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Shrapit Dosha Astrology in India

The Shrapit Dosha usually occurs when the planets Shani and Rahu are present in the same house in your horoscope. It can also be caused when Shani resides in a house from where he can aspect the house of Rahu. This Dosha occurs because of bad deeds done in past lives. Shrapit means "cursed". So a curse acquired in a past life may also result in Shrapit Dosha.

Shrapit Dosh is also known as Shrapit yoga. The meaning of Shrapit is "Curse". When somebody has been cursed for wrong deeds and sins done during the previous birth or life. The formation of Shrapit Dosh is caused when Saturn and Rahu are placed in the same house. This dosha has been considered dangerous in astrology as it can disturb one's health, career, education, or any other thing in life.

One of the big disadvantages of Shrapit dosh is that it can counterpoise the optimistic effects of other yogas that signify the positive and wonderful outcomes in the birth chart. The individual won't be able to find the ostensible cause for the adversarial incidents happening in life.

Saturn is the ruler of the 10th and 11th house i.e. Capricorn and Aquarius. The 10th house in your birth chart is directly linked to the deeds and the 11th house indicates the materialistic gains, incomes, or revenues. It has been said that analysis of planetary positions in the natal chart also plays a vital role. It is important to locate the position of Saturn in the natal chart. It is very important to evaluate the strength, effectiveness, and character of Saturn before creating a horoscope. Saturn is considered as the Karmic planet and dispassionately plays a significant part in favour of the karmic deeds of an individual.

According to the astrologers, bad luck and good luck depends on the previous life karmas. Whatever the good or bad you have done you will be rewarded with impartial chastisements and judgments depending on your karma. During Shrapit Dosh, the influence of Saturn varies from person to person and thus the effect might be different from one person to another.

According to Vedic Astrology, if the impact of Shrapit Dosh is not lessened by suitable remedial measures, this dosha can be passed from one generation to the next. During Shrapit yoga, you cannot expect the betterment of the situations which are influenced by this dosh.

Shani and Rahu

Shani and Rahu are two of the Navagrahas or nine planets in Hindu astrology.


Rahu is known as the "head" of Serpent. It is a shadowy planet or "Chhaya Grah", which does not have any physical appearance. It is basically not a planet, as it is north node of the planet Moon. However, it can be considered as a planet in Vedic Astrology, as it also influences people like other seven major planets. It is considered as a malefic planet in astrology. It has only head, that's why it only knows how to eat rather than how to digest the things. It wants to eat more and more. It gets exalted in "Taurus/Gemini" and behaves like planet "Saturn".


Shanaishchara, commonly known as Shani, is the son of Surya and Chaya Devi. The word Shanishchara means "one who moves slowly". Shani is the planet Saturn. The ancient Hindu astrologers made a pretty accurate calculation of the period of Saturn's Sidereal Revolution – 10,765 days, just a few days off from the modern calculation of 10, 758 days. Shani is a male deity with a sword or stick (Danda) in his hand. His vehicle is the crow.

Shrapit Dosha Astrology in India


While seven of the navagrahas are physical celestial objects, two are not. Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets or Chaya Grahas. An asura called Swarbhanu posed as a Deva and consumed the Amrita being distributed by Mohini. However, Surya and Chandra identified him as an asura and pointed it out to Mohini who severed his head with the Sudarshan chakra. However, as he had consumed the Amritha, the head and body became immortal entities. The head became Rahu and the tail became Ketu.

Rahu and Ketu became shadow planets and were given the ability to influence the lives of people through their presence in the natal chart. In common belief, it is stated that eclipses are caused by Rahu and Ketu swallowing the Sun and the Moon periodically, in an everlasting feud as these two betrayed them to Mohini.

In Hindu astronomy, Rahu and Ketu actually symbolise the north lunar node and south lunar node respectively, coinciding with the intersection points of the sun and the moon as they travel around the celestial sphere. Eclipses occur on these points.

Shrapit Dosha – When Shani and Rahu Come Together

When Shani and Rahu come together in one house in the horoscope, or when Shani is able to directly affect Rahu's house, conflicts arise. This is because Shani and Rahu are polar opposites in many ways. Shani is seen as the Lord of Justice among the planets. He lives within rules and limits. Rahu, on the other hand, is a rule-breaker, he wants to test the limits at all times.

The Effects of Shrapit Dosha

As there is an intrinsic conflict of viewpoints between these planets, Shrapit Dosha also results in conflicts and disagreements, among other effects:

  • Delay in marriages
  • Conflict within family
  • Conflict between a married couple, frequent quarrels and disagreements
  • Could lead to divorce
  • Possibility of death of a spouse
  • Difficulty in conceiving and having a child, frequent miscarriages
  • Problems with the health of children
  • Education and career growth of the native might also be affected

The Effects of Shrapit Dosha

As there is an intrinsic conflict of viewpoints between these planets, Shrapit Dosha also results in conflicts and disagreements, among other effects:

  • Delay in marriages
  • Conflict within family
  • Conflict between a married couple, frequent quarrels and disagreements
  • Could lead to divorce
  • Possibility of death of a spouse
  • Difficulty in conceiving and having a child, frequent miscarriages
  • Problems with the health of children
  • Education and career growth of the native might also be affected

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