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Masik Shivratri Festival

Shivaratri is great festival of convergence of Shiva and Shakti. Each month, Chaturdashi Tithi during Krishna Paksha is known as Masik Shivaratri.

Masik Shivaratri in month of Magha is known as Maha Shivaratri according to Amavasyant School. However according to Purnimant School Masik Shivaratri in month of Phalguna is known as Maha Shivaratri. In both schools it is naming convention of lunar month which differs. However both, Purnimant and Amavasyant Schools, celebrate all Shivaratris including Maha Shivaratri on same day.

According to Indian Mythology, in the midnight of Maha Shivaratri, Lord Shiva was appeared in form of Linga. Shiva Linga was first worshipped by Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. Hence Maha Shivaratri is known as birthday of Lord Shiva and devotees worship Shiva Linga during Shivaratri. Shivaratri Vrat is popular since ancient time. In Hindu Puranas we get references of Shivaratri Vrat. According to scriptures even Goddess Lakshmi, Indrani, Saraswati, Gayatri, Savitri, Sita, Parvati, Rati observed Shivaratri fast.

Devotees, who want to observe Masik Shivaratri Vrat, can start it from Maha Shivaratri day and continue it for a year. It is believed that impossible and difficult task can be fulfilled by observing Masik Shivaratri Vrats by the grace of Lord Shiva. Devotees should keep awake during Shivaratri and perform Shiva Puja during midnight. Unmarried women observe this fast to get married and married women observe this fast to maintain peace and tranquility in their married life.

Benefits of Observing Masik Shivaratri Vrat

  • Never-ending blessings from Lord Shiva
  • Overpower enemies and elude fear of death
  • Cure from diseases
  • Family welfare and career growth
  • Wisdom, inner peace, and the path to salvation

Shivaratri comes typically once a month and 12 times a year. We, at AstroVed, have made a compilation of all such monthly Shivaratris and have presented a complete list for the year, including Maha Shivaratri, in our website for your easy reference. We request you to browse through the list, identify the dates, observe austerities, offer sincere prayers to Lord Shiva and get his blessings for your welfare.

Mythology behind Masik Shivaratri

According to mythology, Shivaratri is celebrated to commemorate the selfless act of Lord Shiva to save the world by drinking the deadliest poison, which came out during the churning of the Milky Ocean (Samudra Manthan). When the Devas (celestial beings) and Asuras (demons) were churning the Milky Ocean, one out of the 14 things that came out was a pot of deadly poison. To save the universe from its effect, Lord Shiva drank it. However, Goddess Parvati stopped the poison in Shiva's throat, which turned his throat into blue color. This earned him the name "Neelkanth." Shivaratri is celebrated to commemorate this significant event.

Another legend says that Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati got married on Shivaratri. It is also believed that only on a Shivaratri, Lord Shiva manifested as Shiva Lingam.

Masik Shivratri Festival


1. Shiva Moola Mantra

Om Namah Shivaya||

2. Maha Mritunjaya Mantra

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormukshiya Mamritat||

3. Rudra Gayatri Mantra

Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat||

Significance of Masik Shivratri

Some of the advantages of observing Shivratri vrat include cure from diseases, good health, and happiness in the life. One can also achieve advancement in the profession, freedom from the troubles of enemies, escaping the fear of death and others.


Shivratri is highly auspicious because Lord Shiva manifested himself in the form of Lingam on the day of Shivratri. The legend has it that once there was a dispute among Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu about who among them was the superior one. Suddenly, a pillar of fire appeared in front of them. The origin and end of the pillar couldn't be found. Hence, they mutually agreed that whosoever discovers one end of the pillar would be the superior.

Lord Brahma flew up as a swan to see the top while Lord Vishnu assumed the form of a boar to find out the bottom. None of them could be successful despite trying. However, Lord Brahma lied that he had seen the top. Lord Shiva appeared and revealed that it was he who manifested as the pillar. As a punishment, Lord Shiva cursed Lord Brahma that he would never have a temple dedicated to him on the earth. It was the day of Shivratri when Lord Shiva manifested as Lingam.

Celebrations and Rituals

Devotees observe fast throughout the day and night of Masik Shivratri and conclude the fast only on the next morning. They perform Shiv puja at home in the morning and night, visit Shiva temples, chant the names of Lord Shiva and keep vigil during the night. Devotees visit Shiva temples early in the morning after taking a holy bath. They perform Abhishek with milk and water and offer Bilva leaves, Bilva fruit, and Dhatura to the Shiva Linga. Devotee put up the altar early in the morning. An idol of Lord Shiva or Lingam is worshipped by performing Abhishek with Ganga water, milk, curd, ghee, honey, turmeric powder, vibhuti, and rosewater. If Shiva lingam or idol is unavailable, then the picture of Lord Shiva is offered sandal paste, vermilion, incense sticks, homemade prasad, coconut, and fragrant flowers. At the end of the puja, aarti is performed and puja is concluded with prayers. Ideally, the puja is done during midnight on this day. Many people distribute sweet and beverage laced with Bhang which is made of the cannabis plant in the form of Prasad. Devotees observe fast on the diet of fruits and juices. On the next day of Maha Shivaratri, the plain rice and yellow curry made of gram flour are offered to Lord Shiva.

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