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Zircon Astrology in India

Zircon is a widely known gemstone which is often used as a substitute for diamond. It is a beautiful gemstone and is available in a number of colors. Its wide variety of color has made it a popular choice for making jewelry. You can make rings, pendants and many other forms of jewelry with zircon. The sheen of this gemstone is because of its high refractive index. Apart from all these properties that the stone possesses, it has many spiritual and astrological benefits. It is also known as 'Gold Stone' in Arabic.

The beautiful White Zircon is a colourless stone with a high -transparent, semi-precious gemstone formed with the Neosilicates family of minerals. Astrology is used as a substitute for the precious gemstone diamond. It is worn by individuals who are helping to engage their creative abilities, health condition, marital and financial stability. When one has decided to wear White Zircon gemstone, they should prefer the most superior quality to harness the best from the planet Venus.

It is considered the birthstone for individuals who are born in December. Individuals can use these in various jewellery like - bracelets, bangles, earrings, necklaces, rings, and many more. The mineral Zirconia, also known as the Zirconium Silicates, is commonly found in the minor constituent rocks like igneous called granites and some other metamorphic rocks. These are formed in the pegmatite in the fissures due to the weathering of gem-embedded rocks. The most significant kinds of ZirconZircon are found at the beachy deposits and the alluvial soils.

Currently, Sri Lanka is known for provisioning the finest quality of Blue Zircon. However, colourless Zircon is a substitute for diamond, and it features plenty of benefits to its wearer. Blue Zircon is a part of Zircon gemstone but has a high demand because of its high density. It has a 7.5 Mohs scale density. Furthermore, Blue Zircon comes in variant shades and cuts, and it has an extensive demand in the jewelry-making industry.

Types of Zircon

Blue Zircon

Blue Zircon is one of the types of Zircon gemstone, and it comes in variant colours and shades. Different colours of Zircon have different use and demand in the market; some people prefer this unique gemstone to amplify their beauty, while some wear it to improve their luck. Thus, it contains both aesthetically and astrological properties. Here we mentioned the foremost types of Zircon that are high in demand among people.

White Zircon

Unlike diamond, this white Zircon has a unique shine and radiance. It is a colourless Zircon gemstone with astrological benefits. It has a transparency that effectively attracts the eye of the people.

Red Zircon

It is one of the natural gemstones that have a radiant hue and shine. People love this gemstone for its internal glow, and it's a durable and attractive gemstone used for making jewelry.

Yellow Zircon

This type of gemstone is not easily accessible as it is rarely found in the market. Thus, it's an expensive gemstone highly used in the jewelry industry. It's admirable for its stunning appearance.

Fancy Zircon

Fancy Zircon means several types of Zircon with different colors and shades such as green, pink, orange, brown, and many more. It is on-demand in the market for a magnificent hue.

Zircon Astrology in India

The Exclusive Benefits of Blue Zircon

Natural Zircon is admirable for its eye-glazing appearance as it glows remarkably and appears like a luxurious gemstone. In reality, it's not an extremely expensive gemstone; it's a semi-precious gemstone that offers brilliant shine, looks, and better fortune to an individual. It gives many benefits to its owner; some are mentioned below:

  • Enhance Financial and Social Status: If you struggle with financial problems for a while, wear this impressive and fortune giver gemstone. It builds your financial status and generates new opportunities in your profession. Eventually, it also improves your social status.
  • Boost Creative Skills: Blue Zircon has been used by people since ancient times and brings new skills to a wearer. It improves the creative abilities and communication power of an individual. Furthermore, it offers prosperity to its wearer.
  • Marital Blessings: As per the Vedic Astrology, Blue Zircon helps balance the Venus bliss and improve the marriage life of an individual. It revives your marital life with love, care, and understanding and builds a strong bond between you and your partner.
  • Improve Hormonal Disorder: If your stamina and energy are blocked, wear this supernatural gemstone and experience the changes in your life. However, Blue Zircon blesses its owner with good health and prevents him/her from diseases.
  • Soul Purifier: It is said that it holds mystical powers that bring a new vision and energy into a person's life. Positive energy is associated with the authentic Blue Zircon that eliminates all the negative powers and deeply calm with pleasant and relaxing vibes.

White Zircon Gemstone Quality

High-quality of a white zircon is decided by using judging its beginning, colour, clarity and cut. Sometimes, an amazing white zircon appearance some distance better than the low-grade diamond, with less effect on the pockets.

  • Origin: some most important white zircon mines are found in sri lanka, Cambodia, burma (myanmar), australia, Tanzania, Brazil, Pakistan and Afghanistan etc. However, the Ceylon and Matara mines of sri lanka are famed for providing the finest-exceptional white zircon gem stones to the global market. The gemstones from these mines are commercially advertised as 'ceylon diamonds' or 'matara diamonds'.
  • Colouration: most of the coloured zircons have a few specific colour impurities. White zircon doesn't have any foremost color impurities and is apparently the purest form of zircon gemstone. But, because of geographical elements, a few white zircons can also have slight yellow or blue tint which is suitable in the mild quality stone. The enormously obvious zircons without a coloration hint are quite uncommon in nature and are enormously more costly. Lower quality white zircon is usually smoky or milky in appearance.
  • Clarity: white zircon gemstone belongs to the kind I gemstone class which means it generally lacks eye seen inclusions. Therefore, the highly clean portions are proper for purchase. Some rare portions may additionally contain long parallel inclusions that lend a unique sheen and display cats eye impact while located beneath mild supply.
  • Cut: white zircon is a reasonably tough gemstone that's faceted with care to capture most brilliance. Oval cut, cushion reduces, square reduce and square white zircons are extra without difficulty to be had inside the marketplace in evaluation to other customizable cuts like princess cut or trillion cut.

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