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Sun Planet of Self Astrology in India

Sun is the foremost of all planets in astrology and is regarded as the king of the planets. It is the life-giving force behind everything, and even in astrology, it is considered the primary reason behind the existence of life. Sun is one among the nine planets in astrology and is of chief significance in all Hindu traditions where hardly any ritual goes without a salutation to the Sun God or Suryadev.

Planet Sun in Astrology has a special significance in Vedic Astrology and in Hinduism. Sun is the main source of energy and light on planet Earth. Astronomically, it is a "Father of Stars" and very nearest to our mother planet "Earth". It is largest among all planets. It is considered as a centre of entire solar system. Though it is a star astronomically but it is considered as Planet in Vedic Astrology and an important planet while analysing the birth chart.

In Hinduism, planet Sun is worshipped as "Sun God". It provides life, force and energy, most importantly "the pran", that means it is a planet which represents our "Soul" in Astrology. People pray to the planet Sun thrice a day. It represents our high esteem. People do "Surya Namaskar" in order to regain the vitality and eyesight on Sundays.

It is believed, the creator of Universe, Brahma did the survey with his four faces in four direction, causes four seasons and four elements named as Fire, Air, Earth and Water. The day, allocated for Sun Planet, is Sunday. Sunday is kept on the top or at head of the all seven days in a week. In Western Astrology, planet Sun is also known by the name "Apollo". They consider it as a son of "Jupiter" and "Latona". Apollo is a brother of "Diana" According to Hindu Mythology, the moment when Sun enters into any Zodiac sign, it is considered as auspicious time to perform any religious work. They perform religious function to satisfy their soul as well as offer pray to Sun God.

Hindu Calendar or Panchang is also based on movement of Sun in different Zodiac signs. When Sun enters from one sign to another sign, then it is considered as one Solar Month. Hence it takes one year to round the ecliptic. It does not retrograde like other planets. Sun represents the Spirit. In Hindu Vedic Astrology, Sun is considered as Soul of "Kaal Purusha". It is considered that Sun is a ray of hope and hence represents the positiveness and also a ruler or a leader. Different Names of Sun: Adhithya, Arka, Aruna, Bhanu, Dhinakara or Dhinakrit, Hell, Pusha, ravi, Surya and Thapana.

Sun is one of the luminaries along with Moon in Universe. These two emit light, which brighten the whole world. Sun governs inspiration and expiration i.e. the life span or duration of life. It gives you the force and self will to make yourself determined and decisive.

Nature of Planet Sun

It is a masculine, dry, positive and hot planet. He is "Agni Devta", name of an Indian Devta. It is fiery in nature. It rules "Eastern Direction and "Grishma Season", in the months of June and July. The colour of Sun is orange or Kanakambaram. It rules over the metals like copper and Gold.

Sun signify in Vedic Astrology

It represents the "Father"in native's birth chart. It indicates "Husband" in woman's chart. It represents the authoritative position in service. It shows the government, head or administrative position in society. It stands out as a skipper or leader in games.

Physical appearance: People born under the strong influence of this planet have large and round face. They will born with Leo Lagna or on Sundays and with the honey coloured eyes. Sun represents hearts in your body parts and hence Leo sign indicates heart in natural Kaal Purush Kundali. It also represents the right eye in man and left eye in woman.

Diseases: Since it represents heart of a person, hence it indicates heart diseases as well as problems in eyesight, if it is afflicted in kundali. Sun is afflicted by Saturn , then it may cause low blood pressure whereas Sun afflicted by Jupiter causes High Blood Pressure. It also denotes cerebral meningitis, eruptions of the face, aphasia, sharp fevers, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile complaints, sunstroke, scorches and disease in head etc.

Characteristics of Planet Sun

If Sun is placed positively in your Birth Chart, then it will bless you with sterling qualities. It will be very beneficial for you. It provides you real love towards everything and everybody. You will have good intuition power and inspiration. It indicates you self acquisition.

