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Reiki for Sleep Astrology in India

Reiki, the healing therapy created by a Japanese Buddhist named Mikao Usui over a hundred years ago, is based on a simple spiritual principle: We're all guided by the same invisible life force, and it controls our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. When the energy flows freely, we can tap into unknown reserves of power. When it runs into blockages (often said to be caused by negative thinking, unhealed trauma, or stress overload), we function at a suboptimal level.

While this may sound like voodoo magic to some, even nonbelievers who have spent an hour with a skilled Reiki master (as they're called) have felt a positive shift of some sort. Many describe Reiki sessions—a combination of light touch and above-the-body energy sweeping—as calming or grounding. And for others, it feels more like an emotional realignment.

Reiki masters, like Kelsey Patel, train for years to understand and navigate subtle energy shifts, but Patel says anyone can learn (quickly) to work with energy, and impact the flow of others.

Healing Tools from a Reiki Master

First Step: Receiving Energy

To begin any Reiki practice, you must activate the energy within yourself. Close your eyes and take a few rounds of deep breaths. Imagine the crown of your head opening and a stream of healing white light flowing from the top of your head, into your heart, and out through your arms and hands. Ask to be filled up where you need healing most. This way, if you're going to offer Reiki to a loved one, you won't be giving to them from an empty cup.

As you feel the flow of energy, continue to breathe, and if you find your mind gets busy or starts to question whether this is working, come back to your breath. Envision yourself as a vessel for healing. Then set an intention or prayer to receive healing of the highest good.

Reiki for Sleep

To give a sleep-focused Reiki session to a friend or family member, ask the recipient to lie down while you position yourself near their head. Imagine a steady stream of healing light going from your hands into the back of their head and clearing the mind of any pain or discomfort experienced that day.

Ask your loved one to take several rounds of deep breaths and slowly count an inhale of three seconds and an exhale of three to five seconds. Ask them to slowly see their whole day one memory at a time and to thank each memory before letting it go with their breath.

Allow them to drift off as you continue to channel the energy through your palms and send the healing light into their entire body. Imagine the body becoming healed, relaxed, and heavy for a peaceful night's sleep. You can offer this Reiki for as long as you want, but between fifteen and thirty minutes is usually enough for them to feel relaxed and peaceful.

Reiki for Stress

Often when people have anxiety and stress, they are not breathing properly, and the shortness of breath can cause more stress. In this Reiki session, you want to channel energy down the recipient's shoulders and into their body. Place your hands on their shoulders for ten to fifteen minutes. Focus on sending energy into their whole body and breathing deeply with them. This can naturally bring some of the intense mental energy down and get them back into their body. If your person is lying down, you can place your hands behind their head, too, to help them calm down. I recommend remaining in the same spot for fifteen to twenty minutes for ultimate relaxation.

Sealing Off Energy

It's important to offer gratitude, cleanse yourself, and close the energy once you've completed a healing session. It can be as simple as stepping back, wiping your hands of any excess energy, and placing them in prayer to thank yourself, the energy, and the recipient for the exchange. You can also draw a large circle, crossing the arms in front of the body to signify the close of your two energies, and ending with hands in prayer.

Reiki for Sleep Astrology in India

Reiki Therapy Used for Emotional Healing

In this world with full of tensions and problems, here is a method of making your life more easier, simpler and healthier. A lot has been discussed to keep your point more clear and precise. Talking about the benefits of reiki therapy for emotional healing, how can we forget that reiki can help you get in touch with the hidden side of your emotions and can help you transform life-force energy. Reiki healing improves your life along with cultivating more positive emotions, such as kindness, love, intimacy, connection, compassion, sharing, and more, this technique of healing has a myriad of benefits to offer on an everyday basis.

Reiki Used for Spiritual Healing

Talking about a spiritual side, one can take help of reiki healing when feel lost and depressed. There are many people who live alone on this planet of universe. Reiki can help you to love and accept yourself and to feel compassion for others. It can help you to connect with the divine power of universe and help you feel that you are an epitome of something extraordinary. For me, Reiki is like coming home. You not only feel your present and future, but you remain feel connected, cared, and loved.

Reiki Used for Mental Healing

From physical, spiritual and psychological healing, now, the next step is the mental healing. With a tired mind, achieving the biggest things in your life can be a little troublesome for you. You are unable to focus on important events in life.

To put in a nutshell, reiki therapy for mental healing is one of the alternative used for a healthy and progressive mind. If your mind feel tired and confused, you won't be able to take big decisions in your life, hence, you ended up lose your worth and potential.

To regain your confidence, you need to focus on reiki healing so, that your mind will work in a progressive manner. From helping your emotions to flow in an effective manner to finally help you regain your confidence back, the therapy of reiki healing is one of the best alternatives available in the market. The energy of reiki healing can help you witness your thoughts and negative emotions.

Once you are aware of your thought-process, you profess the power to alter your decision and question the reality. This is where you create your identity and make your life worth-living. positive thinking, progressive thoughts, healthy mind, conscious living are few of the results of reiki healing. Combined with meditation, reiki gives you the desired results.

Benefits of Reiki

  • Universal force of life.
  • Provides a safe touch of massage and healing.
  • Complements western medicine.
  • Reiki embraces the principle the supreme power for healing that lies within the body of an individual.
  • Helpful in difficult situations.
  • Helps you get rid of stress, hypertension, depression and anxiety.
  • Helps in pain reduction.
  • Helps with a healing process after surgery.
  • Provides you high-concentration and focus.
  • Works as a self care tool.
  • Self healing helps you sleep faster.
  • Brings harmony, peace and sobriety.
  • Reduces anxiety issues.
  • Helpful in palliative care.
  • Helpful during labour and delivery pain.
  • Combined with psychotherapy helps the receiver feel healthy, happy and conscious with more ease.
  • Reiki has an empowering effect, the receiver does not feel helpless.
  • Brings clarity of thought.
  • Helpful for students preparing for competitive exams.
  • Cooperation at meetings.

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