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Vastu for Business Astrology in India

The office is the backbone behind a successful business. Not only it is responsible for the good economy of the country but it also runs many homes. Hence, it is important that one's business should flourish. Vastu comes here for the rescue. Here are some Vastu Tips which one must follow while the construction of the office for a successful and prosperous business.

It is the dream of many to own a business and earn money because a business offers both wealth as well as freedom. However, many of us are not lucky enough to succeed. Besides, much depends on the Vastu Shastra along with the hard work to have a business of our own and make it success

We all wish for economic progress and work tirelessly day and night for the same. Some people earn money by doing a job while others opt for a business to earn money. It is the dream of many to own a business and earn money because a business offers both wealth as well as freedom. However, many of us are not lucky enough to have a business. Besides, much depends on the Vastu Shastra along with the hard work to have a business of our own.

It is not uncommon to hear from people that they are unable to stay focussed at their workplace. So much so that many people open their shop late and shut it early. It becomes worse when they don't even take the customers seriously. All this happens due to an evil eye and hindrance to the business. Besides this Vastu dosh is also a primary reason for such a situation.

If you are also among those who are not able to stay focussed at the workplace and keep anxious then today's post is for you. In today's post we will be discussing certain remedies which you can adopt to remove Vastu dosh from your workplace. Also, it will help you to focus on the work. This will lead to a prosperous business and the money inflow will also increase.

Vastu Tips to Improve Your Business Finances

These VASTU TIPS can be implemented both in your home and office.

Declutter Your Home / Office

When we surround ourselves with clutter, we program our subconscious with three negative messages; first we are not willing to move on in life, second we are too lazy to take up opportunities and three we lack discipline to pursue our dreams. The first and foremost tip is to clean and organize your office table, cabin and whole office in that order.

Activate the Main Door

The main door of your home or office denotes the personality of your space. It is what your customers or visitors see first when they come to meet you. The main entrance should be regularly deep cleansed. Pay attention to the dust below the door mat, dirt in the services of the door and behind the name plate. You can decorate your main door according to your taste.

Activate the kitchen stove

The kitchen symbolizes cash flow. The stove denotes your resources and wealth. Ensure that your kitchen stove is spic and clean and that all the burners are functional.

Incorporate flowing water in the North East

In Vastu, flowing water is connected to your flow of finances and abundance. Pay attention to the plumbing in your home and make sure there are no leaks or water damage. If there are plumbing issues, fix them.

Placement of moving water, like a fountain, can bring this flowing water element into your home. Be sure to keep the fountain clean, in good repair, and direct the water toward the center of your home. If you want to work with an exterior fountain, it is the best to place it in the front area of your property with the water directed toward the front door.

Vastu for Business Astrology in India

Activate the cash flow direction

Southeast is the direction of cash flow as per Vastu and Vastu suggests the fire colors; red, purple and violet for this area in your house or office. When you introduce one or more of these colours in this direction, you activate the cash-flow area. It can be introduced as a wall colour, wall paper or just a painting with the above colours.

Activate Opportunities

The North is the direction of new opportunities in life. In order that you keep getting new opportunities in terms of new orders and new customers, you need to activate this area.

Place a painting depicting greenery on the North wall of the office or home. This can be a painting showing a group of green trees. With this painting we are communicating with the Universe that we are ready to take up more customers and more orders in our business.

Activate Wisdom

With opportunities coming in, we all need wisdom to pursue the right orders and customers and do not lose focus on the business goals. Citrine as a crystal not only signifies abundance and prosperity, it also signifies Jupiter the planet for wisdom and big thinking. Place citrine stones in a crystal bowl in the NorthEast of your office.

Remedies for staying focussed at the workplace

Take 12 Gomti Chakra and tie it nicely in a red cloth and hang it at the entrance of the work place or your shop. This will remove any hindrance coming in the way of the business or work, the customer footfall will also increase and you will stay focussed in the business. The business will prosper too.

Cut five lemons on a Sunday and keep it at your workplace. Put a handful of black pepper and a handful of yellow mustard with it. The following day when you go to the shop then take these things and leave it at a deserted place. This will take care of the evil eye and your focus will also start increasing at the workplace.

After reaching your work station or shop make sure you clean it properly on a daily basis and start the day by worshipping God or reciting some holy chants. This will keep your mind calm and you will feel yourself at peace.

Another remedy that you can do is-- pluck a leaf from the Peepal Tree on a Saturday and after worshipping it with the incense stick; place it beneath your seat at the workplace. Keep doing this for seven Saturdays and once you collect seven leaves then throw them in a pond or well. This will help you to stay focussed at the workplace and you will start prospering as well.

If you feel that there is any kind of hindrance to your business caused by somebody and that there is a sudden decline in the customer turn out and you don't stay focussed at the workplace, then you should take whole alum and rotate it in circular motions (Vaarna) for 31 times in the shop. Post this, you should come out of the shop and go to a roundabout and throw it in the North direction and come back to the shop without looking back. This will help in resolving the hindrance caused to your business by somebody and the business will grow more than before. Additionally, you will also stay focussed at the workplace and you will start enjoying your work.

You must have understood really well with today's post, which is the remedy that can be adopted for a better focus at the workplace. Hope that you would like this post and if yes, then please share it with your friends and family. Also, share your feedback and suggestions in the comment box as it will encourage us to share more such informative posts for you.

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