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Mercury Planet of Communication Astrology in India

Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. Apart from the astronomical interest, the role of Mercury in astrology interests many Vedic researchers and astrologers. Coming to the planet as a vedic god, it is linked with fortune. Mercury or Budh will grant a good education, sharp mind and a charming appearance. It is a rejuvenator and wards off any negative feelings. It also helps in keeping the pitta induced disease, melancholy and fragility. It also impacts family affairs in a positive way. Mercury is more of a positive planet. However, it can become malefic if it conjuncts with other malefic planets. Mercury is often called as the grahapati - all the lord of planets. It is the guru planet of Gemini and Virgo. Mercury is often called as the messenger of gods in many mythological stories. It is the planet of expression and communication-many times. Mercury is an opportunistic planet. People who are good orators and can shower flattery words are ruled by Mercury. Communication is not the only thing Mercury pushes the synergy between couples. Mercury rides on air. A strong Mercury will bestow the native with good analysing skills, good social life and humour. In short, if you have a good family life, that means Mercury is gracious to you.

Mercury, much like the winged messenger of the gods, comes in on feather-light wings and commands us to speak. Communication, intellect and awareness are all within Mercury's domain, as are logic and reasoning, our manner of thinking, and how we create and express our thought processes.

A mercurial nature brings to mind restlessness and motion. Rat-a-tat-tat - things happen fast here. Mercury is about a quick wit, quick thinking, possibilities, opinions, reasoning and the ability to rationalize things. Mercurial energy can be good or bad, but it will certainly be energizing! This planet also prompts us to move from one thing to the next and to get answers on both a physical and psychological level. Further, Mercury's energy is both dexterous and perceptive.

Mercury is about short trips: a visit to a neighbor or a friend across town, the workaday commute, a weekend getaway. Siblings, and transportation in general, are also within Mercury's realm.

Characteristics of Planet Mercury

If Mercury is placed positively in your birth chart, then it bestow you with a good health, wealth and speech. It will be very beneficial for you. It provides you good oral and writing speech, knowledge, intelligence etc. You will be able to handle more than one task at a single point of time. Let's see below how Mercury confers good, medium and bad results:

  • Strong Mercury: That means placement of Mercury in favourable sign or exaltation sign, which confers good results and strong speech to communicate yourself to others. You would have good merchant attributes inherent within you and will be impressive in conveying the messages. Mercury is the planet which makes the native intelligent, ingenious and analytical. It gives the retentive power and reproductive ability. "Mercury is the messenger of God."
  • Beneficial Mercury: It gives you subtle, political brain, intellect and excellent disputant, a logician with learning, sharp and witty, learning almost anything without a teacher and ambitious to know every science.
  • Afflicted Mercury: Afflicted Mercury will not be good as one will be phrenetic. Native will be clever, cunning and mischievous anonymous petition writer. He will be always against to whom he doesn't like. He may be gambler, worst liar, showy person, cheater, forget things and promises uttered by himself. He may be a man of moods.

Mythology Of Mercury

Mercury in Vedic astrology is often called the budh planet. It is treated as a deity. In legends, budh is seen as the son of Moon (Soma) and Tara (wife of Jupiter). According to the mythology, the moon became obsessed with Tara, the wife of Brihaspati. Their union produced Mercury. It is a combination of intellect and charming personality. Mercury reaches the full maturity at the age of 32. As earlier, the legends and epics were not preserved in the form of a script but in the form of oral verses or dialogues. This led to many different versions of the birth of Mercury, budh in other versions is the son of moon and Rohini (daughter of Daksha). One of the earliest mentions of mercury in Indian Ved history appears in Pancavimsa Brahmana. Mercury in astrology is often called the Gyani chief. He is considered as a mirror image of Lord Vishnu because of his beauty and resemblance to Lord Vishnu. Vishnu is the lord of Mercury planet. Wednesday is considered to be the day of Mercury and a prayer to him on that day shall remove all the hurdles, and obstacles one faces due to mercury.

Mercury Planet of Communication Astrology in India

Significance of Mercury in Astrology

The Mercury planet in astrology is called the god of communication. It rules the swarkantha of a person. Mercury in astrology is called the brain of the solar system. It is a calm and composed planet. The duration of Mahadasha lasts for 17 years. Mercury belongs to the Vatta nature, and the people under the influence of mercury are good vocalists, well behaved. A strong Mercury in lagna will enhance the intelligence, education, social and professional affairs, the relationship with relatives, humour etc.

