perspective of life—you are experiencing confusion.

With this gemstone, you will unravel your full potential which will lead you to trust your abilities. Consequently, you will be self-assured and optimistic about whichever direction you choose at any point in your life.

Apart from that, this crystal is mentally stimulating and enlivening. It introduces a more positive and vibrant tone to your usual temperament. Lastly, with Rhodochrosite healing properties, you will also find yourself braver about taking action to turn your dreams into reality.

Rhodochrosite, Zodiac Signs, Birthstone

Each gemstone is associated with one or more astrological phenomenon, based on the kind of energies it emits. Undoubtedly, the crystal that is linked with a certain zodiac sign has special vibrations that specifically help people who were born with that zodiac. The Rhodochrosite gemstone is linked with the astrological signs of Scorpio and Leo.

First, we will talk about Scorpios who are known for their intimidating personalities. They are determined and intelligent people. Also, they try to reach their destination by any means possible. What the Rhodochrosite gemstone has in store for them is vibrations of success and prosperity. Indeed, the empowering energies of this crystal merge perfectly with the true nature of Scorpio people. Their ambition is also enhanced and they can go on to be influential leaders if they choose.

On another note, this crystal also helps Scorpios in working through their complicated feelings. By getting rid of negative and resentful emotions, these people can gain a lot more control over their actions. The other zodiac sign associated with the Rhodochrosite crystal is Leo which is known as the lion of the zodiac. Leos are brave, fiery, and passionate. They are also very enthusiastic about everything they do. However, they do tend to get arrogant and self-righteous.

Naturally, this crystal invokes a sense of balance in these people to make them more tolerant of their environment. It also keeps their volatile temperament at bay. Apart from that, the energies of this crystal are particularly great at enhancing the goodness of Leos. As these people are quite generous, selfless, and helpful, this crystal grooms these impressive qualities.

Rhodochrosite and Planetary Connection

Crystals are connected with the energies of various celestial bodies and they transmit their energies through their vibrations. If we talk about Rhodochrosite, this crystal is connected with planet Mars. Naturally, Rhodochrosite exhibits certain properties that are governed by Mars. Mars is the fourth closest planet to the Sun after Earth. This planet is full of rage and raw energy. Mainly, it governs your passion, lust, and sex drive. Along with this, planet Mars also represents anger and combat, especially your combat style. Since the Rhodochrosite crystal is interlinked with the energies of Mars, it controls these specific qualities inside you. It means that your sex life (also, a major part of your romantic relationships) will be heavily impacted by the presence of any Rhodochrosite jewelry or crystal you carry around.

Furthermore, the energies of this planet decide the kind of outlet you use for your emotions. For example, it controls your competitiveness and how you deal with it. Also, it will influence how you take on your enemies. Passion is not only reserved for relationships. When you think of those who are extremely successful in business and in their career; passion has a lot to do with why they are prosperous. Rhodochrosite and Mars both drive passion. Meditating with this stone will inspire you to start that "passion" project you've always wanted to do. It gives you courage to follow your heart and use that energy to give you sustained drive to be financially successful in doing what you love.

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