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Child Adoption in My Birth Chart Astrology in India

Nowadays, adoption of a child has become a phenomenon as more and more childless couples are opting for child adoption. The reasons for adoption can be any of the ones listed below, but every cause can be meticulously read from a horoscope:

  • Infertility
  • Women may be facing some medical conditions
  • The couple may not want to pass the genetic disorder
  • Single parents interested in starting a family
  • Same-sex couple
  • May be interested in giving an orphan a loving home
  • I want to help someone who is not in a financial position to raise a child

"Adoption" means the process through which the adopted child is permanently separated from his biological parents and becomes the legitimate child of his adoptive parents with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities that are attached to the relationship. In general, in olden times, people adopted children when they didn't have their own progeny or particularly, when they didn't have a son. However, in today's world, there are innumerable examples of people adopting children even when they have their own biological children. Many people ask whether they can adopt a child. For adoption of a child, there are many combinations in Astrology. Here are some combinations given below which indicate that a person may not be able to beget a child on his own but may go for adoption.

Couple may adopt a child when the 5th house is associated or aspected by malefic planets, and when its lord Saturn or Mercury is combined with Mandi, and Jupiter is strong. Mandi is as malefic as Saturn. If the planets in this yoga are weak and the 5th lord has no aspects of benefic or friendly planets, the individual have no children of his own. According to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS) if the 5th lord is in the 12th bhava, the native will be bereft of happiness from his own sons. He will have an adopted or purchased son. In KP System an individual who has been denied children will opt for adopting a child if the 5th cuspal sub lord and Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, and Moon, are connected to the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses.

Planetary Combinations Responsible for Child Adoption

  • Ketu in the 12th to Jupiter or conjunct Jupiter with less degree.
  • The 5th lord or 5th house conjunct with the 6th, 8th or 12th lords and in Papakartari Yoga.
  • The 5th house being in a sign of mars occupied by Saturn and Rahu.
  • 5th lord occupying a house of Mercury and Jupiter being placed in one of the houses of Mercury.
  • Saturn in the 5th, exchange of 1, 5 lords and a weak Jupiter.
  • 5th lord and Mercury conjunct in 6,8 or 12 and aspected by a Natural benefic.
  • 5th lord conjunct Mars and aspected by Saturn.
  • 8th lord in 5th, 5th lord in 12th and Jupiter in a kendra.
  • Saturn in the 5th with rahu in 4th or 12th conjunct Malefics.
  • The lord of 5th to the Moon conjunct Venus and posited in less fruitful sign or in barren sign and aspected by malefics.
  • 7th lord in 5th conjunct malefics and Jupiter being powerful.
  • The ascendant falls in an even sign and the lord of the 5th house occupies the 4th in the Navamsa of Saturn.
  • The association of the lord of the 5th house, the Sun and Mercury occurs in a Navamsa of Saturn or of an even sign.
  • A strong benefic posited in the 5th house is not aspected by another benefic.
  • The 5th house coincides with Capricorn or Aquarius and Saturn aspected by theMoon is placed therein.
  • The Moon occupies a sign of Saturn falling as the 5th house and Mercury is without any point of strength.
  • When Mars and Saturn occupy the 5th house and when the ascendant lord is in a sign of Mercury or is associated with Mercury.
  • The 7th lord in the 11th house and Saturn or Mercury in the 5th when the lord of the 5th house combines with a benefic.
  • If the 5th house falls in Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius and has the association or aspect of Saturn or Mandi.
  • If the 9th house is afflicted with Saturn and Mandi and Lagna Lord is badly disposed to the 9th house and 9th Lord. If the 5th Lord is a eunuch planet, the 5th house is conjoined with or aspected by a eunuch planet and also occupied by Mandi and Jupiter is powerful.

Confirm the above combinations in divisional charts also as it gives the micro picture of the related event. If you have atleast 3-4 combinations from the above you are more likely to adopt a child.

Child Adoption in My Birth Chart Astrology in India

Adopting a Child without consent

Saravali 34.30. The 5th House contains Saturn, which is un-aspected by others and fall in a Saptamsa owned by Mars, the ascendant will adopt a grown-up child without the consent of natural parents.