While a weak mercury in birth chart may team up with other malefic planets and cause problems in relationship between family and friends. Cause loss of wealth and reputation. Sun and Venus are friends of Mercury, while the Moon is the enemy to the planet. The moon's character is that of an innocent child, while Mercury is much more calculative and evaluator. Mercury likes to scrutinize the situation, and the evaluation may not always be pleasant. Mercury shows a neutral attitude towards Saturns, Mars and Jupiter. Mercury is of masculine character and rules the northern direction, unlike Mars or Jupiter. Mercury is in the mooltrikona sign when it is partially in Virgo about 15 to 20 degrees. Mercury is weak in the Pisces sign. It is associated with the colour green and green emerald is the stone of mercury.

Nature of Planet Mercury

Mercury is variable, convertible, feminine, effeminate, neutral and dualistic and vacillating planet. Mercury doesn't act independently. It will always behave according to the rashi and house it sits and have PAC connections with. It is convertible because it will behave like a benefic or favourable planet for your horoscope if it is associated with the benefic factors. On the other hand, if it is gaining the aspects and conjunctions of malefics, it would become malefic for your horoscope. Its nature is Vata or Airy. Its direction is North. It gets exalted in Virgo at 15th degree and debilitated in Pisces at 15th degree.

Mercury signify in Vedic Astrology

Mercury represents the intelligence and communicative ability in native's birth chart. It rules over third house and sixth house in Kaal Purush Kundali in Vedic Astrology and is the significator of fourth house and tenth house. Fourth house is house of happiness and Mercury can do much better holding this position in horoscope. Likewise, Tenth House is house of profession and career, and again Mercury can do much better in this house as it offers good communicative ability that provides you the skills to set up your business. You can be a good counsellor. Let's understand below what it signifies:

  • Body Parts & Diseases: It is a karak planet of chest, nervous system, skin, nose, navel, gall bladder, lungs, nerves, tongue, arms, face and hair. If it is afflicted by the malefics, it gives problems related to chests and muscles. The native may also suffer from typhoid, madness, seizure, paralysis, ulcers, dizziness, cholera etc.
  • Physical Appearance: People born under the strong influence of Mercury will be tall with well formed body. They will ever be stout. They will be of average height. Hands will be long and slender. The hair will be dark and eyes will be expressive. Their eyebrows will be curved with much hair. Voice will be thin and shrill. They will walk quickly. Just like Martians, these people will appear younger than their usual age.

Conjunction With Different Planets

Mercury in astrology conjuncts with various planets. The two planet conjunction of Mercury yields varying results. Let us see few of the prominent conjunctions of Mercury.

Mercury and Mars are both enemy planets. Mars is considered to be malefic mascualine male while Mercury is benefic gentle eunuch. The native undergoing these two conjunctions will have rifts in relationships. The marital bliss becomes a distant dream, and the couple struggle for progeny. Financially the outcome will be average. This conjunction can also drift the native towards petty crimes like theft. Positively the person becomes sharp and alert. If he channels the energy in the correct direction then he can prosper in a profession related to science. Mars and Venus conjunction is a positive one. They both are friends, and such a person under the influence can enhance his artistic skills. The person becomes gracious and a performer. The diplomatic and presentation skills improve greatly. The financial growth is good. In matters of job and studies a person can sharpen his skills in the field of maths, technology, science and engineering. Venus and Mercury incline the person towards music and arts.

Though Moon and Mercury are enemies, their conjunction can be beneficial for the native. The individual's intellectual growth is very good when he is under the influence of both these bodies. They have high tact and often use sugary speech. They are good orators and often the talk of the town. The god of luck bestows all the fortune in life. There are other conjunctions of Mercury that can be both beneficial and harmful. If you want to find out what is the conjunction of Mercury in your chart, then please contact the expert astrologers and get a detailed analysis.

Remedies To Enhance A Weak Mercury

A malefic or weak Mercury in astrology gives bad results in your life, and it can reverse all the benefits you have received. One should follow certain remedial measures to nullify these malefic effects. One of the most common solutions is us Green Emerald seated on gold. Wear the ring or ornament on Wednesday. The use of char mukhi Rudraksha can reduce the negative effect of Mercury. Feed grass or spinach to the cow. As Mercury is a symbolized image of lord Vishnu, reading Vishnu sahasranamam everyday will help reduce the effect of malefic mercury. However, before turning into any of those remedies, please consult a Vedic expert. So if you are clever, witty, analytical, research-oriented or a good orator, then it is a sign that your Mercury in astrology is strong. However, if you are suffering from lethargy, have crowd fear, devoid of any analytical skills and not great in communication skills, then you might be having a debilitated Mercury. To summarize, Mercury is responsible for good cognitive skill. Also, if you want to be handsome like Mercury then you need to have a strong backup of Mercury in your astrological chart.

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