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Scorpio Compatibility Astrology in India

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac (October 23–November 21), and it's represented by the scorpion. A fixed water sign ruled by Pluto in modern astrology and Mars in ancient astrology, Scorpio (or Vrishchika in Vedic astrology) energy is mystical and mysterious.

Scorpio Personality Traits

Scorpionic energy often appears calm and subdued but is intensely emotional underneath the surface. We can begin to understand the depths of Scorpio by looking at Pluto—its ruling planet that is associated with the underworld, death, and rebirth. We meet with Pluto in our lives when we feel we need to cross a threshold, examine deep emotional processes, or find truth by delving deep into the hidden parts of ourselves.

Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning Scorpios tend to like stability, routines, and home life—just like their opposite sign, Taurus. We can think of Taurus as the natural world and all that is visible and Scorpio as the underworld, or whatever emotions, thoughts, truths, and secrets linger below the surface.

Scorpio is often associated with the eighth house in astrology—an arena that rules sex, death, and rebirth, among other things. Scorpios are famously discreet and even secretive, with an air of mystery around them. Other personality traits include fearlessness, boldness (thanks to Mars), passion, creativity, and fierce loyalty.

Scorpio Traits

  • Bold
  • Creative
  • Determined
  • Mysterious
  • Mystical
  • Passionate

Challenges and opportunities for growth

Scorpio's depth can create tunnel vision at times, and this is a sign that can be a tad obsessive. This means that Scorpio could take a cue from another fixed sign, Aquarius, and zoom out to get the wide-angle view once in a while.

Another major opportunity for growth involves letting things go. Scorpios tend to hold onto grudges, negative energy, or obsessive thought patterns about people or situations that have wronged them. Remember that grudges only hurt the grudge-keeper.

Finally, Scorpios would do well to remember that their friends, partners, and co-workers are not mind-readers. They should always remember to communicate emotions and talk about how they're feeling. Don't keep all of those secrets inside, Scorpio! Let them out to let them go.

Scorpio Compatibility Astrology in India

Challenges and opportunities for growth

Cancers have a lot of feelings, which can be beautiful-but there's also a shadow side to all of this sensitivity: Cancers can feel easily offended, wounded, and hurt. Teasing or criticism that might go unnoticed by other signs could send a Cancer into an emotional crisis. Many Cancers need to learn that in order to preserve their energy and mental health, it's best to not take things personally.

Remember that crab shell? Well, the urge for Cancers is often to retreat into their shells instead of face the world. For this ultra-sensitive sign, a major opportunity for growth involves learning to express their feelings to others. Since many Cancers tend to avoid confrontation or what they perceive as drama, they can come off as passive-aggressive-dropping hints that they're hurt rather than making their emotions clear. Instead of assuming that other people know why they're upset, this sign needs to learn to communicate openly, honestly, and often.

Scorpio in love & sex

A typical Scorpio is known to be intensely passionate, sexual, and deep. This sign is looking for someone to really explore new territory with—a partner they can take to travel to the outermost regions of desire, explore sex and sexuality with, and get to know on a deeper level.

There is a regenerative, explorative, and even healing quality to the typical Scorpio's sex life. In the bedroom, emotional intimacy and true sexual connection are just as important as experimentation and playfulness for this sign.

Scorpios are generally more interested in long-term partnerships than quick, casual flings. But thanks to their watery nature, they're usually more comfortable feeling their feelings than expressing them. If you're in a new relationship with a Scorpio partner, you might need to ask how they're doing and what they're thinking pretty frequently. But in time, a Scorpio will slowly reveal themselves and their true nature.

With that being said, Scorpios seek the truth-and if you're keeping a secret, they'll be able to tell. A date with a Scorpio can easily turn into a low-key interrogation session if they feel you're holding something back. However, all of this truth-seeking can be beautiful, as it leads Scorpio into deep and meaningful friendships and relationships.

Scorpio in friendship

It can be hard to "read" a new Scorpio friend at first, and they may come off as aloof, mysterious, or unemotive. But don't be fooled: There's a lot stirring beneath the surface! Like their namesake, the Scorpion, Scorpios are slow and steady but will sting when threatened. If you cross a Scorpio, prepare to get that stinger. The shadowy side of this sign involves holding grudges, keeping secrets, and seeking revenge. If they trust you, though, they'll be an honest, dedicated, and loyal friend who is always there to lean on and tell secrets to.

Scorpio in career & money

As in most areas of their lives, the typical Cancerian needs to feel secure at work. A steady income and a clear job trajectory are essential for their mental and emotional health.

Because of their excellent listening skills and genuine interest in people, Cancers tend to do well as therapists, bodyworkers, energy healers, or in any profession where listening, intuition, and care are involved. Cancers are also known to work well with children, so they'll likely thrive in any profession that involves taking care of kids and/or families. No matter their chosen profession, Cancer will make those around them feel nurtured, cared for, and seen.

Scorpio compatibility

There are no absolutes when it comes to astrological compatibility, but Scorpios typically gravitate toward folks who can help them understand the deepest and most true parts of human nature—and tear down societal taboos along the way. Here are their most compatible and incompatible signs in friendship and love.

Compatible Signs

Generally, the most compatible signs for Scorpio friendships and romantic relationships are fellow water signs (Cancer, other Scorpios, and Pisces), as they speak the same emotional language, and earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn), who they appreciate for their stability and groundedness.

Incompatible Signs

Air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) tend to be a little too flighty for ultra-intense Scorpio, while fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo) might bring sexual chemistry but not much long-term potential.

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