  • Influencing of Saturn on the 5th House indicates the ascendant will not be blessed with natural childbirth.
  • If Moon does not simultaneously influence the fifth House, the native doesn't want to adopt a baby with the legal consent of the parents of the orphanage.
  • If the 5th House falls in Saptamsa of Mars, it indicates the violence as a method of procuring the child. It can show the use of force, army, police, or even the kidnapping.
  • Determining the Saptamsa of the 5th House required once you know the longitude of the Bhava. This is known by taking the longitude of Lagan and placing a point in the 5th House with the same longitude (as the Lagan). This point becomes the cusp of the 5th House and represents the core of the 5th Bhava as per the same bhava scheme of child adoption in the birth chart.

Adoption of an Abandoned or Foster Children in your birth chart

Saravali 34.33. If the fifth House is occupied by Mars falling in many of Saturn's divisions that can be in aspect to the Sun, one will obtain a son. The son is adopted by a stranger after its being cast off by its original parents and sage Karuna.

  • The Planetary combination for child adoption is a variation to the previous verse (Saravali 34.31-32). Instead of Sun, which is placed in the 5th House, which is owned by Saturn, Mars is placed, which are aspected by the Sun.
  • Child adoption, in essence, the 5th House should rule by Saturn (in Rashi, Navamsa or Drekkana), Mars, which should be placed in the 5th House (in the mentioned division) and at the same time receiving aspect of Sun.
  • Planetary Combination for child adoption, the child is abandoned by the birth parents who are adopted by the ascendant (showing kindness).
  • Such incidences happen very often event at current times.
  • One should get exhort under the following circumstances.
  • The fifth House by Saturn joined or aspected by Mars.
  • The fifth House by Mars combined or aspected by Saturn.
  • In addition to that, if Saturn rules the 5th House, placement of Sun, which indicates unusual circumstances. Placement of Moon in the fifth House  ruled by Mars is equally affected.
  • The case, which is generalized of this principle, is, combined, which are influenced by ownership, placement, or combination of Saturn-Mars-Sun or Saturn-Mars-Moon on the 5th House in Rashi, Navamsa or Drekkana indicated by some unusual circumstances of childbirth. In these cases, the fifth House should be ruled by either Saturn or Mars and not the dignitaries.

Adopting a Child from a Widow

Saravali 34.34. The fifth House fall in Saturn's Vargas and it contains both Moon and Saturn; in combination with both the Sun and Venus, the child will be affected by a widow given to the ascendant in remarriage.

Sometimes a person marries a lady who had a child from an earlier marriage. Then after childbirth, there is death or separation from the previous partner.

  • Sometimes a person who marries a lady who may have a child from an early marriage. Then after childbirth, there is death or separation from the previous partner.
  • The same incident can happen if a lady marries a gentleman who has a child from a previous marriage.
  • A person can get a child from the previous Marriage of the wife, i.e., the child of one of the parents, and the mentioned combination is present.
  • One should understand the aspect of a combination as it doesn't apply literally in most real-life horoscopes.
  • Saturn should own the fifth House. Moon and the Saturn should be placed in the 5th House. Venus and the Sun should aspect the 5th House.
  • The variations can happen in the following ways: (1) Moon adjoins 5H Saturn in any place, other than the 5H, (2) Venus or Sun should aspect the Lord of 5th House. (3)Anyone of them (Venus/ Sun) aspect the 5th House and another one point the Lord of 5th House. (4) One of them (Venus/ Sun) adjoins the 5th House and the other element, the Lord of 5th House. (5) One of them (Venus/ Sun) conjoins the Lord of 5th House and the other aspect, the 5th House.
  • Any kind of adoption is indicated by Saturn ownership of the 5th House. The placement of the Moon and Saturn meant some events of separation or death, while Venus and Sun influence or indicates the remarriage. Venus is the doer of Marriage, while Sun is the Lord of Dharma.
  • Generally, the Graha owning the fifth House indicates the reason behind adoption (Saturn= lack ability to procreate). The Graha in the 5th House shows the triggering adoption (Mars stands for abandonment/violence; Saturn indicates death). Graha aspecting the situation in which adopting takes place. (Sun stands for generosity, Venus stands for Marriage.

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