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Vastu for Yoga Astrology in India

Yogashastra is the foundation of Vaastushastra. In Vaastushastra every Vastu is considered to be a living entity. The 'prana' (living breath) which is the essence of Yogashastra is reflected in the Vaastushastra concept of positive energy flow.

Almost all the principles of Vaastushastra can be traced to Yogashastra vision and practice. The Panch-Maha-Bhutas (five great elements) are studied in detail in Yogashastra. The individual qualities and effects of permutations and combinations of these elements - earth, water, fire, wind, and ether - are extensively utilised in Vaastushastra to evaluate the virtues and vices of directions in a Vastu. Vaastu-dosha or flaws in a Vaastu can be treated with the help of helpful properties of particular element.Ida' or 'Chandra Nadi' and 'Pingala' or 'Surya Nadi', which are important aspects of yogic practice, are reflected in Vaastushastra as two-stream theory - Jaivik Urja and Pranik Urja. 'Ida' stream gives stability, strength, peace, prosperity and promotes life processes. Its zone of influence extends over North and East directions.

Pingala' stream is associated with pain, hardship, misfortune, sorrow and is considered detrimental to life. It has control over the South and West directions. In defining or altering properties of various directions in a Vaastu or a house, Vaastushastra has to take recourse to Yogashastra principles. Indian yoga codified from esoteric practices that are thousands of years old. It has developed several branches to accommodate different personality styles. The major yogas are Bhakti (a devotional approach that opens the heart, it is best for those who are primarily emotionally-oriented), Jnana (an intellectual approach that leads to wisdom, it is best for those who are primarily mentally-oriented), Karma (an active, service-oriented approach, it is best for those who are more extroverted and who find meaning mostly through relationship), and Raja (a meditational approach, it is best for those who are primarily oriented to the practical aspects of a situation).

If you were to read about the benefits of yoga on the internet, you'll find a lot of content not just about its benefits, but also about its popularity. Yoga possesses the unique ability to calm the physiological and psychological body. While some people are practising it only to address their physical needs, some are finding mental peace through its practice.

It is believed that yogic exercises cater to the needs of each individual according to his or her specific needs and physical conditions. Yoga ensures that the mind is naturally active and dynamic, while the inner self is at peace. However, are at-home yoga practitioners able to reap all its benefits? Perhaps, they can if they combine yoga with vastu shastra.

As per vastu shastra, the house can be divided into sixteen zones. Each of these zones has a purpose and only a predefined activity can be performed in these zones. The benefits of yoga can only come through if yoga is performed at the right place.

A place where there is no imbalance of five basic elements, where the mind can be at peace and the body is in a relaxed state. The place of yoga has to ensure that it meets the purpose of the practice— body and mind rise to the level of the illuminated self. Hence, yoga cannot be practiced in just any room located in just any direction of the house.

  • If you are doing yoga for meditative purpose, then north-east, the zone of mind and clarity will give you best results. Energies present in this zone naturally facilitate connectivity with higher self which is the basic purpose of yoga.
  • If you are doing yoga as a physical exercise, then opt for south of south east. This direction governs power, energy, strength and confidence. It is believed that the strength in the human body is influenced by the energy that is emanated by this zone.
  • If you are doing yoga for mind-related exercises, you can again opt for south of south east. This zone also positively influences the mental power of the individual.

So, if you have been unrolling the mat in just about any room of the house, stop doing that immediately. Examine the activities being done in specific zones. And if you find that the south is quite clear, then permanently place your yoga mat there. Soon, you will begin to feel the positive effects of yoga.

The right practice in the right zone will stimulate and change emotional attitudes. It will convert apprehensiveness into courage, indecisiveness into positive decision-making skills, and emotional instability into mental equilibrium.

Vastu for Yoga Astrology in India

Raja Yoga

For those who are capable, Raja Yoga employs the most powerful and direct techniques for spiritual advancement. In addition, it provides a clear outline of the stages of progress along the path. These teachings were first systematised in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The eight traditional stages are

  • Yama (social ethics of non-violence, truth, non-stealing, continence, and non-coveting)
  • Niyama (personal ethics of purity, contentment, ardour, study, devotion)
  • Asana (discipline of the body through posture to provide a sound base for taming the mind)
  • Pranayama (discipline of the breath to refine the base developed through asana)
  • Pratyahara (beginning mental concentration, holding to a single object for about 10-20 seconds). This is the start of meditation, in proper. Achievement to this level brings mental control over the sense gates, so that one can withdraw from sense experience. This is useful because it allows one to further purify the mind and heart without the normal distractions of the mind and senses.
  • Dharana (intermediate mental concentration, holding to a single object for 2-4 minutes)
  • Dhyana (advanced mental concentration, holding to a single object for 30-40 minutes)
  • Samadhi (very advanced mental concentration, holding to a single object for 6 hours or more). The most advanced practitioners can remain in samadhi indefinitely. The final practice of this meditational path is to connect the samadhi state with ordinary day-to-day consciousness so that a practitioner is in samadhi regardless of whether he or she is meditating in total isolation or performing daily chores in the normal bustle of people, places, and events. In this way, the accomplished meditator has quite literally passed beyond life's sufferings but yet remains in the world. A spiritual master of this stature experiences every moment as pleasant and peaceful regardless of what may be happening to her or his body and mind. For instance, such a person would be aware of the body's torment when suffering from some terrible disease, such as cancer, but naturally remain in a serene state anyway.

Tips from Vastu, the yoga of design that will enhance your yoga or meditation space.

Both the northeast and the center of your home or your room are considered ideal locations for meditation and yoga. The northeast sector is always a sacred zone. Its element is water, so a water feature (such as a fountain or beautiful flowers floating in a glass bowl of clear water) can enhance this space if placed here. The center self-generates prana (universal life force energy), and its predominant element is space (akasha). If placing your practice space in either of these sectors is not possible, then make whatever space or nook you have for yoga beautiful and treat it as your sacred retreat.

If you are fortunate enough to have an extra room that you can set aside for your meditation, prayers, yoga practice, and contemplative time, it will bring additional spiritual energy and serenity to your home.

Remove your shoes before entering your yoga area.

Even if you have not adopted the intelligent habit of leaving your shoes at the door of your home, remove them before entering your practice space. This marks it as a separate area that will stay clean and honored, setting the conditions for better asana and meditation practices. It will also help you to feel more relaxed and less tired.

Keep your meditation seat and yoga mat clean and fresh.

Treat housekeeping in this area as a ritual blessing for you and your home, rather than thinking of it as a chore. That way it becomes part of your practice.

Make it comfortable!

If you're not comfortable, you will be more distracted and less likely to settle down. Comfort is a consideration in Vastu.

Natural materials are ideal.

Silk, cotton, wool, wood, bamboo, and similar materials have the right energy for this space.

If you like to use candles here, make them natural as well.

Beeswax candles are known to purify the air.

Beauty is always a requirement.

Beauty is always a requirement. The décor can be in any style, as long as you find it beautiful, serene, tranquil, and sacred to you. And when choosing artwork, again go for beauty! Choose spiritual subjects or peaceful, healing, uplifting images.

Creating an altar honors the divine.

You can set up an altar or personal shrine in the northeast of most rooms. Altars for specific purposes can also be erected in their own relevant sector. For example: southwest for relationships; north for finance and career; and northwest for travel or anything represented by movement, which is a characteristic of the air element.

Open a window during pranayama practice.

If you are doing breathing practices in this space, it is beneficial to have a window that can be opened to bring fresh air and prana into the room.

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