Strong Sun: means placement of Sun in favourable sign, which provides good results and strong will power to accomplish any task. You would have cheerful attitude towards life and enjoy the blissful life with good fortune. Sun is the planet which gives power to rise high in life, due to which you get the recognition in the society. It gives magnetic quality and ambition to the person.

Beneficial Sun: provides ambition, boldness, brilliance, capacity to command over, dignity, energy, faith, fame, grace, generosity, health, hope, happiness, joy, kind heart, kingly appearance, loyalty, nobility, royalty, success in worldly affairs, truth, vitality, vigour, virtue and warmth.

Afflicted Sun: makes one arrogant, bluff, egoistic, faithless, insulting, jealous, over ambitious, self centered, angry etc.

Professions Generally Denoted by Planet Sun

In general, Sun is the karaka planet for permanent position in life. Sun denotes all government services and such departments. Wherever, there is safety and security in service, Sun would be ruling over it. It also represents the independent business financed by the Father. The stream of profession also depends on the PAC (Position-Aspect-Conjunction) connection with the other influencing planets. In short, we can say that the nature of Planet Sun in profession or career varies with the combination of Sun with the other planets. Here are some professional fields, related to things, listed below for your better understanding:

  • Politics: It denotes administrators, Kings, Dictators or anyone who heads on the top or holds authoritative position.
  • Products: Products like variety in rice, almonds, chillies, foreign exchange and currency trading, pearls, saffron, herbs etc are denoted by Sun.
  • Market: Government Loans, Gilt Edged securities, Gold, Reserve Bank, Stock Exchange, Government etc are represented through Sun.
  • Plants and Herbs: Thorny trees, grass, orange trees, Lavender, Mary-Gold, medicinal herbs etc. are denoted by planet Sun.
  • Places: Forests, mountain, Fortress, Government Buildings etc are denoted by planet Sun.
  • Animals & Birds: Lion, Horse, Boar, Serpent, all singing birds, swan etc are represented by Sun.

The day governed by the Sun is "Sunday", one may expect better results on this day itself if he is running with the Mahadasha of "Sun". Sun rules over "Leo" Zodiac sign and gets exalted in "Aries". The precious gemstone for planet Sun is "Diamond" and "Ruby".

Hence planet Sun is very prominent in terms of Astrology as well as Astronomy. The life exists due to light energy of planet Sun on earth. It provides energy to everything and everyone in order to sustain and also a biggest source to give you a hope for new beginning.

Muhurat Significance of Sun in Astrology

You can enjoy a successful life if you observe the muhurat significance of the Sun. You should await the day presided over by Sun, passing through the 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house from the natal Moon, or when the Sun is positioned in the ascendant. These days, you can attain success by working in fields that are connected to metals like gold and copper, natural elements like horse, wood, bones, skin, wool, trees, and mountains. You will be able to overcome dangers from serpents, thieves, weapons, forests, and cruel deeds in this time. This period is also auspicious for the service of kings, the coronation of kings, medicinal purposes, trade and fire.

Prediction of Sun in 12 Different Houses in Astrology

In the 1st house, Sun will cause you to be proud and egoistic. You will take charge and be an authoritative person with strong bones and heart. You will be good at your studies. In the second house, Sun will give you a family legacy, and you will take care of family wealth and business. You will be very clever and may find yourself involved in home goods or restaurant business. You may even become a politician or governing official. In the 3rd house, Sun will make you a media-savvy communication expert and give you a strong will to succeed.

By the time he reaches the 4th house, Sun becomes a little dull. This may damage the home life somewhat, till the age of 35. Your parents may argue a lot, but you will be blessed with a house, a car and a good career after the age of 32. As the 5th house is the Sun's own house, the planet will perform very well, most of the time. You will be creative, as well as lucky in speculative business. In the 6th house, you will see the Sun growing with time. You will have no enemies and may enjoy careers in finance as you have the ability to analyse well. The Sun is weakest in the 7th house and may cause legal problems in business and marriage. Contrarily, this placement may make you a famous person.

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